Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 218

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 218 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Winifred Holtby
I can't think why I was cursed with this inordinate desire to write, if the high gods weren't going to give me some more adquate means of expressing myself than that which my present pedestrian prose affords.
- Winifred Holtby
Collection: Writing
Image of Ernest Hemingway
I've been wondering about Dostoyevsky. How can a man write so badly, so unbelievably badly, and make you feel so deeply?
- Ernest Hemingway
Collection: Writing
Image of Ernest Hemingway
There is a mystery in all great writing and that mystery does not dissect out. It continues and is always valid.
- Ernest Hemingway
Collection: Writing
Image of Michel Houellebecq
Life is painful and disappointing. It is useless, therefore, to write new realistic novels. We generally know where we stand in relation to reality and don’t care to know any more.
- Michel Houellebecq
Collection: Writing
Image of Cary Fukunaga
I don't think I'd ever write anything that I don't also direct just because it's so hard and painful to write as it is.
- Cary Fukunaga
Collection: Writing
Image of Khaled Hosseini
By then The Kite Runner had become quite successful and I found myself in a position that I had always dreamed of my whole life, which was to write for a living.
- Khaled Hosseini
Collection: Writing
Image of Khaled Hosseini
I don't know the nuts and bolts of writing. I studied medicine. I was a pre-med nerd. So everything I learned, I know about writing is very instinctive.
- Khaled Hosseini
Collection: Writing
Image of Aaron Bruno
Since I was a kid, when I pick up my guitar it's been hard for me to write some sort of bubblegum lyrics. It's not really ever been my route.
- Aaron Bruno
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Auster
I feel that the act of writing, in and of itself, is a tool towards probing that which you wouldn't without that pen in your hand. It's a strange, almost neurological phenomenon, and the words seem to generate more words - but only when you're writing. You can't do it in your head.
- Paul Auster
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Auster
Autobiographical writings, essays, interviews, various other things... All the non-fiction prose I wanted to keep, that was the idea behind this collected volume, which came out about few years ago. I didn't think of Winter Journal, for example, as an autobiography, or a memoir. What it is is a literary work, composed of autobiographical fragments, but trying to attain, I hope, the effect of music.
- Paul Auster
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Auster
My characters, I find them as I'm writing. It's quite incredible how fully realized they are in my mind, how many details I know about each of them.
- Paul Auster
Collection: Writing
Image of Kim Harrison
Newt spun, making her robe unfurl. “He’s my familiar, bought and paid for. I can claim anything of his. Even his life.” Al cleared his throat nervously. “That’s good to know,” he said lightly. “Important safety tip. Rachel, write that down somewhere as lesson number one.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Writing
Image of Jason Gann
It's great to write for actors when you know who they are. I think I prefer it.
- Jason Gann
Collection: Writing
Image of William Hazlitt
To expect an author to talk as he writes is ridiculous; or even if he did you would find fault with him as a pedant.
- William Hazlitt
Collection: Writing
Image of L. Ron Hubbard
All men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others.
- L. Ron Hubbard
Collection: Writing
Image of Joe Hill
I remind myself that no one day of writing matters all that much. A story is built somewhat like a stalactite - one little drip of mud and grit at a time.
- Joe Hill
Collection: Writing
Image of Mary Anne Radmacher
Making promises to myself, in my personal writing practice, has been important to me all my life. In practical application it is so much easier for me to make promises to others, and keep them, than it is to make promises to myself. "Why is that?" and the answer I gave myself is that in making promises to others I create a model of accountability and reinforcement. I duplicate that in my writing and have grown increasingly better at making and keeping promises to myself.
- Mary Anne Radmacher
Collection: Writing
Image of Alice Hoffman
When I write for teens, I feel I can cut through everything and get to the bare bones. I can get straight into the emotional world of the character.
- Alice Hoffman
Collection: Writing
Image of Anthony Hopkins
I have no education, I have no academic background in painting or in music, but I write music and I compose music and I write and I sell paintings, and my rule is, well, they can't arrest me.
- Anthony Hopkins
Collection: Writing
Image of Isaac Asimov
So, then, what is style? There are two chief aspects of any piece of writing: 1) what you say and 2) how you say it. The former is "content" and the latter is "style."
- Isaac Asimov
Collection: Writing
Image of Isaac Asimov
Whenever I have endured or accomplished some difficult task -- such as watching television, going out socially or sleeping -- I always look forward to rewarding myself with the small pleasure of getting back to my typewriter and writing something.
- Isaac Asimov
Collection: Writing
Image of Chris Hadfield
Preparation is not only about managing external risks, but about limiting the likelihood that you'll unwittingly add to them. When you're the author of your own fate, you don't want to write a tragedy. Aside from anything else, the possibility of a sequel is nonexistent.
- Chris Hadfield
Collection: Writing
Image of Margaret Atwood
You might 'write from the heart,' but you'd better polish with your brain.
- Margaret Atwood
Collection: Writing
Image of Margaret Atwood
Make the verses flow together. If a following verse has nothing to do with the previous, you may lose our listener/reader. You want a smooth flow to hear or read, and it's easier to memorize.
- Margaret Atwood
Collection: Writing
Image of Margaret Atwood
Writing is very improvisational. It's like trying to fix a broken sewing machine with safety pins and rubber bands. A lot of tinkering.
- Margaret Atwood
Collection: Writing
Image of Margaret Atwood
I write as if I've lived a lot of things I haven't lived.
- Margaret Atwood
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert A. Heinlein
Heinlein's Rules for Writers Rule One: You Must Write Rule Two: Finish What Your Start Rule Three: You Must Refrain From Rewriting, Except to Editorial Order Rule Four: You Must Put Your Story on the Market Rule Five: You Must Keep it on the Market until it has Sold
- Robert A. Heinlein
Collection: Writing
Image of Sydney J. Harris
Norbert Blei is a writer the way people used to be troubadours and minstrels, celebrating what he has seen and heart and felt in a deceptively simple style reminiscent of the early Sherwood Anderson. . . . Like Anderson, he is a lover, and his affection invests his writing with a singular charm.
- Sydney J. Harris
Collection: Writing
Image of Jake M. Johnson
I got really into writing plays. I did that for years and years and got some produced and didn't like it as much when I wasn't able to control it.
- Jake M. Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Jake M. Johnson
All of a sudden Mindy [Kaling] was writing on The Office and had sold a TV show. When we'd try to write shows, we'd jokingly call the word documents "Hit Show." We just couldn't crack the code.
- Jake M. Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Jake M. Johnson
It's a really weird feeling when you write something and you really know it and then you watch actors come in and do it.
- Jake M. Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Jake M. Johnson
I think a lot of people are very good, but I don't think anybody could do my rhythm. I was thinking, "If you want my rhythm" - and when I was writing, I was writing them for myself - "why am I watching another actor doing what I should be doing?" It was just a really unpleasant experience.
- Jake M. Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Margaret Atwood
It's rather useless to write a gripping narrative with nothing in it but climate change because novels are always about people even if they purport to be about rabbits or robots.
- Margaret Atwood
Collection: Writing
Image of Joanne Harris
The process of writing is a little like madness, a kind of possession not altogether benign.
- Joanne Harris
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Auster
Writing is a solitary business. It takes over your life. In some sense, a writer has no life of his own. Even when he’s there, he’s not really there.
- Paul Auster
Collection: Writing
Image of Saint Augustine
I count myself one of the number of those who write as they learn and learn as they write.
- Saint Augustine
Collection: Writing
Image of Colin Hay
I tend to write pretty much by myself. I always did that anyway. I used to write with Ron Strykert 'cause he was the only guitarist and we played well together. We lived in the same place. I would play a certain style and he would kind of dance around what I did, in a sense. I learned from him and also vice-versa. With this band, I think I bounce ideas off everybody. Perhaps on the next album they'll be more collaborative stuff, but for the last 2-3 years, I've been pretty well writing by myself.
- Colin Hay
Collection: Writing
Image of Isaac Asimov
The first step in making rabbit stew is catching the rabbit.
- Isaac Asimov
Collection: Writing
Image of Isaac Asimov
Thinking is the activity I love best, and writing to me is simply thinking through my fingers. I can write up to 18 hours a day. Typing 90 words a minute, I've done better than 50 pages a day. Nothing interferes with my concentration. You could put an orgy in my office and I wouldn't look up-well, maybe once.
- Isaac Asimov
Collection: Writing
Image of Eric Hoffer
Nothing comes easily. My work smells of sweat.
- Eric Hoffer
Collection: Writing
Image of Seamus Heaney
The poems I did write there [in Harvard] include Alphabets the 1984 Phi Beta Kappa poem and A Sofa in the Forties. And, of course, the John Harvard poem for the 350th anniversary Villanelle for an Anniversary.
- Seamus Heaney
Collection: Writing
Image of Daniel Handler
Dead women tell no tales. Sad men write them down.
- Daniel Handler
Collection: Writing
Image of L. Ron Hubbard
Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man wanted to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion.
- L. Ron Hubbard
Collection: Writing
Image of Julian Assange
Sweden formally writing back to the United Nations to say, 'No, we're not going to [recognise the UN ruling], so leaving open their ability to extradite.
- Julian Assange
Collection: Writing
Image of Dave Attell
The voice in my head has a stutter, and that's really annoying. D-D-D-Dave Dave. What? K-K-K-Kill your p-p-p-parents. L-L-L-Loa... Write it down!
- Dave Attell
Collection: Writing
Image of Jenny Holzer
I was hesitant to approach people. I'm socially awkward. But I was working on a number of memorials, and finally it dawned on me: These are memorials to people who wrote, so I should use their writing. That's how I started to quit.
- Jenny Holzer
Collection: Writing
Image of Ernest Hemingway
Do not worry. You have always written before and you will write now.
- Ernest Hemingway
Collection: Writing
Image of Ernest Hemingway
But sometimes when I was starting a new story and I could not get it going, I would sit in front of the fire and squeeze the peel of the little oranges into the edge of the flame and watch the sputter of blue that they made. I would stand and look out over the roofs of Paris and think, 'Do not worry. You have always written before and you will write now. All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.' So finally I would write one true sentence, and then go on from there.
- Ernest Hemingway
Collection: Writing
Image of Ernest Hemingway
The story was writing itself and I was having a hard time keeping up with it.
- Ernest Hemingway
Collection: Writing