Aiden English

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My mother-in-law Vickie is an amazing person and has been nothing but helpful and supportive. She helps with the little things, dealing with being on the road and being away from home and how to keep up communication and little things like where the best hotels are, how to find a gym, little things on the road.
- Aiden English
Collection: Amazing
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It's the immature mind that worries about what could be, and it's the mature mind that worries about what is.
- Aiden English
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Mustafa Ali's one of my buddies man, and every so often, he would get home. He would invite me over. We know a couple of people around town.
- Aiden English
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Obviously, just from being an athlete, from being a wrestler keeping in shape just in general is something that stayed with me even being out of the ring for a while, but then eventually been lucky enough to be here in Chicago.
- Aiden English
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You go through the door that's open. Sometimes, it's the path that's in front of you.
- Aiden English
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So I'll be honest, after the whole Rusev Day thing ended with more of a whimper than a bang, it was a little disheartening.
- Aiden English
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Even though I'm still doing the singing entrances, with promos and backstages, I was being me as a performer.
- Aiden English
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I got hooked up with WWE pretty early on in my career.
- Aiden English
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Prior to getting signed, I did a handful of like, small independent events around the area. I did a pre-show kind of match in exchange for helping set up the ring, setting up chairs and stuff like that.
- Aiden English
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I got my Wrestling With Whiskey kind of side passion project and I'm kind of turning into more content and stuff like that... You know just exploring everything in front of me and just trying to spread my grass.
- Aiden English
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Give me the microphone in the ring, on a headset, or tell me to take a flat back I'll do it brother. I'm ready to go for anything.
- Aiden English
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Obviously, anytime you have family or friends or anybody who has been in the business you're in or been down the path, it's an invaluable asset, an invaluable centre for advice.
- Aiden English
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I remember talking to Xavier Woods about so many things and vignettes and backstages and these stories we could do between our crazy weird characters and their insane, obviously fun loving characters and all this stuff.
- Aiden English
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Especially being in a tag team, you're not always in the same place together and you're not always on the same age together.
- Aiden English
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I'm just a fan, man. The best word I can come up with is an enthusiast. I'm a whiskey enthusiast. It really kind of snuck up on me.
- Aiden English
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I would always see my dad who was a big scotch drinker just enjoying his scotch with one ice cube or neat.
- Aiden English
Image of Aiden English
I do get a kick out of the fact that this 'Wrestling With Whiskey' thing has become known enough both amongst whiskey fans, but also amongst the wrestling fans that when something like that pops up then that's kind of the immediate reaction so I get a kick out of that.
- Aiden English
Image of Aiden English
We are in the age, obviously, of digital content, of the internet content. The one thing that I think this pandemic is going to do is going to explode this kind of digital content.
- Aiden English
Image of Aiden English
I'm really focusing right now on YouTube, doing stuff with my 'Wrestling With Whiskey' project, really trying to grow that because I think that's going to, whether we like it or not, be the future of a lot of forms of entertainment.
- Aiden English
Image of Aiden English
I just kept throwing out two or three major ideas, and then that was pretty much right when Tom Phillips came to me asking about the commentary idea and I ended up jumping into that, went down a rabbit hole I never expected.
- Aiden English