Barkha Dutt

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I am not a big fan of politicians turning tragedy into opportunity, but I believe that which politician a victim's family wants to meet is entirely their decision.
- Barkha Dutt
Image of Barkha Dutt
I don't watch television news and, so, whatever I know is from online snippets released by various channels.
- Barkha Dutt
Image of Barkha Dutt
Wherever I go, people complain about what they see on television. Yet, if you are lapping this up because it's random entertainment or from morbid fascination, you are enablers.
- Barkha Dutt
Image of Barkha Dutt
The BJP promised that the end of Article 370 was going to be the close of business-as-usual in Kashmir. But if anything defines business-as-usual, it has been New Delhi's attempts at political engineering in the Valley.
- Barkha Dutt
Image of Barkha Dutt
Covid-19-affected patients cannot be orphaned.
- Barkha Dutt
Image of Barkha Dutt
To call the coronavirus a great equaliser turned out to be the greatest falsification of our time.
- Barkha Dutt
Image of Barkha Dutt
My father, a former Air India official, but essentially an inventor at heart - a man who loved to sometimes break machines just so that he could have the joy of re-engineering them - was a twinkly-eyed, ever-optimistic man of science.
- Barkha Dutt
Image of Barkha Dutt
Grief, like Covid-19, mutates and escapes the inoculation of both time and the reassurance of loving friends. It is less sledgehammer and more screwdriver, drilling little holes in your head and heart, leaving you haunted by the ifs and buts of your decisions.
- Barkha Dutt
Image of Barkha Dutt
India cannot pretend anymore that none of its citizens fancy membership to the Global Jehad club. We need to examine where our secularism has failed.
- Barkha Dutt
Image of Barkha Dutt
There is an undeniable need to stop candy-flossing the impact of fundamentalism.
- Barkha Dutt