Andrew Scheer

Image of Andrew Scheer
We've seen the government give out subsidies to companies, those companies turn around and use it for executive bonuses.
- Andrew Scheer
Collection: Government
Image of Andrew Scheer
When it comes to protecting workers, labour conditions, labour legislation, the rights for collective bargaining, when you look at our environmental standards, when you look at our public disclosure laws and accountability and securities regulations to ensure that companies abide by the law, we don't have a level playing field with China.
- Andrew Scheer
Collection: Environmental
Image of Andrew Scheer
Some people say I smile too much.
- Andrew Scheer
Collection: Smile
Image of Andrew Scheer
I think there's a fine line between confidence and arrogance.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
I have a very inquisitive mind, and I like to know. Like, if somebody uses a term and I don't understand, I always look it up.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
I actually think Justin Trudeau's approach to label people who have legitimate concerns with his issues as being un-Canadian and intolerant - that is very dangerous.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
When we're the victims of insulting language and attacks, it's obviously going to evoke a response.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
The Conservative party believes Canada is stronger for being able to welcome people from all over the world.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
Every country in history that has gone down dark paths, where governments take on too much control and really intervene and take away those freedoms, often start with an attack on the freedom to disagree.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
Canadians didn't vote for a carbon tax. Justin Trudeau campaigned, promised that he wouldn't create a carbon tax.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
The Conservatives win when we have a positive message, an aspirational message.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
Whether it's Liberal or Conservative - any time someone has a perspective on what their experience has been as prime minister of the country, it's always interesting.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
Obviously, what we had under the original NAFTA was very good. Canada prospered greatly from it.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
The government of China has admitted that they've been involved in cyber infiltrations around the world and in governments.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
We would never accept a prime minister saying, 'Well, maybe I'll intervene and use a trade issue as a link to an independent investigation into criminal activity.'
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
No one likes when debate gets stifled, when these events get cancelled, whether it's a former president or prime minister of Israel, whether it's a discussion on a panel.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
The foundation of our democracy is the ability to have a debate about any subject. That is why I am so committed to defending free speech.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
I will withhold federal funding from universities that shut down debate and can't stand different points of view.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
I support the need for Canada to play a significant role in reducing global emissions.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
Part of what the carbon tax does is make Canada less competitive.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
Our position is that we believe that Canada has to have a comprehensive plan to significantly reduce global emissions.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
The fact that the Liberals killed Energy East - a pipeline that would have brought Western Canadian energy to the Maritimes - that is a lost opportunity.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
I've always been worried about Justin Trudeau's attitude towards trade. We saw during the softwood lumber negotiations that he failed to get an extension while President Obama was still in office.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
We have members of Parliament from all over the country, many of whom have a difference of opinion on some issues.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
To think that a Catholic bishop must answer to a civil authority over matters of faith is abominable. It is abhorrent to me, to other Catholics, and to every member of every faith community.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
More and more Canadians are seeing through Liberal deceptions.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
The Liberal Party has finally shown its true colours. I'm talking about the real Liberal Party: the tax-hiking, rule-breaking, perk-loving, deficit-spending, debt-mounting, virtue-signalling Liberals Canadians have come to know and despise.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
Justin Trudeau tries to say that Canada is back. I say the Liberals are back - back to ignoring the rules and abusing the privileges of power.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
I think it's a disgrace that some would allow extreme voices in this country to erase our proud heritage.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
We've seen in the past, Justin Trudeau professing his admiration for the basic dictatorship of China.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
We know that the government in China has been involved in cyber attacks before. I look at our partners around the world, our traditional allies, our NATO partners who are making the same assessment. We share so much with them and rely on their technology, their expertise and interoperability in many aspects of our own armed forces.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
We have to recognize is that the best way to improve the quality of life for First Nations and Indigenous Canadians is through economic development and activity.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
I believe very firmly that we can get to balanced budgets without raising taxes and without cutting transfers to the provinces or to individuals.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
I've got 12 reserves in my riding and have always been very available and worked very diligently on a few files. I've been out any time there is major events. So I've always had an open door policy with the chiefs and individuals on- and off-reserve.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
I think the Conservative Party has a great story to tell when it comes to relationships with First Nations. I want to be part of the solution-identifying process, talking about, 'What are the practical things that we can achieve that the Conservatives can offer?'
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
I've always been very passionate about issues. Being speaker, you kind of have to park the positions on issues and focus more on the rules.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
A single tax return for Quebecers will eliminate unnecessary paperwork for families and businesses.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
People should not have to worry about violence in their own neighbourhoods, but sadly, that is a reality that more and more Canadians face.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
We have a variety of views in our party, a variety of views in our caucus.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
I believe that the federal government should respect the freedoms that Canadians enjoy to have different beliefs and that by imposing personal values of Justin Trudeau on a wide variety of groups is not an appropriate way to go.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
We will not allow Justin Trudeau to keep spending billions wrecking our economy and then forcing local businesses - the very people who create jobs and opportunities in their communities - to pay the bill.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
I do believe that the U.K. over the years has given up a tremendous amount of sovereignty. The bureaucratic nature of the E.U., the different levels of government, the fact that court decisions in the U.K. can be appealed to a higher level of court in Europe, those are all things I don't think Canadians would ever accept for ourselves.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
I don't think that if Justin Trudeau came back from the NAFTA negotiations with a new clause - 'Oh, by the way, there's going to be a new legislature that Americans will send members to that will pass laws that will bind Canada' - I don't believe Canada would ever go for that.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
We have to be vigilant against protectionism and be constantly making the argument for free trade.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
When it comes to Senate reform, in general, I've always been a believer in an elected Senate and would hope to achieve aspects of Senate reform.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
We don't always win when we are united, but we always lose when we are divided.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
I cannot let Justin Trudeau do to my children what his father did to my generation.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
Conservatives have to be more than just Liberals who are good at math.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
Those who voted Conservative in 2015 were not wrong.
- Andrew Scheer
Image of Andrew Scheer
The pain and hardship the Trudeau Liberals are causing Canadians is just temporary.
- Andrew Scheer