Alex Hirsch

Image of Alex Hirsch
Gravity Falls' is a riddle wrapped in an enigma tucked in a mystery deep-fried in a conundrum slathered in hickory-smoked puzzle sauce.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
As a kid, I was obsessed with 'Calvin and Hobbes' and 'Bone,' and I'm certain that I've unconsciously ripped off ideas from both, wholesale.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
To see where I've stolen all my ideas from, look no further than the comics at your local comic shop!
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
I was obsessed with the Loch Ness Monster, I would look through these books in the library and dream about visiting Loch Ness one day... That stuff was really kind of what I loved as a kid.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
When I was a kid, back in the days before cell phone cameras, I had disposable cameras I took a lot of pictures with and I just remember something always went wrong.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
A lot of kid characters you see on TV are sassy, and snarky, and think they're just the coolest kids in the world, and are mean spirited.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
One of the nice things about not working on a TV show anymore is that I'm not on any particular kind of clock.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
I will say this: 'Gravity Falls' is a show about mystery, that itch you get when you're curious. That itself is a really cool, inspiring thing.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
I think twins can sometimes be shoved into the same mold and they can start to feel like they're not being given a chance to develop their own identities.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
When I was a kid, I was obsessed with UFOs in particular, and the paranormal.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
A sibling is a friend for life, but they are a friend for life that you are forced to have. And like anything that you are forced to do, occasionally people will drive you crazy.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
Everyone has days where they don't get their way, where you have to go to bed early or you have too much homework to do or you can't eat the candy that you want or you miss your favorite TV show and, in those moments, you just want to tear the whole world down.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
Gravity Falls' is a show about mysteries and magic but first and foremost it's a show about characters.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
Cliffhangers are a lot of fun, but I think they can be easily abused if you're not careful.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
I remember as a kid being scared of the things that go bump in the night, but I was way more scared of adults.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
When I was 12 years old, I was obsessed with codes, conspiracies, and secret messages.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
When you write scripts, it begins to feel like you're living in them.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
We passed a sign for Boring, Oregon. We never went there, but I was positively enchanted with the idea that there was a town called Boring. 'Gravity Falls' is partially from what I imagine Boring might be like. Or maybe the opposite of Boring, Oregon, would be 'Gravity Falls.'
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
I personally went canvassing door to door in a local race when I was in high school and thought it was kind of hilarious how worked up people got over such small stakes elections.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
Animation's a small industry, and no matter where you go you're going to meet your friends from CalArts.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
My mom is always right.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
I spent many years of my childhood pondering the great mysteries like, 'Are aliens real?' and 'Why won't girls talk to me?'
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
When I was 15 I did birdcalls on the David Letterman show, but I have since burned all video evidence of this.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
I feel like the best kids shows aren't just for kids.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
I always designed 'Gravity Falls' to be a finite series about one epic summer-a series with a beginning, middle, and end.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
There are so many shows that go on endlessly until they lose their original spark, or mysteries that are cancelled before they ever get a chance to payoff.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
When you're drawing from observation and experience, whether you intend to or not, you'll create a more relatable cartoon.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
I tended toward animated material that wasn't just for kids. I could tell as a kid watching those shows that I loved the jokes that I got but I also loved the jokes I didn't get because I felt that I was hanging out with a smarter, cooler audience.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
I think good kids TV has got to have layers. It has to have compelling characters that everyone loves, but you can't dumb it down.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
Not a lot of people get to say, 'I'm a cartoon character.'
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
With the finale episode of 'Gravity Falls' our job as storytellers is to finish all the things we've started.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
I feel like I've widened the interest in the automotive world.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
I work all the time and find it hard to switch off.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
I speak in relatable terms, without too much car lingo, so more and more people can engage with the car world. And I'm not afraid to ask questions on behalf of a whole community of people who want to learn but are afraid they'll be shut down.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
It's unfortunate when I see brands spending a lot of time and money on creating online content that hardly anyone watches.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
I always wanted to at least visit Dubai - it was a city that I loved to watch on the Discovery Channel. It had the world's biggest everything and clearly had a vision to stand out.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
I was just always into nice cars and the experience that goes along with them.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
I've driven Ferrari 488 GTB, the 488 Spider, the Mclaren 570s and 540c, the Bentley GT3R, GT Speed and V8s, Mercedes AMG GTs, Lamborghini Huracan, and many others.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
I've always loved driving, even when I was driving my very first car - a Mitsubishi Lancer.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
In Dubai, we spend too much of our lives in cars; we shouldn't be wasting it in something boring, but rather enjoy every minute in something we love and appreciate.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
When people laugh at social media it's because they don't understand how much work is involved. It's like creating any kind of content.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
I've driven cars worth $6 million and now I'm not as nervous because I do it a lot, but I have to keep my wits about me because if I touch anything or scrape one rim, anything could go wrong.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
Only one per cent of the world actually care about the full-on technical specs of a car. Most people want to know how cool it looks, what gadgets it has, what the buttons do, what it's like to drive and what it sounds like.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
I think Ferraris should always have roses in them, it looks amazing.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
The general population isn't interested in the nitty-gritty of cars.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
I want to try to have as many people as possible interested in my content, so it needs to go across language barriers.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
What people are going to see on my platform is cars from a different perspective - so that I'm still speaking the same language to the general public. I don't ever want to get too technical.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
A lot of celebrities love cars, and because they have the money, they get involved in the car world.
- Alex Hirsch
Image of Alex Hirsch
I used to cover track events for my radio show, and one day, as a thank you gesture, Bentley called me asked me whether I would like to test drive the Flying Spur. I was in dreamland.
- Alex Hirsch