Ato Essandoh

Image of Ato Essandoh
'Copper' is my first period piece. It's funny because I've been doing a lot of episodes of 'Elementary' with Johnny Lee Miller and Lucy Liu; they keep bringing me back on the show, and so I go from being an outstanding black doctor to being a kind of hood, ex-car thief who went through rehab in 'Elementary.'
- Ato Essandoh
Collection: Funny
Image of Ato Essandoh
Quentin Tarantino and Sam Jackson are the reasons I'm an actor.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
I was in chemical engineering at Cornell University. My girlfriend at the time dared me to do a play. I knew there was something I wanted, not necessarily engineering.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
What's nice about having an engineering degree is everybody thinks you are smart.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
My parents are from Ghana. Until I was 17, I thought you had to go to college. I had no idea. I didn't know it was not an option.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
Another benefit of going to Cornell is that 90 percent of your friends are doctors.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
When you're a guest star on a movie or a TV show, I always say it's like being invited to a family reunion, but it's not your family. So you don't belong - they're being nice to you, but you don't fit in completely; you don't know everybody's story. You don't have a history.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
Once you get my snark going, I'll just start snarking it up all over Twitter.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
I have a theater company that I'm a part of, Colt Coeur, and they do some really rad projects.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
White artists have made millions of dollars off music they stole from black artists. I don't blame all the white artists. I'm a huge Stevie Ray Vaughn fan, and he was always very gracious about where he learned his music. But a lot of the time, you'd think the white guys thought it up. Hey, hasn't anyone heard of Muddy Waters?
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
When people say Jerry Lee Lewis invented rock n' roll, they forget Little Richard. People talk about Elvis Presley and forget he was singing black music. I don't blame Elvis. It was the music business figuring it could make more money from this music if it weren't presented from the original source.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
Macklemore gets a Grammy over Kendrick Lamar. I still can't get over that. But again, it's not Macklemore's fault. It's the way of the country.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
You look at how Barack Obama has had to conduct himself as President. It reminds me of Jackie Robinson, how he had to be very careful to reassure people that this was all right. And you still have people trying to tear him down. They make up all sorts of lies, with the goal of making him seem illegitimate.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
I'd never thought about acting as a job. I was an engineer; I was in science and technology. I loved movies and television growing up, but I'd never thought about it as, 'Oh, that guy Denzel Washington is employed as an actor.'
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
The Chinese Student Association at Cornell put together their own play. It was all Asian people in the cast except for me, because they wanted to do a couple of scenes about an interracial relationship. I was the only non-Asian person on stage; the entire audience was Asian apart from my 10 friends that showed up.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
My dad, when he was young, did Shakespeare in school, and my mom was a little bit of an artist, but everybody was pragmatic.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
When 'Goodfellas' is on TNT, and they've taken out all the curse words and put Tide commercials in the middle of it, I'll still watch 'Goodfellas' because it's that great of a movie.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
If you get too deep into the history, what often happens to a lot of us actors is that we become stilted. We forget that we're reading about something that happened a hundred years ago. If we don't put the human emotion that would naturally be in there, we end up being stilted instead of being human beings.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
I have the softest beard in the world. As far as growing it, it doesn't itch, and it's so non-intrusive. But, I am so sick of hair on my face and on my head. Because I'm not a really hairy guy, I'm not really used to it.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
I was a chemical engineer in school. And, randomly, an ex-girlfriend dared me to do a play.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
Traveling, I've met Ghanaian people who have seen me in minor stuff, but they see the name Ato Essandoh, and they recognize it as a Ghanaian name. They come up to me and are always so excited. You don't think about it, but they really absorb American culture.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
I love the notion of a dude sitting there with an untuned guitar tapping his foot and just singing his passion out; that's what got me into music in the first place.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
The first time I ever heard the blues, my parents had a stack of records that they weren't using anymore. I found them when I was ten; I didn't know what it was. But I found Lightnin' Hopkins.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
It's not selling out, necessarily, to do something to gain some kind of notoriety that gives you the cache to do be able to go and do something else that you want. There's some dues that you just have to pay in life.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
A really good impressionist, even if they don't look at all like the person they're impersonating, it's a weird thing where they start to look like that person. It's kind of odd.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
The first time I was onstage, I felt like the audience was breathing with me. I don't know if I was good or not; I just knew I was having a ball, and for the first time, I felt I belonged somewhere.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
I know I'm supposed to say this, but I really, genuinely think Matt Damon is a great dude.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
Jason Bourne is supposed to be really sneaky and spry, but as soon as he walks by, everybody pulls out their cell phones and starts recording. That level of fame is wild to see.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
When I tell my friends, 'I'm in the 'Bourne' movie,' they're like, 'Congratulations! Wait... is Matt Damon coming back?' I go, 'Yeah.' And they're like, 'Yo! Matt Damon! Matty D!' Everyone pretends they know Matt Damon. It's exciting.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
I grew up listening to blues and rock n' roll and other music, but, legitimately, the Stones is one of my favorite bands in the world.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
Everything musically, for me, there's two kinds of music. There's Prince and Jimi Hendrix and then Miles Davis and everything filters through that.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
There's some dues that you just have to pay in life.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
If you're going to sign a contract, there are things you have to understand you might have to do. If you don't, then you walk away.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
Just the little bit that I've learned about Judaism, I didn't realize how, dare I say, intense that religion is as far as all of the things that you have to know and remember and the ritualism of it.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
It's funny because as much as I've done Dr. Freeman, I guess because I shave right afterwards, people don't recognize me necessarily as Dr. Freeman, whereas a small role like 'Garden State' or 'Get Him to the Greek', which is the funniest one to me, they're like, 'Hey, you're that dude!' and you're like, 'Oh my God!' Which is awesome.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
I see it in a lot of period pieces where everybody is standing and talking, in a stilted, archaic way, instead of being loose in the world. So, I try to do a little bit of research, just so that I can feel like I'm grounded, but then I try to bring as much of my human understanding that I can, under the filter of it being 1865.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
I have the softest beard in the world. As far as growing it, it doesn't itch, and it's so non-intrusive. But I am so sick of hair on my face and on my head.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
I think I'm a good actor, but to replicate tens of thousands of man hours in surgery is really hard.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
Growing up near Scarsdale, I should have had at least one Jewish girlfriend. Maybe at some point it'll happen.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
I've never dated a Jewish woman.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
I never thought I'd play an orthodox Jewish man.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
All of my friends on the street we're Jewish. I went to a lot of bar and bat mitzvahs. I even learned a little Hebrew.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
You don't want to be a gimmick. You don't want to be a set piece, where people go, 'Hey, that's weird.'
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
I never heard about tefillin. I was unfamiliar with the deep history and ritual of being an Orthodox Jew. Before you get out of bed, you say a prayer, and then you get out of bed, say another one.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
There is more equity now in movies and TV, although I think its mostly because of changing demographics. It's not a moral proposition. It's good business. Shows about people of all colors are making money.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
Our next black president, I think, can be more like Muhammad Ali.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
You look at how Barack Obama has had to conduct himself as president. It reminds me of Jackie Robinson, how he had to be very careful to reassure people that this was all right.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
In a law enforcement situation, black people are not always treated the same as white people would be.
- Ato Essandoh
Image of Ato Essandoh
Every culture feels like their parents are the most stringent as far as, "We came to this country to work hard, we want you to be a doctor or a lawyer."
- Ato Essandoh
Collection: Country
Image of Ato Essandoh
I grew up listening to blues and rock 'n' roll and other music, but, legitimately, the Stones is one of my favorite bands in the world.
- Ato Essandoh
Collection: Rocks