Anita Pallenberg

Image of Anita Pallenberg
My son is very trendy and with-it, and he was the one who showed me 'Gummo.'
- Anita Pallenberg
Image of Anita Pallenberg
It's such a lonely existence, living with a rock n' roller. No matter how much he loves you, he will always love his music more.
- Anita Pallenberg
Image of Anita Pallenberg
Financially, I'm fine. But it's good to work. I'm not capable of doing nothing.
- Anita Pallenberg
Image of Anita Pallenberg
I grow vegetables - I'm a vegetarian; I've got strawberries, artichokes, leeks, broad beans.
- Anita Pallenberg
Image of Anita Pallenberg
I don't like the fashion world. It's too nasty, too rip-off, too hard. And now it's all Gucci and Prada; it's very difficult to make your own business.
- Anita Pallenberg
Image of Anita Pallenberg
I had several publishers, and they were all the same. They all wanted salacious. And everybody is writing autobiographies, and that's one reason why I'm not going to do it. If young Posh Spice can write her autobiography, then I don't want to write one!
- Anita Pallenberg
Image of Anita Pallenberg
I'm completely anti-establishment; the only thing I like about the Queen are her scarves and her jewels.
- Anita Pallenberg
Image of Anita Pallenberg
Before you know it it's 3 am and you're 80 years old and you can't remember what it was like to have 20 year old thoughts or a 10 year old heart.
- Anita Pallenberg
Collection: Time
Image of Anita Pallenberg
They looked at me like I was some kind of threat. [Mick] Jagger really tried to put me down, but there was no way some crude, lippy guy was going to do a number on me. I was always able to squelch him. I found out that, if you stand up to Mick, he crumbles.
- Anita Pallenberg
Collection: Numbers
Image of Anita Pallenberg
Fate, I respect a lot. I never regret anything.
- Anita Pallenberg
Collection: Regret