Andrzej Duda

Image of Andrzej Duda
It is crucial to maintain the political equality among the member states, which is fundamental to the community. At the same time we have to counteract the natural tendencies to create a hierarchy inside the E.U.
- Andrzej Duda
Collection: Equality
Image of Andrzej Duda
If you ask the Polish people, I believe that a vast majority of them would say they are pleased with E.U. membership, but also a majority consider very highly the sovereignty and independence of Poland - they are very attached to Polish tradition.
- Andrzej Duda
Collection: Independence
Image of Andrzej Duda
Poland is ready to admit every refugee who arrives in Poland, fleeing the war in the Middle East, no matter their faith or economic status, provided that they comply with our legal regulations and want to stay in our country.
- Andrzej Duda
Collection: Legal
Image of Andrzej Duda
Not everyone is able to show courage, but human decency must be demanded of every person.
- Andrzej Duda
Collection: Courage
Image of Andrzej Duda
The truth about the Holocaust must not die.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
I am the president of Poland, and I will never accept Poles being insulted or humiliated or facts being distorted that hurt our dignity.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
We should do everything we can to demonstrate to the U.K. the attractiveness of the E.U.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
We do not agree with policies that would lead to attempts at easing sanctions or lifting them and returning to business as usual with Russia. We believe that such behaviour will only embolden the aggressive behavior of Russia, as the last 12 years have shown, starting with Russia's attack on Georgia in 2008.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
History is sometimes hard. We study it and try to discover facts.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
I think that as president of Poland, I can speak about the suffering.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
Without the reform of the justice system, there is no possibility of building a just state.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
Regardless of whether they voted for me or not, I would like Poles to say after those five years that I really tried to be the president of all Poles, that I tried to answer their needs, that I was such a person.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
In this part of the world, due to our historical experiences with the Soviet Union and later with Russia, we are used to a situation where Moscow tends to put the blame on the people whenever a tragedy occurs, rather than on the authorities.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
There are Jews who were born in Poland before World War II and survived the Holocaust, who think Poland and the Poles deserve an apology.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
I believe, and I have always believed, that these events on the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day should take place in Auschwitz and that this is the most important place to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
I'm sorry to say this, but Putin is spreading lies. He is doing this with the goal of removing Stalin's Russia responsibility for starting the war jointly with Nazi Germany. I assumed he is ashamed of that.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
We continue to advocate and demand that the territorial integrity of both Ukraine and Georgia be preserved... It is absolutely unacceptable that in the 21st century, Russia is shifting borders in Europe by force.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
Poland needs reform of the judiciary, but I am a supporter of a wise reform.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
I will never agree with statements that Poles as a nation participated in the Holocaust or Poland participated in the Holocaust. It humiliates us and hurts us.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
From our point of view having American, Canadian or British troops on a rotating basis in Poland and in the Baltics would be an enormous boon to our defence capabilities.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
Both Poland and Canada should be advocates of long-'lasting, peaceful solutions in eastern Ukraine, based on unconditional respect of international law.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
NATO should demonstrate that it is capable of creating new forces which would protect its eastern flank. It would constitute an enormous change.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
I find it very easy and good to cooperate with President Donald Trump. Because he's very down to earth, very concrete. He tells me what he wants; he asks me what he can get from us.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
What I find very painful are all these charges that democracy is really shaken in Poland, that we have been switching into some authoritarian regime.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
If someone is undertaking aggressive military activities in Ukraine and Syria, if someone is bolstering his military presence near his neighbors... then we have an unequivocal answer regarding who wants to start a new Cold War. Certainly, it is not Poland or the NATO alliance.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
We want a Union of free and equal nation states.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
No one from abroad can dictate to us whether Poles are allowed to defend themselves against slandering.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
Nato is supposed to be here to protect the alliance... If Poland and other central European countries constitute the real flank of Nato, then it seems natural to me, a logical conclusion, that bases should be placed in those countries.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
I believe it lies in the interests of Poland that our representatives are in the most prestigious positions, both in the European and global arena.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
The E.U. has to be a community, thanks to which we are more secure, stronger, and we can achieve more. It shouldn't be a structure which is associated by its citizens with prohibitions, orders and complicated regulations.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
I want significant parts of Nato infrastructure, important for the alliance, to be placed in the central Europe.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
There are some issues where we have common interests with Germany, there are some others that we don't... The diplomacy between good neighbors doesn't mean nodding one to another.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
I am an honest person, and that is why I can admit historical facts and I will never try to contradict them.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
Poles and Jews have been living on this land together for almost 1,000 years. Who can tell how much Jewish blood is in their veins? Nobody knows, so to talk about how to recognize if someone is Jewish is ridiculous.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
What it depends on is someone's upbringing and the traditions and that is how you decide if you are Jewish or not.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
If the Jews had issues with the Polish people then why during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, did the Jewish underground hang two flags from the bunker - the Polish flag and the flag of the Jewish people? Why? They did it because they felt part of Polish society and that is how we view them as well.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
As Polish society we cannot live with the term 'Polish death camps' or 'Polish concentration camps.'
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
I believe that the E.U. should be the union of nation states and that all deepening of ties between the member states cannot go beyond the limits of democracy.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
A lot of young Poles, very well educated ones, are living in Britain. They are working hard. Of course they are building their own prosperity, but they are also contributing to the economic prosperity of the United Kingdom and surely I can say - and this is underpinned by the economic data - they bring in more than they take away.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
Nato has always acted according to a simple principle: it is not worth attacking somebody who is strong.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
During the entire communist era, communist ideology was imposed on children. That was Bolshevism.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
I would very much like for us to set up permanent American bases in Poland, which we would call 'Fort Trump.'
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
There is a threat of Russian energy domination, especially when Russia mentions that it's going to build more pipelines - Nord Stream III, Nord Stream IV.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
Poland is a big European country. I believe it is an interesting partner where the United States and the U.S. business is very much welcome.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
I'm hugely delighted with the presence of U.S. Armed Forces in the Polish territory.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
I'm deeply satisfied with the decisions that were taken by Warsaw NATO Summit in 2016, where the presence of the military forces of NATO in Poland was guaranteed.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
Of course we have the right to have expectations towards Europe - especially towards the Europe that left us to be the prey of the Russians in 1945 - but above all we have the right to rule ourselves here on our own and decide what form Poland should have.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
I unequivocally repeat: marriage in accordance with the Polish Constitution is a union between a man and a woman.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
The best course of action for Poland would be to have U.S. troops stationed on its territory. It's the only way to guarantee the country's security.
- Andrzej Duda
Image of Andrzej Duda
If the E.U. formally becomes a union of different speeds it would in effect be formally divided into better and worse members and it would to a large extent lose its attractiveness for those countries that were deemed second class.
- Andrzej Duda