Andi Dorfman

Image of Andi Dorfman
I love people who Instagram story themselves running and they'll tag me or they'll send me a message and they'll be like, 'Wow this is so motivational and so inspirational.'
- Andi Dorfman
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Andi Dorfman
I have always been into fitness but never into running, in fact, I used to despise it. I'd look at people that ran and think they were crazy.
- Andi Dorfman
Collection: Fitness
Image of Andi Dorfman
Never take a girl to the movies on a first date! That's basically like, 'We don't want to hear you talk.'
- Andi Dorfman
Collection: Movies
Image of Andi Dorfman
I am not a fan of running on treadmills because I think it prohibits you from learning how to pace yourself on your own, so I will brave the winter and run outdoors - and I'll be honest, the competitive part of me sees the cold weather as a sort of challenge.
- Andi Dorfman
Collection: Learning
Image of Andi Dorfman
I've embraced the single life and all the glorious independence it has to offer.
- Andi Dorfman
Collection: Independence
Image of Andi Dorfman
Life goes on after a breakup.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
I love matching workout sets. There's something about looking good and feeling good, as cheesy as that sounds, and it always makes my run seem a little better.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
The first thing I do every morning is make my bed. It's a habit I'm sure my parents wish I had picked up as a teenager instead of as an adult!
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
Belgium is such a beautiful place with so much history and charm.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
I think New York is a great place to start over in any stage. It is the greatest city in the world, you can be whoever you want and there is just so much energy here.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
You can't make a mistake by moving to New York in my opinion. There's only good things here.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
I'd be lying if I didn't say I pretended to be Carrie Bradshaw while I wrote from my apartment.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
Throughout my experience as the Bachelorette, I was shocked at the social media conversations that happened each week while the show aired. No matter what anybody tells you, you can't be prepared for that kind of criticism and opinions. You just can't.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
Experiencing criticism definitely makes you a little weaker at times, but in the end, it's made me a lot stronger. It's made me have conviction about something that I can stand for. It's made me want to fight for something.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
On 'The Bachelor' and 'The Bachelorette,' you are having a relationship - even though it's short and on camera - and with that comes many things, including intimacy.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
Intimacy is a normal part of any relationship, whether it's on television or not.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
When you have two very passionate, very strong personalities in one house and nobody can back down and nobody is that calming force for one another, it's a lot of emotion and it's a lot of tension in one house.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
I don't usually let my emotions get the best of me.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
I can't guarantee a husband, but by freezing my eggs, I can guarantee kids.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
Love is not guaranteed.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
It's scary to think I only have me to rely on. But there's something liberating about that.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
I mean, let's be honest, who wouldn't be scared to face a bunch of exes all at once all in the same room?
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
For me, spending an evening with someone is something I value and don't take lightly.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
I have such a strong sense of family, and I really valued the idea of meeting someone else's family.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
I think by now everyone knows I am a terrible dancer, but I am an equally terrible singer.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that I would become the Bachelorette.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
I know miming means to act without words, but the audience isn t supposed to be silent as well!
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
The truth was, I never liked the rose ceremonies. The cocktail parties beforehand are also difficult as there is so much stress and nervousness that's put on everyone.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
I run about five days a week.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
I always try and get one 'good run' in, which for me is about 5 miles without stopping. On most other days, I run so I can get out of the house and catch some fresh air or listen to some music or just escape the world for 45 minutes or so, and on those days, I'll still walk/run.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
Running had always been my main source of exercise, but I would go to classes at different gyms occasionally, but when those gyms closed, running became my one and only source of exercise.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
I'll definitely be doing another marathon whenever possible and I would love to do a marathon in another country some day.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
Growing up, I remember I played tennis competitively and I'd always like fake an injury to get out of the conditioning portion. I was never a runner.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
If I can become a runner, anyone can!
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
You don't want to be sore when you're running. So I wouldn't suggest you train for a marathon and do CrossFit at the same time; the two don't align with one another. When you're a runner, your body builds the muscle where it needs to build muscle.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
You're never going to get your best workout if you're feeling sore and you're going to feel sore if you don't stretch.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
At times, I feel like no matter what I look like, there will be body-shamers.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
I was training for the N.Y.C. Marathon and was really lean and people would tell me I looked too skinny and sick and that I should go eat a cheeseburger... Those words hurt, I'm not going to lie.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
When I post pictures of my body, I don't Photoshop. I have strong opinions against doing that.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
You're never going to see me in person and be like, 'Woah! She looks totally different than on her social media.'
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
As far as the diet goes, I've always eaten healthy.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
I started out as someone who could not run a mile straight. I called myself a 'run/walker.'
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
When I started running, I found both my physical and mental well-being improve tremendously.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
There are very few things that a good run can't help you figure out.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
I've learned it as I've gotten older, but just really enjoy your own company. Especially as a woman, that's something that's really empowering and powerful to learn. Feel comfortable with yourself.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
To me, running is almost like multitasking. You get to people-watch or tour a city that you've never been in while exercising.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
Strong is sexy.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
I think in college, sometimes we neglect exercise - I know I did, at least. I think about it now, and I'm like, 'Wow! It would have been so easy if I picked up running in college.'
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
I have definitely become a beach girl.
- Andi Dorfman
Image of Andi Dorfman
I make a concerted effort to go watch the sunset a few days a week, have a glass of wine, and take a moment to feel fortunate and grateful for the view and for my life.
- Andi Dorfman