Arjen Robben

Image of Arjen Robben
The best thing about football, and sport in general, is that if you suffer a big disappointment, then there is no better feeling than coming back the following year and doing well.
- Arjen Robben
Image of Arjen Robben
A break in the middle of the season is good for everybody.
- Arjen Robben
Image of Arjen Robben
Attackers have to be selfish on the pitch occasionally, but it's important not to exaggerate.
- Arjen Robben
Image of Arjen Robben
Forwards do a lot of things intuitively.
- Arjen Robben
Image of Arjen Robben
Bayern had no international success in the years before I joined, and my goal was actually to play at the best possible level, which would have meant winning the Champions League.
- Arjen Robben
Image of Arjen Robben
Always, if you win prizes and are successful, of course expectations are higher, at Bayern especially.
- Arjen Robben
Image of Arjen Robben
The Champions League is very difficult - there are so many big teams in Europe, and one bad day, and you can be out.
- Arjen Robben
Image of Arjen Robben
I think that in each stage of your career, you need certain things to improve your game and to develop your style of play.
- Arjen Robben
Image of Arjen Robben
In my period at Chelsea, I was sometimes the one who switched sides because we were playing with two left-footed guys on the wings with myself and Damian Duff.
- Arjen Robben
Image of Arjen Robben
I have two speeds. Fast and faster. I don't just run. I take it.
- Arjen Robben
Collection: Soccer
Image of Arjen Robben
Messi is on another planet.
- Arjen Robben
Collection: Messi
Image of Arjen Robben
Maybe Louis does have a golden willy.
- Arjen Robben
Collection: Football
Image of Arjen Robben
I really don't see myself in the Europa League and don't want to play in it. I couldn't care less about winning the trophy.
- Arjen Robben
Collection: Winning
Image of Arjen Robben
I am a big admirer of Paul Scholes, he is one of the best players of his generation.
- Arjen Robben
Collection: Player
Image of Arjen Robben
Nowhere in the world do supporters love their clubs more than in England. England is paradise to play in.
- Arjen Robben
Collection: Play
Image of Arjen Robben
Manchester United? That's not an option. I am staying at Bayern Munich. Period. I had a great time under Van Gaal at Bayern, he has been very important for my career but I am very happy at my current club.
- Arjen Robben
Collection: Careers