Adam McKay

Image of Adam McKay
The stuff that's going on is just so over-the-top, with the banking crisis and destroying the Gulf of Mexico, and the outrage hasn't quite caught up with the people yet. But when it does, I think you're going to see really virulent anti-authoritarian kind of comedy coming out.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
It's Will Ferrell, he does Will Ferrell movies. But if you really look at it, he tries to do something different with each one, whether it's an action cop movie like 'The Other Guys' or doing 'Talladega Nights' going into red state America or 'Casa de Mi Padre' or 'Stranger Than Fiction,' which is more of a drama.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
We lost our minds in the '80s and '90s; we really as a society just felt that everyone could only care about themselves. There was no responsibility to discuss what's going on in your town, your state, your nation. And it was a blast, it was really fun, but it doesn't work.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
I'm sure when they partied when Rome was burning, that was a really great party.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
I think I'm better than Mamet, I would say.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
The 'Police Academy' stuff was all hyper-slapsticky.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
David O. Russell is probably my favorite filmmaker. He's not only a great director, but he's also a great writer.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
Dave Herman as Michael Bolton is one of my favorite performances ever.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
Every time a pundit or elected official is on any TV news program, it should be a polite formality to mention that GE has made such and such billions off the war in Iraq by selling arms or that Murdoch is a right-wing activist with a clear stake in who wins and who taxes his profits the least.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
If someone busted into your house and robbed you, would you then forgive them if you found out they were a veteran? Of course not. So why are we forgiving McCain for selling out his country by supporting the Bush agenda?
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
Obama is the new kid with the weird name who people just sense is a little classier than his surroundings. He moved from a private school where he was class president and is now at the giant public high school with the metal detectors and the smoking lounge.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
'Firewall' seems both scary and protective at the same time. And how often does that happen within one word besides 'military' and 'government?'
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
McCain is the kid who was really cool in middle school but never got high school game and people are sick of him acting like he's still popular.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
If you're calling yourself a maverick and you're not Dirk Nowitzki, then you are probably not one. In fact, this rule applies to anyone declaring themselves a 'God-fearing Christian' or a 'Man of the people.'
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
I have no tax breaks or corporate interests to be supported by Barack Obama.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
Bush already gave obscene tax breaks to people like me and Warren Buffet, and we are saying it's not fair.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
The crush of lobbyists on Washington and purchase of the media by corporations has created a big business-run government and a worthless press leaving Americans screwed and ill-informed.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
Dick Cheney and Bush's rise to power were built on tons of money from corporations and a dulled press.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
The corporate right fires up the religious right against gay marriage and abortion and uses their votes to push their deregulation and tax cuts for the rich. It's an old trick. The House of Saud has the same arrangement with the Mullahs in Saudi Arabia.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
I got the sense that Alabama is a place where people don't want handouts and don't much care for people talking out of the side of their mouth.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
I was born in Colorado and grew up in Pennsylvania with family in Texas and Oklahoma.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
All we have is our vote. But it's powerful.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
Pete Wilson deregulated energy as a pay out to Enron, and we blamed Gray Davis.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
I can't exactly say why there's not much protest music to speak off. And I know there are acts out there still putting a message in their music.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
You know how in every heist movie they get past the security cameras that show the hallway leading to the diamonds by jamming the screens with a fake signal of everything looking safe and quiet? Usually a guard coughs so they don't notice the blip from switching to the bogus feed.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
The truth is, there's an information blockade in America, and it must be broken. In order to find crucial facts, numbers and outside perspectives, a person must spend an hour searching and cross-searching on the computer.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
Depending on what state you live in, you may only have right-wing talk radio and FOX or CBN with MSNBC three hundred channels down the dial.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
Every time a congressman or pundit says its 'class warfare' to increase taxes on the wealthy, it's a massive lie.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
Billions have been spent for one purpose and one purpose only: to obscure and distract from the fact that Mitt Romney is backing the identical agenda George W. Bush did.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
Voting for Romney after the train wreck of that was the eight years of W. Bush is like losing your pay check playing a rigged game of three-card monte and then playing the same game again a week later 'cause the cards are a different color.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
With the derivatives market larger than ever, we need way more regulation of Wall Street, not less.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
Obamacare is a private mandate that will drive billions to the insurance industry, much like the auto insurance mandate. Hardly socialism. In fact, it was a Republican plan to begin with.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
America is a country that prides itself on being able to identify a 'straight shooter' or 'the genuine article' when it comes to our leaders. As a nation, we can 'feel it in our gut' when someone is giving us a bum steer.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
After thousands of hours of news coverage, we have learned that Hillary is a liar and Barack is a terrorist or something.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
George W. Bush was a silver spoon dolt with no record to speak of other than bankruptcy and selling tropical plants, and we let him sail into the White House, but Barack talks about religious fundamentalism and guns being prevalent in poor areas, and we roast him for weeks?
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
I do have to give it up for Sarah Palin on one account. She is brave.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
Governor Palin leans far closer to 'spokesperson' than representative of the people.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
I always thought George Bush was more oblivious than mean, but oblivious can quickly go to mean.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
Benito Mussolini created the word 'fascism.' He defined it as 'the merging of the state and the corporation.' He also said a more accurate word would be 'corporatism.' This was the definition in Webster's up until 1987 when a corporation bought Webster's and changed it to exclude any mention of corporations.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
Nothing is more enjoyable for me than when I'm watching a movie or a TV show and there's that sense that anything can happen. It is the most fun feeling in the world.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
Nothing is funnier than confidently doing the wrong thing.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
I'm a huge hip hop fan going way back, like, back to '83. I had my Gemini mixer listening to Run-DMC and Kurtis Blow.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
Sony is the coolest studio. They are really amazing. I think part of it comes from they're not an American corporation. They don't work by quite the same rules. And their studio heads have a lot of autonomy.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
There's nothing more fun than making fun of what's sacred.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
I want to see Brian Williams with no irony wearing a mustache.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
Sequels are desperate.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
Word of mouth and the Internet are the only press we have left.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
When you do comedy, you get impervious to good and bad reviews.
- Adam McKay
Image of Adam McKay
Can anything good come of a backward way of thinking like judging someone based on skin color? No way.
- Adam McKay