Angela Braly

Image of Angela Braly
The myth is that women and their families don't have to make trade-offs to have an 'extreme career'; they absolutely do. How you prioritize your life and career is your choice. Once you make a decision, stick to it; don't always second-guess yourself.
- Angela Braly
Image of Angela Braly
We get talent and scale from mergers.
- Angela Braly
Image of Angela Braly
People won't buy insurance until they're sick. If you can call on your way to the hospital and get coverage, it's not really insurance at that point.
- Angela Braly
Image of Angela Braly
Frankly, health care and politics are 'inextricably intertwined.'
- Angela Braly
Image of Angela Braly
People have been talking about competition among insurers, and what they really need to be talking about is competition in the delivery of health care as well.
- Angela Braly
Image of Angela Braly
We really do have to get at the underlying question of health-care costs.
- Angela Braly
Image of Angela Braly
The most important factor in determining whether you will succeed isn't your gender - it's you.
- Angela Braly
Image of Angela Braly
Be open to opportunity and take risks. In fact, take the worst, the messiest, the most challenging assignment you can find, and then take control.
- Angela Braly
Image of Angela Braly
The weekends are really important to me; the use of technology is really important to me.
- Angela Braly
Image of Angela Braly
I'm not a politician. I'm a businessperson.
- Angela Braly
Image of Angela Braly
The most important factor in determining whether you will succeed isn’t your gender, it’s you. Be open to opportunity and take risks. In fact, take the worst, the messiest, the most challenging assignment you can find, and then take control.
- Angela Braly
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Angela Braly
Frankly, health care and politics are "inextricably intertwined."
- Angela Braly
Collection: Care
Image of Angela Braly
That's a good question. I think there should be many other women CEO s. It feels natural to be a CEO of WellPoint, and part of the reason may be that women may be drawn to healthcare as a profession. Women make 70 percent of all healthcare decisions. Women are currently available-ready, willing, and able-to be CEOs of major Fortune 50 or 500 companies. And I expect them to emerge as such over the days, weeks, and months ahead.
- Angela Braly
Collection: Women
Image of Angela Braly
Of the 50 largest companies in the United States, you are the only woman CEO. Why?
- Angela Braly
Collection: Women