Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 209

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 209 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Milton Friedman
If, for example, existing government intervention is minor, we shall attach a smaller weight to the negative effect of additional government intervention. This is an important reason why many earlier liberals, like Henry Simons, writing at a time when government was small by today's standards, were willing to have government undertake activities that today's liberals would not accept now that government has become so overgrown.
- Milton Friedman
Collection: Writing
Image of Tommy Wiseau
I write on scraps of paper. I do it every other day. I write about people's lives or how people look or my experiences. I'm very detailed - it's like a script.
- Tommy Wiseau
Collection: Writing
Image of William Gibson
I probably had something to do with being southern. For some reason, over the last few years I've been much more conscious of that. It's probably because my friend Jack Womack has a thesis that he and I write the way we do because we're southern and we experienced the very tail end of the premeditated south.
- William Gibson
Collection: Writing
Image of Neil Gaiman
The search for the word gets no easier but nobody else is going to write your novel for you.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Writing
Image of Neil Gaiman
One word after another. That's the only way that novels get written and, short of elves coming in the night and turning your jumbled notes into Chapter Nine, it's the only way to do it. So keep on keeping on. Write another word and then another.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Writing
Image of Neil Gaiman
On the whole, anything that gets you writing and keeps you writing is a good thing. Anything that stops you writing is a bad thing.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Writing
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
So long as the stereotype is used as a way of understanding how to fix the problem as opposed to demonizing a people or writing them off, then I think it's OK.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Writing
Image of Richard Gere
It's rare that a good writer will sit down and write a good script. Writers are greedy too, and they don't want to work without getting paid. But quality will find its way out.
- Richard Gere
Collection: Writing
Image of Ira Sachs
When working on and writing a film, I'm often more of a sponge than other times, aware of what's going on around me.
- Ira Sachs
Collection: Writing
Image of Jim Goad
I write to please myself.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Writing
Image of Jim Goad
When I write, I strain with every wizened fibre of my weathered frame to analyze every possible angle of any given subject.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Writing
Image of Jim Goad
I never want to think or write about the topic again when I'm finished with it.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Writing
Image of Jim Goad
In my long, long years toiling around the publishing industry, I've found that women simply don't stick to the writing with the same fervor that men do.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Writing
Image of Elizabeth Gilbert
The great Sufi poet and philosopher Rumi once advised his students to write down the three things they most wanted in life. If any item on the list clashes with any other item, Rumi warned, you are destined for unhappiness. Better to live a life of single-pointed focus, he taught. But what about the benefits of living harmoniously among extremes? What if you could somehow create an expansive enough life that you could synchronize seemingly incongruous opposites into a worldview that excludes nothing?
- Elizabeth Gilbert
Collection: Writing
Image of Elizabeth Gilbert
I never promised the universe that I would write brilliantly; I only promised the universe that I would write.
- Elizabeth Gilbert
Collection: Writing
Image of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The most original of authors are not so because they advance what is new, but more because they know how to say something, as if it had never been said before.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Collection: Writing
Image of Chinua Achebe
It is not quite true to say that I am not an advocate of writing in African languages. What I think is, one has to think about what is practicable.
- Chinua Achebe
Collection: Writing
Image of Emily Giffin
I always find something in common with my protagonist, particularly when I write in the first person.
- Emily Giffin
Collection: Writing
Image of Graham Greene
I get fed up with all this nonsense of ringing people up and lighting cigarettes and answering the doorbell that passes for action in so many modern plays.
- Graham Greene
Collection: Writing
Image of Graham Greene
Had Shakespeare listened to the news of Duncans death in a tavern or heard the knocking on his own bedroom door after he had finished the writing of Macbeth?
- Graham Greene
Collection: Writing
Image of Jay Asher
If you're angry, you don't have to write a poem dealing with the cause of your anger. But it needs to be an angry poem. So go ahead... write one. I know you're at least a little bit angry with me. And when you're done with your poem, decipher it as if you'd just found it printed in a textbook and know absolutely nothing about its author. The results can be amazing...and scary. But it's always cheaper than a therapist.
- Jay Asher
Collection: Writing
Image of Bill Gates
There's nobody getting rich writing software that I know of.
- Bill Gates
Collection: Writing
Image of Ina Garten
When I first started writing cookbooks, I remember thinking to myself, what makes me think I can write a cookbook? There are these great chefs who are really trained. And, as I started, I realized, actually, what is my lack is actually exactly right, because I can connect with - cooking's hard for me. I never worked on... And that's why my recipes are really simple, because I want to be able to do them.
- Ina Garten
Collection: Writing
Image of James Frey
There's something, I think, that gets lost when we write something - something gets lost in the translation. So I speak everything out, and it's more important how it sounds. And applying that to more formal aspects of writing.
- James Frey
Collection: Writing
Image of James Frey
I try to make the voice in my head come out onto the page. I try to make it much more conversational than other writing. I speak everything, so if something sounds right I write it. It's more about sound and the rhythm of speech than written language.
- James Frey
Collection: Writing
Image of James Frey
I don't write with an outline. I don't often know what I'm going to do as I'm writing. And I do everything by feel and by instinct.
- James Frey
Collection: Writing
Image of Morgan Freeman
Write something insightful. Say Morgan Freeman said it. Win at internet.
- Morgan Freeman
Collection: Writing
Image of Frederick The Great
Our work is to present things that are as they are.
- Frederick The Great
Collection: Writing
Image of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
He who would reproach an author for obscurity should look into his own mind to see whether it is quite clear there. In the dusk the plainest writing is illegible.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Collection: Writing
Image of Louis Menand
I'm not one of the people who has a kind of scholarly hat and writes in a certain way for an academic audience and then puts on a public intellectual hat and writes a different way for a different kind of readership. I generally write the way I write, no matter what and it seems to have worked for me.
- Louis Menand
Collection: Writing
Image of Louis Menand
If you write for the New Yorker, you always get people critiquing your grammar, you can count on it. So, because a lot of New Yorker readers are kind of, you know, amateur grammarians and so you do get a lot of that.
- Louis Menand
Collection: Writing
Image of Galileo Galilei
But, because my private lectures and domestic pupils are a great hinderance and intteruption of my studies, I wish to live entirely exempt from the former, and in great measure from the latter. ... in short, I should wish to gain my bread from my writings.
- Galileo Galilei
Collection: Writing
Image of Brian Greene
Time allows change to take place and the very evolution of the universe is what requires some conception of time. Mathematically can we write down a universe that doesn't have time? Sure. Do we think that would be realised in the larger reality that is out there? None of us take that possibility seriously.
- Brian Greene
Collection: Writing
Image of William Gibson
When I start writing a new imaginary future, I have no idea what it is. The characters arrive first. They help me figure out where they are living and I get to fill in the gaps with that and where we are. So when I get to the end of the process of composition, if I feel that I have really done my job, I have no idea what I've got - and I then spend essentially the rest of my life figuring out what it might mean.
- William Gibson
Collection: Writing
Image of Anne Frank
I can recapture everything when I write, my thoughts, my ideals and my fantasies.
- Anne Frank
Collection: Writing
Image of Emma Forrest
Write a page every single day, even if what you put on the page that day is no good - it's the only way to get better.
- Emma Forrest
Collection: Writing
Image of Criss Jami
When you're socially awkward, you're isolated more than usual, and when you're isolated more than usual, your creativity is less compromised by what has already been said and done. All your hope in life starts to depend on your craft, so you try to perfect it. One reason I stay isolated more than the average person is to keep my creativity as fierce as possible. Being the odd one out may have its temporary disadvantages, but more importantly, it has its permanent advantages.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Writing
Image of Lauren Graham
Actors should ACT. Not sell perfume, or write cookbooks.
- Lauren Graham
Collection: Writing
Image of DJ Spooky
The name [Spooky] comes from well back in university I was doing a series of essays and writing about Sigmund Freud's idea of the uncanny and I was really intrigued by this idea of "The Unheimlich".
- DJ Spooky
Collection: Writing
Image of Timothy Garton Ash
I have a dreadful feeling in my bones that future historians may write of the May 2014 elections: "This was the wake-up call from which Europe failed to wake up."
- Timothy Garton Ash
Collection: Writing
Image of Carlos Fuentes
You have an absolute freedom in Mexican writing today in which you dont necessarily have to deal with the Mexican identity. You know why? Because we have an identity... We know who we are. We know what it means to be a Mexican.
- Carlos Fuentes
Collection: Writing
Image of Carlos Fuentes
To read and write is a paradise.
- Carlos Fuentes
Collection: Writing
Image of Carlos Fuentes
Death is the great Maecenas, Death is the great angel of writing. You must write because you are not going to live any more.
- Carlos Fuentes
Collection: Writing
Image of Carlos Fuentes
In literature, you know only what you imagine
- Carlos Fuentes
Collection: Writing
Image of John Ashbery
I am often asked why I write, and I don't know really--I just want to.
- John Ashbery
Collection: Writing
Image of Ellen Goodman
I rewrite a great deal. I'm always fiddling, always changing something. I'll write a few words - then I'll change them. I add. I subtract. I work and fiddle and keep working and fiddling, and I only stop at the deadline.
- Ellen Goodman
Collection: Writing
Image of Neil Gaiman
To be a good writer... read a lot and write every day.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Writing
Image of John Fowles
He felt himself in suspension between the two worlds, the warm, neat civilization behind his back, the cool, dark mystery outside. We all write poems; it is simply that poets are the ones who write in words.
- John Fowles
Collection: Writing
Image of Allen Ginsberg
I really would like to stop working forever–never work again, never do anything like the kind of work I’m doing now–and do nothing but write poetry and have leisure to spend the day outdoors and go to museums and see friends. And I’d like to keep living with someone — maybe even a man — and explore relationships that way. And cultivate my perceptions, cultivate the visionary thing in me. Just a literary and quiet city-hermit existence.
- Allen Ginsberg
Collection: Writing