Ander Crenshaw

Image of Ander Crenshaw
I work hard, and I'm thankful people recognize that.
- Ander Crenshaw
Collection: Thankful
Image of Ander Crenshaw
Energy cogeneration on Capitol Hill makes economic and environmental sense and should be pursued for those reasons.
- Ander Crenshaw
Collection: Environmental
Image of Ander Crenshaw
Time is money in the shipping business.
- Ander Crenshaw
Image of Ander Crenshaw
Claude Kirk was probably the most charismatic person I ever met.
- Ander Crenshaw
Image of Ander Crenshaw
Once our carrier fleet went all nuclear in 2005, we went from having two aircraft carrier homeports on the East Coast to one.
- Ander Crenshaw
Image of Ander Crenshaw
Naval Station Mayport and Naval Air Station Jacksonville are the East Coast home for the MH-60Rs, and the nation's P-8A fleet and Triton operations facility are based at Naval Air Station Jacksonville.
- Ander Crenshaw
Image of Ander Crenshaw
If we do not act quickly, Jaxport will fall behind competitors on the East Coast - and the economic engine that has driven this community for the past decade will be put in danger.
- Ander Crenshaw
Image of Ander Crenshaw
The IRS should and must focus on the most important and most egregious and the most in need.
- Ander Crenshaw
Image of Ander Crenshaw
I never thought that one day that this NAS Jax would be the center of aviation excellence in the Southeast and from pole to pole.
- Ander Crenshaw
Image of Ander Crenshaw
When you put all your eggs in one basket, you've got a problem.
- Ander Crenshaw
Image of Ander Crenshaw
We simply can't spend our way out of a recession.
- Ander Crenshaw
Image of Ander Crenshaw
The Jones Act is an important tool to maintain Northeast Florida's domestic ship repair industry, which is so vital to our Navy and national security.
- Ander Crenshaw
Image of Ander Crenshaw
I have had no concerns in the past and have none moving forward regarding the Navy's ability to effectively address any potential natural or man-made threat to Naval Station Mayport and any military asset located there, including any future nuclear aircraft carrier.
- Ander Crenshaw
Image of Ander Crenshaw
Each year, we learn that customer service diminishes. You may argue it's because the IRS budget has been cut, but I'm going to argue that it's because the IRS chooses to spend its funds in other areas like the Affordable Care Act, bonuses, and conferences.
- Ander Crenshaw
Image of Ander Crenshaw
A great deal of the work I do involves the military.
- Ander Crenshaw
Image of Ander Crenshaw
The bottom line, addressing defense spending cuts with a meat ax like sequestration will damage defense readiness for decades to come.
- Ander Crenshaw
Image of Ander Crenshaw
There's no federal government agency that ought to be immune from having to explain the potential financial impact of an action they've taken or intend to take. We deserve the specifics.
- Ander Crenshaw
Image of Ander Crenshaw
It is clear that United States immigration policy is badly in need of reform.
- Ander Crenshaw
Image of Ander Crenshaw
Claude Kirk could be hysterically funny and fearlessly bold, and he championed the environment, education, and diversity long before those issues were fashionable.
- Ander Crenshaw
Image of Ander Crenshaw
Ensuring ports are dredged is essential to securing America's place in global trade.
- Ander Crenshaw
Image of Ander Crenshaw
Larger Post Panamax ships are critical to securing America's position in a global market, and all our ports, including Jaxport, must be deep enough to handle them.
- Ander Crenshaw
Image of Ander Crenshaw
On the First Coast, there's a team of individuals working extremely hard for the future of JAXPORT. On the road ahead, I look forward to working with them to see that the Port is afforded every opportunity to grow and expand. The challenge is large, but we are all up for it.
- Ander Crenshaw
Image of Ander Crenshaw
I think anybody who looks at my record will say I've been trying to cut government spending and make government live more like families do.
- Ander Crenshaw
Image of Ander Crenshaw
The exploration for oil and gas off our shores can play a role in making energy more affordable and accessible... However, effective safety measures must be in place, and exploration must be done in an environmentally sensitive manner that in no way interferes with our military.
- Ander Crenshaw
Image of Ander Crenshaw
You've got to look at the promises I kept. It's not just talking about doing things: it's doing them.
- Ander Crenshaw
Image of Ander Crenshaw
I think leadership is something you earn, more through actions than words.
- Ander Crenshaw
Image of Ander Crenshaw
I showed people Republicans in Florida can do more than talk.
- Ander Crenshaw
Image of Ander Crenshaw
I'm usually torn by, 'What's the role of government to cure injustice?' Families, churches, and schools can be more of an instrument of change.
- Ander Crenshaw
Image of Ander Crenshaw
I am proud of the work we have accomplished for the citizens of Northeast Florida and our nation during my time in Congress.
- Ander Crenshaw
Image of Ander Crenshaw
I don't really worry what outside groups who score votes think. My job is to represent the people.
- Ander Crenshaw
Image of Ander Crenshaw
I can't think of a greater privilege than to speak out with legislation for people that can't often speak for themselves. And I know the ABLE Act will bring justice and peace of mind to millions of American families who deal with disabilities every day.
- Ander Crenshaw
Image of Ander Crenshaw
Every American has the freedom to choose a particular lifestyle, but that doesn't mean every American has to embrace a particular lifestyle as equally worthy.
- Ander Crenshaw
Image of Ander Crenshaw
I don't have any intention to be anti-gay or to persecute the gay community.
- Ander Crenshaw
Image of Ander Crenshaw
My favorite place is where I live in Jacksonville.
- Ander Crenshaw