Ana Ortiz

Image of Ana Ortiz
I was born and raised in New York City, Manhattan, uptown.
- Ana Ortiz
Image of Ana Ortiz
I couldn't have asked for a better kid. She's our own little Buddha baby so far. I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop to tell you the truth. It's like the calm before the storm.
- Ana Ortiz
Image of Ana Ortiz
I still feel like a kid sometimes myself so hard to believe that I'm a mom. Now I'm an adult! It only took 38 years!
- Ana Ortiz
Image of Ana Ortiz
Being in New York City is the best because I'm always walking, taking the subway and walking up and down the stairs - whether you like it or not, you're going to get exercise.
- Ana Ortiz
Image of Ana Ortiz
I will probably only give birth to two and then the rest will come to our family however it happens. I can only hold two, but you never know. I really want a boy because boys love their mamas!
- Ana Ortiz
Image of Ana Ortiz
I'm not so much surprised by the success of 'Ugly Betty' as I am feeling so blessed by it.
- Ana Ortiz
Image of Ana Ortiz
My family couldn't be more supportive. They're worried and they're always in my business, and my mother does send me grad-school applications every now and again.
- Ana Ortiz
Image of Ana Ortiz
I don't relate to that angst-y kid who hates their parents because they were horrible. It's just not my life and it's not the life of a lot of my friends.
- Ana Ortiz
Image of Ana Ortiz
I think New York is a really wonderful place to raise a child. There's so much available, and so much diversity and culture, lots of things to see and do. My whole family is here.
- Ana Ortiz
Image of Ana Ortiz
The most important thing is to find the balance between city and nature. I have that 'hippie quality' - my husband is a super-hippie Los Angeles boy - so we'll have to make time to go to Puerto Rico, and upstate New York, and be sure we get to do outdoorsy stuff like that.
- Ana Ortiz
Image of Ana Ortiz
My daughter's just going to be really hip! My goal is to be as eco-conscious as possible: There's so much out there for parents who want to do that. I plan to keep her eco-friendly as she gets older. I think we all sort of have to do it.
- Ana Ortiz
Image of Ana Ortiz
I have a rescue dog named Fideo, which means 'noodle' in Spanish, and a cat named Hutch.
- Ana Ortiz
Image of Ana Ortiz
I was really lucky. My gal pal was my mom.
- Ana Ortiz
Image of Ana Ortiz
'Ugly Betty' has been the most important thing I've ever done, easily. I was able to do more with one character than I can ever imagine doing again - Hilda was hilariously funny and emotionally deep... I really got to showcase what I could do with a character.
- Ana Ortiz
Image of Ana Ortiz
I'm passionate about mobilizing young Latinos to get to the polls, so I'm involved with Voto Latino. Latinos are a vital but underrepresented force in this country.
- Ana Ortiz
Image of Ana Ortiz
I take my dog, Fideo, out for a hike in Runyon Canyon three times a week. It's about 45 minutes round-trip with a variation of super steep hills and flat areas. He's always running ahead, which helps me push myself, especially up the hills.
- Ana Ortiz
Image of Ana Ortiz
I need to eat before a workout. If I exercise in the morning, I'll have a little oatmeal, cereal, or a hard-boiled egg with toast. If I go in the afternoon, I'll eat a turkey sandwich with cheese for lunch.
- Ana Ortiz
Image of Ana Ortiz
I think it's really important for my daughter to see her parents being physically fit and for that to be a part of her life. The examples we set for her will stay with her the rest of her life.
- Ana Ortiz
Image of Ana Ortiz
I've always wanted two kids. I've always wanted a girl and a boy.
- Ana Ortiz
Image of Ana Ortiz
I spent my 30s figuring out how to be a grown up, I guess. I loved my 30s! My 30s were really about being happy with what I was doing.
- Ana Ortiz
Image of Ana Ortiz
Latinos are a vital but underrepresented force in this country.
- Ana Ortiz
Collection: Country
Image of Ana Ortiz
They do say breastfeeding is nature’s lipo.
- Ana Ortiz
Collection: Breastfeeding
Image of Ana Ortiz
Ugly Betty' has been the most important thing I've ever done, easily. I was able to do more with one character than I can ever imagine doing again - Hilda was hilariously funny and emotionally deep... I really got to showcase what I could do with a character.
- Ana Ortiz
Collection: Character