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Quotes from Authors Born on 19 September

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You gotta risk it to get the biscuit.

Jimmy Fallon

Television host

What takes us back to the past are the memories. What brings us forward is our dreams.

I've lived in Monaco since 2011, but when I wake up every morning I still think, 'Oh my God, I'm living in Monaco!' I'm living in a dream.

I don't like it when people say, 'You're 45, so you should be wearing X and never Y.' For me, dressing is about attitude, not age.



To make a movie is very grueling at times. Long, long hours and cold weather.

When you are made to choose between two good things... Don't just think of what you'll get when you pick one. But think of what you'll lose when you don't choose the other.

I have no plans to go public if I get into a relationship. I will do my best to safeguard the privacy of the person I love and respect her feelings.

If a person is treated like a patient, they are apt to act like one.

Frances Farmer

Film actress

If you truly dig what you are doing, if you lay it out that way, nobody can not respond. That's what rock and roll is; it's relentless.

They get, you know, whatever they want from their earnings, and their earnings go into their own company.

Brian Epstein


You can take the girl out of Beverly Hills, but you can't take the Beverly Hills out of the girl.

Rain symbolizes darkness but also represents an essential part of rebirth.

I don't sign every check anymore, but I have my checks, my balances. I like the people I work with very much, but I check on them.

If I had no family, my wife and I would lead a much more romantic and nomadic existence.

I feel like Canadian movies should be as good or better than the competition because of the talent we have here.