Anne Lamott

Image of Anne Lamott
I've known for years that resentments don't hurt the person we resent, but they do hurt us.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
I quit my last real job, as a writer at a magazine, when I was twenty-one. That was the moment when I lost my place of prestige on the fast track, and slowly, millimeter by millimeter, I started to get found, to discover who I had been born to be, instead of the impossibly small package, all tied up tightly in myself, that I had agreed to be.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
I'd like to learn to meditate with more enthusiasm. I can sit down and get quiet for 20 minutes, but it just has not been a part of my Christianity at all.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
We must not inflict life on children who will be resented; we must not inflict unwanted children on society.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
I try to write the books I would love to come upon that are honest, concerned with real lives, human hearts, spiritual transformation, families, secrets, wonder, craziness - and that can make me laugh.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
Evangelical Christians and I can sit down and talk one on one about how much we love Jesus, and yet I'm not carried in Christian bookstores.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
All parents are an embarrassment to their kids. Often, grandparents are the relief. Kids don't have to resist you.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
I wish I had thrown out the bathroom scale at age 16. Weighing yourself every morning is like waking up and asking Dick Cheney to validate your sense of inner worth.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
The reason I never give up hope is because everything is so basically hopeless.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
Life is really pretty tricky, and there's a lot of loss, and the longer you stay alive, the more people you lose whom you actually couldn't live without.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
I don't have very sophisticated taste in music. I listen to a lot of folk music. I like reggae.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
For me, Jesus is my cleft in the rock. He is my safest friend, my safe totally loving accepting big brother.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
I loved every second of Catholic church. I loved the sickly sweet rotting-pomegranate smells of the incense. I loved the overwrought altar, the birdbath of holy water, the votive candles; I loved that there was a poor box, the stations of the cross rendered in stained glass on the windows.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
Some people seem to understand this - that life and change take time - but I am not one of those people.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
We're often ashamed of asking for so much help because it seems selfish or petty or narcissistic, but I think, if there's a God - and I believe there is - that God is there to help. That's what God's job is.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
My mother might find a thin gold chain at the back of a drawer, wadded into an impossibly tight knot, and give it to me to untangle. It would have a shiny, sweaty smell, and excite me: Gold chains linked you to the great fairy tales and myths, to Arabia, and India; to the great weight of the world, but lighter than a feather.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
I'm drawn to almost any piece of writing with the words 'divine love' and 'impeachment' in the first sentence. But I know the word 'divine' makes many progressive people run screaming for their cute little lives, and so one hesitates to use it.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
Sometimes I think God loves the ones who most desperately ache and are most desperately lost - his or her wildest, most messed-up children - the way you'd ache and love a screwed-up rebel daughter in juvenile hall.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
The whistle is always waiting to be blown, and in some ways, it gets me to do better work.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
When hope is not pinned wriggling onto a shiny image or expectation, it sometimes floats forth and opens.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
The American way is to not need help, but to help.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
I just try to love and serve everyone, and bring everyone water, and lend an ear; that's what Jesus said to do.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
I've written six novels and four pieces of nonfiction, so I don't really have a genre these days.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
Seeing yourself in print is such an amazing concept: you can get so much attention without having to actually show up somewhere... You don't have to dress up, for instance, and you can't hear them boo you right away.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
The Giants are usually described as rag tag, kind of a great garage sale team, and the Democrats are described as the Mommies to the Republican Daddies; and everyone hates the mommies, but wait, wait - I didn't intend to get into the pathos and thrill of being a Democratic Giants fan.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
No one is more sentimentalized in America than mothers on Mother's Day, but no one is more often blamed for the culture's bad people and behavior.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
My mother's eyes were large and brown, like my son's, but unlike Sam's, they were always frantic, like a hummingbird who can't quite find the flower but keeps jabbing around.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
I see that children fill the existential hollowness many people feel; that when we have children, we know they will need us, and maybe love us, but we don't have a clue how hard it is going to be.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
I didn't write about my mother much in the third year after she died. I was still trying to get my argument straight: When her friends or our relatives wondered why I was still so hard on her, I could really lay out the case for what it had been like to be raised by someone who had loathed herself, her husband, even her own name.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
No one can appropriate God, goodness, the Bible or Jesus. It just seems that way.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
I would seriously rather be in a long line at the DMV than eat with people I don't know.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
I used to tell my writing students that they must write the books they wished they could come upon - because then the books they hungered and thirsted for would exist.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
I hate the summer.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
These days cry out, as never before, for us to pay attention, so we can move through them and get our joy and pride back.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
No one tells you that your life is effectively over when you have a child: that you're never going to draw another complacent breath again... or that whatever level of hypochondria and rage you'd learned to repress and live with is going to seem like the good old days.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
Summer nearly does me in every year. It's too hot and the light is unforgiving and the days go on way too long.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
I used to love to untangle chains when I was a child. I had thin, busy fingers, and I never gave up. Perhaps there was a psychiatric component to my concentration but like much of my psychic damage, this worked to everyone's advantage.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
I was the angriest daughter on earth, and also, one of the most devoted.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
I like the desert for short periods of time, from inside a car, with the windows rolled up, and the doors locked. I prefer beach resorts with room service.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
Being on a book tour is like being on the seesaw when you're a little kid. The excitement is in having someone to play with, and in rising up in the air, but then you're at the mercy of those holding you down, and if it's your older brother, or Paul Wolfowitz, they leap up, so that you crash down and get hurt.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
If our lives are made up of a string of a thousand moments, at some of those moments we look a lot more spiritually evolved than at others.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
Presents can make up for some of the disappointments that life doles out, such as it makes almost no sense and is coming to an end more quickly than ever.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
I was raised by my parents to believe that you had a moral obligation to try and help save the world.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
I went to church with my grandparents sometimes and I loved it.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
I was raised in a family where none of us ever raised a voice, so there was no room to express feelings of rage or even unabashed joy - a little bashed joy, here or there, or being mildly disgruntled.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
I am skittish about relationships, as most of the marriages I've seen up close have been ruinous for one or both parties.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
I was raised with no religious training or influence. Except the influence was to be a moral and ethical person at the secular level. And to be a peace marcher, an activist for civil rights, peace and justice.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
I'm much calmer as I get older, but I'm still just as capable of getting that strung-out stressed-out feeling of mental and spiritual unwellness.
- Anne Lamott
Image of Anne Lamott
I like to read away as much of the afternoon as possible, until real life rears its ugly head.
- Anne Lamott