Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 210

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 210 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Neil Gaiman
I'm writing. The pages are starting to stack up. My morale is improving the more I feel like a writer.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Writing
Image of Jose Ortega y Gasset
To write well consists of continuously making small erosions, wearing away grammar in its established form, current norms of language. It is an act of permanent rebellion and subversion against social environs.
- Jose Ortega y Gasset
Collection: Writing
Image of Jose Ortega y Gasset
Why write if this too easy activity of pushing a pen across paper is not given a certain bullfighting risk and we do not approach dangerous, agile and two-horned topics?
- Jose Ortega y Gasset
Collection: Writing
Image of John Green
Writing is something you do alone. It's a profession for introverts who wanna tell you a story but don't wanna make eye contact while telling it
- John Green
Collection: Writing
Image of William Golding
Graham Greene at 82 years old was still writing, and I don't think anyone can deny the force, the expertise, and the unique quality of his writing, if you take his complete oeuvre.
- William Golding
Collection: Writing
Image of Kevin Gates
I've just always been a reader. My grandmother just expressed the importance of literacy, if I said that correctly. She just always expressed the importance of being able to write and being able to read.
- Kevin Gates
Collection: Writing
Image of David Gerrold
Imagine yourself in the scene. See what there is to be seen. Listen to the sounds. Touch the world. Smell the air. Taste it. Use all of your senses. Then evoke those experiences for the reader. If you give the audience the flavor, they'll flesh out the moment in their own imaginations.
- David Gerrold
Collection: Writing
Image of Martin Gardner
If all sentient beings in the universe disappeared, there would remain a sense in which mathematical objects and theorems would continue to exist even though there would be no one around to write or talk about them. Huge prime numbers would continue to be prime, even if no one had proved them prime.
- Martin Gardner
Collection: Writing
Image of E. M. Forster
The novel is a formidable mass, and it is so amorphous - no mountain in it to climb, no Parnassus or Helicon, not even a Pisgah. It is most distinctly one of the moister areas of literature - irrigated by a hundred rills and occasionally degenerating into a swamp. I do not wonder that the poets despise it, though they sometimes find themselves in it by accident. And I am not surprised at the annoyance of the historians when by accident it finds itself among them.
- E. M. Forster
Collection: Writing
Image of William Golding
Of the authors writing in English, I'd mention Shakespeare and Milton. But all this is terribly high-hat and makes me sound very po-faced, I'm afraid; however, I just happen to like these enormous, swinging, great creatures.
- William Golding
Collection: Writing
Image of William Golding
I'm not a critic so much of my own writing. People must make up their own minds over that.
- William Golding
Collection: Writing
Image of William Golding
I don't think they [contemporary writers] read me either. I mean, if we're concerned genuinely with writing, I think we probably get on with our work.
- William Golding
Collection: Writing
Image of Franz Grillparzer
I would love to be able to write a tragedy in my imagination--it would turn into a masterpiece.
- Franz Grillparzer
Collection: Writing
Image of Northrop Frye
We have to look at the figures of speech a writer uses, his images and symbols, to realize that underneath all the complexity of human life that uneasy stare at an alien nature is still haunting us, and the problem of surmounting it still with us.
- Northrop Frye
Collection: Writing
Image of Khalil Gibran
I once heard a learned man say, "Every evil has its remedy, except folly. To reprimand an obstinate fool or to preach to a dolt is like writing upon the water. Christ healed the blind, the halt, the palsied, and the leprous. But the fool He could not cure."
- Khalil Gibran
Collection: Writing
Image of Benjamin Franklin
You have two choices, write about something of significance or do something someone wants to write about.
- Benjamin Franklin
Collection: Writing
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
I am not built for academic writings. Action is my domain.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Writing
Image of John Fowles
The diary will really try and tell people who you are and what you were. The alternative is writing nothing, or creating a totally lifeless, as it is leafless, garden.
- John Fowles
Collection: Writing
Image of John Fowles
It's no good. I've been trying to sleep for the last half-hour, and I can't. Writing here is a sort of drug. It's the only thing I look forward to. This afternoon I read what I wrote... And it seemed vivid. I know it seems vivid because my imagination fills in all the bits another person wouldn't understand. I mean, it's vanity. But it seems a sort of magic... And I just can't live in this present. I would go mad if I did
- John Fowles
Collection: Writing
Image of John Fowles
On the whole, dialogue is the most difficult thing, without any doubt. It's very difficult, unfortunately. You have to detach yourself from the notion of a lifelike quality. You see, actually lifelike, tape-recorded dialogue like this has very little to do with good novel dialogue. It's a matter of getting that awful tyranny of mimesis out of your mind, which is difficult.
- John Fowles
Collection: Writing
Image of Neil Gaiman
If you only write when inspired, you may be a fairly decent poet, but you'll never be a novelist.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Writing
Image of Neil Gaiman
The best advice I can give on this is, once it's done, to put it away until you can read it with new eyes. Finish the short story, print it out, then put it in a drawer and write other things. When you're ready, pick it up and read it, as if you've never read it before. If there are things you aren't satisfied with as a reader, go in and fix them as a writer: that's revision.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Writing
Image of Neil Gaiman
If you are pointing out one of the things a story is about, then you are very probably right; if you are pointing out the only thing a story is about you are very probably wrong - even if you're the author.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Writing
Image of Neil Gaiman
Finish what you're writing. Whatever you have to do to finish it, finish it.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Writing
Image of Neil Gaiman
We have the right, and the obligation, to tell old stories in our own ways, because they are our stories.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Writing
Image of Neil Gaiman
Writing's a lot like cooking. Sometimes the cake won't rise, no matter what you do, and every now and again the cake tastes better than you ever could have dreamed it would.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Writing
Image of John Ashbery
I always thought that writing poetry was in itself a political act.
- John Ashbery
Collection: Writing
Image of Neil Gaiman
Writing imaginative tales for the young is like sending coals to Newcastle. For coals.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Writing
Image of DJ Spooky
In fact, if you look at the root word of phonograph it just means phonetics of graphology, phono-graph, writing with sound, so graphology. You know graffiti, same root word.
- DJ Spooky
Collection: Writing
Image of Carlos Fuentes
Most writers in Mexico have had posts as ambassadors, secretaries - that is no longer the case. Now a writer can live off writing. He has an audience: there are publishing houses, there are newspapers - so the situation is not as terrible as it used to be when there were no means and he had to go into government service, be an ambassador or a cabinet minister, etc. So, things are changing in the sense that the civil society is now the protagonist. The writer therefore occupies a different position, but no less influential than in the past, in a new, democratic society.
- Carlos Fuentes
Collection: Writing
Image of Carlos Fuentes
Diplomacy in a sense is the opposite of writing. You have to disperse yourself so much: the lady who comes in crying because shes had a fight with the secretary; exports and imports; students in trouble; thumbtacks for the embassy.
- Carlos Fuentes
Collection: Writing
Image of Carlos Fuentes
I always felt a little worm inside me: 'Now you need to write a novel with a woman protagonist.
- Carlos Fuentes
Collection: Writing
Image of Bill Gates
When you program, you want to think you're writing the best possible program for the... for the task you're trying to solve.
- Bill Gates
Collection: Writing
Image of Bill Gates
Learning to write programs stretches your mind, and helps you think better, creates a way of thinking about things that I think is helpful in all domains.
- Bill Gates
Collection: Writing
Image of Bill Gates
You've got to be willing to read other people's code, then write your own, then have other people review your code.
- Bill Gates
Collection: Writing
Image of Jeffrey Gitomer
Writing is a key differentiator. I've used it for 14 years. Writing will not just lead to differentiation. Writing is the credibility you need to create buyer confidence
- Jeffrey Gitomer
Collection: Writing
Image of Jeffrey Gitomer
Improve writing skills: 1. Keep paragraphs short. 2. Use bold and CAPS to make points. 3. Start with a question or short statement. 4. Give me meat in the middle. All meat. 5. Make me smile, think, or act at the end.
- Jeffrey Gitomer
Collection: Writing
Image of John Green
Whenever I'm asked what advice I have for young writers, I always say that the first thing is to read, and to read a lot. The second thing is to write. And the third thing, which I think is absolutely vital, is to tell stories and listen closely to the stories you're being told.
- John Green
Collection: Writing
Image of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
My counsel is, to force nothing, and rather to trifle and sleep away all unproductive days and hours, than on such days to compose something that will afterwards give no pleasure.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Collection: Writing
Image of Newt Gingrich
My fine friends who are perfectionists, each in their own world where they are petty dictators, could write a perfect bill. Those of us who have grown up and matured...understand that we have to work together on the big issues.
- Newt Gingrich
Collection: Writing
Image of William Gibson
I don't always like writing, but I very much like having written.
- William Gibson
Collection: Writing
Image of Anne Frank
When I write I can shake off all my cares. My sorrow disappears, my spirits are revived.
- Anne Frank
Collection: Writing
Image of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Writing is busy idleness.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Collection: Writing
Image of David Gemmell
All men have talents. Some build, some paint, some write, some fight. For me it is different.
- David Gemmell
Collection: Writing
Image of Lady Gaga
It is fair to write about the change in your magazines. But what I want to see is the change on your covers ... When the covers change, that's when culture changes.
- Lady Gaga
Collection: Writing
Image of Diane von Furstenberg
I said that Mrs Obama has been extremely supportive of American designers, but clearly we were disappointed that she chose to wear a British designer for the state dinner...From there, I was so embarrassed that I am definitely going to write to her. She has been super supportive to American designers.
- Diane von Furstenberg
Collection: Writing
Image of Aristotle
In general, what is written must be easy to read and easy to speak; which is the same.
- Aristotle
Collection: Writing
Image of Seth Godin
The second person to write a story about a young boy and an escaped slave on the Mississippi wasn't a novelist, he was a typist.
- Seth Godin
Collection: Writing