Austin Aries

Image of Austin Aries
I was thankful that TNA saw the potential in me and put me in a position to fulfill something like winning the World Heavyweight Championship.
- Austin Aries
Collection: Thankful
Image of Austin Aries
We live in a world with fake news being put out there. You don't really know what to trust, and it's a real danger to society.
- Austin Aries
Collection: Trust
Image of Austin Aries
The more you control where your food comes from instead of relying on restaurants, fast food joints, convenience stores and other processed sources, the better off you're going to be.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
In my opinion nobody owns the patent on the art form of professional wrestling and the way it does its business.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
I love pizza hands down.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
I like nice food. Some people like cars, nice clothes, a nice house, and I like that stuff, but I like nice foods.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
As long as I can get Bobby Heenan in my corner, then I'm a happy man because, to me, Bobby Heenan is one of the most underrated performers of all time. He's in my top five of all time performers because I don't think people realize just how good he was.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
At the end of the day, you can change coaches and managers and players, but if there's something intrinsic, something wrong, then you have to look at what the common denominator is, and, usually, you've got to look at the ownership because everything runs from there.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
I'm kind of a skeptic at heart.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
You always have to keep evolving. You're always trying to improve. If you're at a standstill, you're falling behind.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
I think that once I started connecting dots of where my food was coming from and the reality of that, as opposed to maybe what you think it is as a little kid, and the realities of how my food was getting to my plate and what the real effects of that are. When I started connecting those dots, I couldn't disconnect them.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
From the moment I became a free agent, the WWE opportunity was the one I wanted. Obviously, there were strong plays made by some other companies, but in the end, when WWE offered me an opportunity, I could not turn it down.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
I competed at 'WrestleMania 33,' and I'm telling you, leading up to what should have been the biggest moment of my life, I couldn't find an ounce of joy.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
I think that weight divisions in wrestling is a little silly as we never adhere to them.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
The perception is if you are not 206lbs then you can't be considered main event talent, which is foolish.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
As far as being the longest-reigning X Division champion, it's a pretty remarkable achievement, due to all the men who have held it over the years.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
Right before I came back to TNA, I had made the decision to just sort of step away from wrestling. Therefore I really walked into TNA holding nothing back and let the chips fall where they fell.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
I've been Austin almost half my life. In almost every public setting, that's why I'm there - to be Austin Aries.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
I was a choir boy my whole life.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
Sometimes it can be easy to forget where your roots are or where you came from.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
Wisconsin will always be home to me in a nostalgic kind of way.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
I always say men's facial hair is kind of like women's makeup. We know how to contour our face real nice and give ourselves nice angles and make our nose look not quite as crooked as it is.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
The connector part of the mustache to the beard wasn't always really strong for me. That's kind of how it morphed, and that's kind of how my beard comes in.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
Obviously, you'd like your titles to be defended at major pay-per-views. I think most fans would agree with that although it doesn't mean that always has to be the case.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
I think it's funny, if you look at Brian Cage, the guy calls himself 'The Machine.' 265 lbs and spends a lot of time in the gym and eating chicken breasts. The guy comes in Impact Wrestling and instead of going after a guy like Moose or Killer Kross, who is he beating up? A bunch of guys half his size? Walking around like he's a big man.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
I was the X-Division champion and competing against guys mostly my size, and I dominated them.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
I battle with things like depression in my life, I battle with things like anxiety, I battle with things like attention deficit disorder, and I ignored them all.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
I just want to be the greatest man that I can be while I'm alive, and in that, you have to find the truth. Find the hard truth about yourself.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
I have a backbone; that doesn't make me a heel. That makes me the biggest babyface there is.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
I've been trying to make it my own way in an industry full of heels walking around in babyface costumes, and that brought out the worst in me.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
Every time Samoa Joe and myself have stepped in the ring, we've always created a little bit of magic.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
WWE is the biggest entity in professional wrestling and if you want to prove yourself to be one of the greatest or one of the best, then that's the only place you can do it.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
I think it's always good to have realistic short term goals and then lofty longer term goals.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
I've always felt that wherever I go, I have to carry myself like I'm a main event guy and like I'm a star.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
Chris Jericho is a guy who I grew up really appreciating what he did in the ring.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
When I first started training, I guess the fact that I was undersized, it just didn't register initially. Obviously, I knew I wasn't huge and there were some bigger guys in the territories at the time, but I guess I never looked at it as a hinderance.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
Is it supposed to be a championship for a certain style of wrestlers? For wrestlers under a certain weight limit? I think over the years the one thing that has held the X-Division from being in a certain spot is that it doesn't have a definition.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
I'm not going to lie. I'd love to have the mic in my hand opposite of Dixie Carter in the ring and say my piece, say what's on my mind. And if she's willing to sit there and listen to it, I think it could make for some great television.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
What the general public doesn't always understand is that wrestlers often only have hours to put things together, not days or weeks, except in certain cases.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
At the end of the day everyone has different goals. Some people, like myself, are trying to keep size on. Some people might come in and have the opposite. So, one size doesn't fit all for nutrition.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
There's nothing more I hate than a wrestling snob.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
Go fail or succeed on your own merits, be your own man.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
I always wanted facial hair as soon as I could get it.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
Sometimes the best thing to do is to take a step back and get a little bit of a different perspective and re-evaluate things.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
I've accomplished every goal I've set out to. I've traveled the world, I've competed in just about every promotion there is.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
I'm very stubborn and I don't like to lose.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
For me, from day one, I don't think I realized that I was considered undersized, but I knew I was good. I had certain tools in my toolbox that other guys didn't have, like agility, quickness and explosiveness.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
It was always important for me not to be pigeonholed as a cruiserweight-style wrestler.
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
I figure no matter what interview I do, the real good 'journalists' are going to find the completely irrelevant quotes that will drum up some controversy and stick it on their page to get some clicks and completely miss the real context of what the interview is about. That's what we do nowadays and call it 'journalism.'
- Austin Aries
Image of Austin Aries
One of the things people always ask me is, isn't it expensive to eat healthy or vegan? It can be, but isn't it expensive to live in a nice house or drive a nice car or wear nice clothes?
- Austin Aries