Angela Scanlon

Image of Angela Scanlon
If I feel a little lost or disgruntled or upset, I Google 'inspirational quotes' and I feel better. There is one for every eventuality and, although they're cheesy and I sometimes feel I'm turning into Oprah, they give me something I need in that moment.
- Angela Scanlon
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Angela Scanlon
I wouldn't get Botox because mainly I think it looks pretty rubbish. You still look your age, just more... Botoxed. A little frozen. Kind of stuck in gear. Shiny. Shocked.
- Angela Scanlon
Collection: Age
Image of Angela Scanlon
It's hard sometimes - to shake yourself off, say out loud the things you dream of - but taking that chance, that leap of faith, that bravery will always pay off.
- Angela Scanlon
Collection: Faith
Image of Angela Scanlon
In 2007, an ex-boyfriend took me to see The Rolling Stones in Slane. It was sunny and I was wearing a Topshop jacket and wellies I got that morning in Penneys. So far, so normal... until he arranged for us to be picked up in his garden in a helicopter.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
I save images of houses covered in herbs and shrubs and exotic leafy stalks. I imagine a domestic goddess living among the greenery. The type of woman who demands you remove your shoes before entering the 'space.' She wears a kimono.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
My inability to keep a plant alive is a source of great amusement for my friends. It's pathetic, embarrassing. I mean, I can't even keep mint and that stuff would grow in a barren womb.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
I grew up an Irish Catholic - which I now have mixed feelings about - so went to mass. As we got older, Mum and Dad left us four girls at home.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
Technology is a beautifully shiny double-edged sword.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
Double denim is a combination that has stood the test of time. Classic and unconventional at once, the workingman's fabric that has infiltrated the world of high fashion.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
I was working as a stylist when I was approached to talk about celebrity style and trends on some fashion programmes.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
I love tailoring and strong lines mixed with statement accessories. Although I do hobo chic exceptionally well on a Sunday morning.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
I like independent boutiques where there are niche labels that can't be found everywhere, and fill the gaps in high street stores like COS, Topshop and Zara. I also love Selfridges for the food hall and incredible designer selection.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
Al Pacino and Jeff Bridges do it for me in a big way.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
People feel quite cynical about a lot of TV and what is happening in the world.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
Robot Wars' is very destructive but on the other hand it is good clean innocent fun.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
Just coming home, shutting the door and hanging out with my husband and daughter is a great de-stresser.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
I spend more money in Planet Organic than I ever could in Selfridges.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
I always use the Calm or Headspace apps - even if it's ten minutes on the Tube.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
I have tried to do the vegan and vegetarian thing but the social awkwardness of it, from my point of view, I just couldn't cope with: feeling like I had to ring in advance and get a friend to cook a second meal for me.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
Joining the Radio 2 team is a dream come true, lazy Sunday morning radio is my favourite.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
There is no situation, no party, no interaction made worse by the addition of a candy-coloured wig, yet we don't do it often enough.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
Apart from flamingos, pineapples are my favourite motif. They're up there with cacti and palm trees as my most used emojis.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
Fancy dress is the best.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
There is a collective rejoicing when Beyonce pictures emerge that show her with a hairy upper lip and some mild acne; Cindy Crawford with cellulite almost breaks the Internet; it's like we need to see these perfect people with their perfect lives unmasked. To know that they're really like us, just maybe a bit luckier.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
In a world with a permanent filter, we are keen to peel back the layers.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
The ones who are prepared to reveal themselves and their lives appear to be the ones we cling to. They seem brave and vulnerable, their ability to unveil themselves - warts and all - seems oddly inspiring, if a little reckless.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
We want to see 'real' women. Women who represent us, who are the same as us, who look and feel and seem like us. Women who share our problems, our joys and our lives. We are not content anymore with a nameless face no matter how beautiful, a clotheshorse with a vacant stare will not sell anything to us anymore.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
In the world of celebrity, life is a bit mental. You are treated like a giant (although sometimes scary) baby. You are pampered and protected, people give in to your every whim, say yes to your every request because they're afraid you'll cry or scream or throw a tantrum and, frankly, it's embarrassing.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
I've always believed many people who are mega famous remain the age they were when they got famous.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
Frida Kahlo, a Mexican painter best known for her self portraits, was an icon.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
There is something utterly magical about a pair of metallic shoes, make them ankle boots and the magic doubles.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
Ideas are unpredictable and unreliable. You need to grab them while you can, whenever they present themselves.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
I have my most brilliant and creative ideas when I'm counting sheep. I wish I could nod off but instead my mind is abuzz with solutions and projects.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
When I have a night of fitful brainstorming, I embrace it. I open my notebook and let it all pour out.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
Dublin to London is a commute.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
If you become too aware of people looking at you, and worrying about what they think, it's exhausting.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
I always think I look like a bit of a hobo. I'm fine on the TV, but in real life I'm a bit dishevelled.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
I'm weirdly allergic to the idea of being a brand.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
We do it every day in every situation, no matter what weather we're talking about it. We go on and on, and on about the skies and the wind and the precipitation. We are obsessed with the weather. The way it falls, how it blows, is it hot, is it not?
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
Weather is the bane of our lives, a collective national obsession and the thing you talk about when natural, interesting conversation escapes you. It's our crutch and it's not just for biddies down the shops or the lads before a match.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
We should be used to the unpredictable nature of our weather system, the fact that low fronts and high pressure and the notion of sun, rain and snow in one day mean absolutely nothing because the weather likes to make an eejit out of you. It lulls you into a false sense of security, it messes with your head.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
I have always wished I was a twin. Identical ideally, so I could cheat in school, mess with people's heads and also have a full-on telepathic partner in crime.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
It is what we're made for. Exploring and discovering and looking.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
House of Hackney is one of my favourite stores ever.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
I've taken to downloading endless podcasts so I can educate myself without any effort whatsoever.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
Listening to the soundtrack of other people's lives and learning from them is a pretty perfect way to spend hours that are generally written off.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
All I can do is be myself.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
Your instinct is to try and fit a mould but when you are just yourself it tends to get you noticed a lot more.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
I don't work harder because I'm in the U.K. or anything. I just try to be myself and I don't think about how many people might be watching.
- Angela Scanlon
Image of Angela Scanlon
I love a good picnic. A posh one, not soggy old sandwiches in clingfilm.
- Angela Scanlon