Alexandra Chando

Image of Alexandra Chando
I have a couple of best friends, and I don't think I would live with them. It definitely... certain people can't live together, and I think that it could potentially put a lot of strain on the relationship or friendship.
- Alexandra Chando
Collection: Friendship
Image of Alexandra Chando
I lived on my own when I was living in New York City when I was 18, working on a show. And that definitely kind of grows you up a little faster than a normal 18-year-old in college, so I think so. I think I've got some street smarts.
- Alexandra Chando
Image of Alexandra Chando
To be in the music industry, to be in any kind of entertainment industry, you really, really have to be passionate about it and love it and persevere, because if that passion isn't there, it's easy to give up. If you really want it, the ambition is there, it'll come. It's definitely harder work than some people think.
- Alexandra Chando
Image of Alexandra Chando
'As the World Turns' was such a great experience and such a great school for me. It was better than any class I could have ever taken.
- Alexandra Chando
Image of Alexandra Chando
You're constantly getting rejected in acting. You get rejected more than you get hired!
- Alexandra Chando
Image of Alexandra Chando
I have a girl crush on Rachel Bilson. She's so cute, I just want to put her in my pocket. I love her style, and I'm fascinated by everything she wears, and I think she's a really sweet and kind person. She's cute. I like her.
- Alexandra Chando