Auston Matthews

Image of Auston Matthews
You want to be explosive, to get the advantage of the first step.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
My mom's side is from Hermosillo. It's about six hours south of Phoenix. I've been there, went there a lot growing up. I'm not really sure how to really describe it.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
The outreach of people in Arizona, young kids, families, just reaching out to me and my parents at the rink or wherever, it's always been really positive. You want to be the kind of person that they can look up to.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
I like kind of picking out specific players and watching what they do, whether it's in pregame skate or warmups or in the game.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
You want to do what you do best and play to your abilities. As far as that goes I don't think that's really a problem for me.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
I think I learned a lot just playing against Canada and Russia. Their rosters are filled with NHL studs and All-Stars.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
I want to be an impact player.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
I believe I can be a franchise centerman, a No. 1 centerman in the NHL. That's my ultimate goal.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
I take a lot of pride in my ancestry and where I come from.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
I love my family and they've been a huge support cast for my whole career, so I feel really lucky.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
I'm not a great singer at all.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
I'm not a big cook.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
My dad was kind of the one that, pushed me, I think in the right ways.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
I think it'd be amazing to see a pre-season game in Mexico.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
I want to be a leader regardless of if I have a letter on my sweater or not.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
I just want to play hockey and help the team win.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
I mean obviously the 200-foot game, play without the puck, that could always use improving, as well as everything.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
I think sometimes having change is good because it just brings you something new and something fresh that maybe you didn't know that you needed, or you didn't know that it would work out as well as it ends up working out.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
I try to be the best I can be.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
I would always go hunting with my dad, my grandpa and some of their friends. We'd hunt quail.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
I think everyone wants to get drafted as high as they can. That's the way I look at it as well.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
Playing against older and really experienced players really challenged me.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
My dad is a competitive guy. That's a part of me. It's just a certain drive, I guess.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
I think it's cool to go outside the box and try new things.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
The summer I was drafted, I think, I just spent all summer working on my shot and different release points.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
I played pretty much sports games. 'NHL,' 'Madden,' stuff like that.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
Toronto is a sports city, and hockey is the top of that list.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
Obviously I want to put the puck in the net and create on offense but it starts in the D-zone.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
I did enjoy baseball, and it was certainly something I liked to play, but hockey would become my No. 1 passion.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
When I'm playing well, I do think I can be a dominant centre.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
I'm going to have ups and downs and what I have to do is work that much harder and push through the tough parts.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
It's all about winning.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
I have to make sure I make an impact and in every way possible.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
I think internally every team has leaders, and sometimes the guy that's not wearing the C is the actual C, right?
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
The captaincy in hockey in general is a huge honor, but especially in Toronto.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
I loved my time in Zurich.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
I always try to set goals and just try to be the best that I can be.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
I think it's a tremendous honor to wear the blue and white and represent the city of Toronto and wear the Maple Leaf every night.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
Having a good regular season isn't really cutting it anymore.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
I want to score, I want to produce and do those things.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
I take a lot of pride in preparing for the season and representing the Toronto Maple Leafs as well as I can.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
The key when it comes to media is just always being responsible.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
I just kind of do my thing and let my actions speak for my words.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
They are really growing hockey in the Southwest. That's pretty evident with the team in Arizona and the three teams in California.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
My uncle actually had season tickets to Coyote's games, me and my dad would just kind of tag along with him when I was probably two or three years old. That's kind of where I first saw the game of hockey and I guess I just kind of immediately wanted to play.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
I've always kind of been into jewelry.
- Auston Matthews
Image of Auston Matthews
So, my off season, when I'm not playing a lot of hockey, I play quite a bit of golf.
- Auston Matthews