Arthur Erickson

Image of Arthur Erickson
The innovative spirit was America's strongest attribute, transforming everything into a brave new world, but there lingered an insecurity about the arts.
- Arthur Erickson
Image of Arthur Erickson
The obsession with performance left no room for the development of the intuitive or spiritual impact of space and form other than the aesthetic of the machine itself.
- Arthur Erickson
Image of Arthur Erickson
The tourist transports his own values and demands to his destinations and implants them like an infectious disease, decimating whatever values existed before.
- Arthur Erickson
Image of Arthur Erickson
There is an increasing awareness of the interrelatedness of things. We are becoming less prone to accept an immediate solution without questioning its larger implications.
- Arthur Erickson
Image of Arthur Erickson
We are guilty for sending teams into foreign countries to advise them how to be like us.
- Arthur Erickson
Image of Arthur Erickson
We can appreciate but not really understand the medieval town. We cannot comprehend its compactness, the contiguity of all its buildings as a single uninterrupted whole.
- Arthur Erickson
Image of Arthur Erickson
We find Japan a little more difficult to understand because it has proven its 20th century prowess though the ancient traditions still persist.
- Arthur Erickson
Image of Arthur Erickson
We have today a fairly thorough knowledge of the early Greco-Roman period because our motivations are the same.
- Arthur Erickson
Image of Arthur Erickson
We regard those other cultures, such as that of India, where many people live and believe and behave much as they did 1,000 or 2,000 years ago, as undeveloped.
- Arthur Erickson
Image of Arthur Erickson
Life is rich, always changing, always challenging, and we architects have the task of transmitting into wood, concrete, glass and steel, of transforming human aspirations into habitable and meaningful space.
- Arthur Erickson
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Arthur Erickson
The essentially unchangeable established order of things, slowly disappeared and was forgotten for a while completely...
- Arthur Erickson
Collection: Artist
Image of Arthur Erickson
There is a single thread of attitude, a single direction of flow, that joins our present time to it's early burgeoning in Mediterranean civilization...
- Arthur Erickson
Collection: Attitude
Image of Arthur Erickson
Does an architecture to assuage the spirit have a place in all this? Unfortunately we are no longer the interpreters of our culture's myths but the followers of that dubious client, the developer, who has little patience with the art of architecture, the fine detail and obscure promise, which can upset his financial activity.
- Arthur Erickson
Collection: Doe
Image of Arthur Erickson
We are not peddlers of the fashionable. We believe that good design defies fashion, is truly innovative, eminently sensible, yet a source of inspiration to those who have the pleasure of living with it.
- Arthur Erickson
Collection: Fashion
Image of Arthur Erickson
God's designs may be frequent justification for our actions, but it is we, the "self-made men", who take the credit.
- Arthur Erickson
Collection: Artist
Image of Arthur Erickson
We regard those other cultures such as that of India, where many people live and believe and behave much as they did 1000 or 2000 years ago - as "undeveloped".
- Arthur Erickson
Collection: Believe