Ariana DeBose

Image of Ariana DeBose
I'd love to make movies, the challenge of it. They're almost always shot out of order, so you have to figure out where your character is in a moment, even if you haven't yet shot the moment that got you to that place.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
I've danced for camera before, done a few TV gigs, and I loved it.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
I actually thought I was going to be a politician. I like people and I like to argue, and I like to help others, which, to me, sounds like a politician, but only if you're doing it for the right reasons.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
When I first moved to New York, you know, I was a starving artist.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
I'm queer, I'm Afro-Lat, I'm biracial. I have so many different labels. I'm like, Good Lord - I am America. I belong to damn near every single marginalized community in one way or another.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
You cannot just boil down what it is to be Latino in one thing.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
We just need to love each other.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
My entire career has been people trying to put me in boxes.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
I like to disappear and watch people. I get my best ideas from watching other people.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
It's really fascinating how society has chosen to view or define what it is to be Latino. Latinos are not a monolith. There's no one way to present.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
There were many people like myself who never really imagined that women who identify as queer or lesbian would ever be romantic leads.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
You should be able to dance with who you want to dance with at your prom and be celebrated for it.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
To be recognized by your fellow actors, that's real special.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
It is surreal. It's wild. I will never not be 'Golden Globe-winner Ariana DeBose' now, you know?
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
Broadway shows, you can do them for years and that's great. It's not my style, personally.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
As much as I'm an artist, I consider myself a business person of sorts.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
I made a very conscious decision to get to know the business of my business.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
After a while you also learn you can't change everyone's mind. That's on them.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
Much like identity, my relationship with my body and my style evolves.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
I'm a woman. I fluctuate, I bloat - one day I'm curvy, one day I'm lean. That doesn't mean that there aren't days where I wake up with a bit of body dysmorphia or feel self-conscious, but that's part of the human experience, so I try to choose clothes that embrace and flatter the body that I have.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
I work with brands that see me, that honour all body types, that are powerful.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
I work with brands where we can find a shared creativity where I'm inspiring them and they're inspiring me.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
That's really special when you can watch a work of art change the world.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
I had been involved in the development process of 'Hamilton' for quite a number of years before we brought it to Broadway.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
I had grown up watching the Tonys on the television. I think every sensible theater geek is watching that opening number, dreaming of participating in it one day.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
I would tell any and all young people who are curious about a life in the performing arts to stay curious, stay humbled, and always remember to bring the energy in the room that you would want to work in.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
We didn't speak Spanish at home. My mother is an educator and a glorious white woman, and I love the upbringing that she gave me. The way she tried to keep my Latinidad alive in me was through art.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
I have to celebrate my Afro-Latinidad, not deny it.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
My Blackness, my Latinidad, and my queerness all resonate in me equally and can't be separated from each other.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
I'm not really a fussy red carpet kind of girl.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
I speak dance better than I speak English.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
That's what I do best - communicate through movement.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
I grew up as a competitive dancer.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
Dancers do not progress to become leading ladies. We become well-respected ensemblists. When I left 'Hamilton,' I realized that if I wanted to be taken seriously, I had to go in and sing just as well as the singers who move - and not only that, I needed to try to be better than them because I'm a woman of color.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
I was cornered in a bathroom at a Hollywood event and someone told me I took their job from them. And that, to me, was an only-in-Hollywood moment. That never happened to me in high school - no one ever cornered me and said, 'You took my boyfriend.' I guess I didn't have that problem.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
We need more men championing women in Hollywood. I don't think women need to change. We just need to be allowed to do what we do best.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
There have been insinuations that I was given an Oscar because I'm queer and because I am an Afro-Latina. And that's haterade. That's just haterade. And I know that.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
I was very aware of who Rita Moreno was growing up. I was like, 'She's one of the women who sort of looks like me.' But, she is a white presenting woman. We are both Latinas, but we're different in terms of how we walk through the world.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
Triple threat roles are what I'm built for.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
When I think of growing up, I see dance, I hear music and I think of teachers.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
When I need to process, I move. In my childhood, it was the thing that helped me process whatever I was seeing.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
I dance colors. Music shows me colors. I frequently say, 'I dance music; the music does not dance me.'
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
I don't like work experiences, period, where I feel like I'm asked to fit a box, because my job is to discover the box and to define the box. That's my job, in my opinion.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
When I left 'Hamilton,' my goal was just to take on work that was more challenging, like, a leading lady, heavily featured role.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
I don't think roles for queer women have to always present in one specific way.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
As a queer woman of colour I've been asked to be more urban, as if my brand of Blackness wasn't quite Black enough. I think that's interesting. I've also been asked to be more butch, which is not a bad thing. But sometimes you'd like to be able to bring your sheer humanity to a role.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
I'm a Broadway girl at heart.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
I'm a strong-willed person, and once I've made up my mind, I've made up my mind.
- Ariana DeBose
Image of Ariana DeBose
My whole career is based on how I can continue to challenge myself. That's why I've taken each of the jobs that I've had.
- Ariana DeBose