Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 172

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 172 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of John Ciardi
General rules have been legislated into being by past masters.
- John Ciardi
Collection: Writing
Image of Rakim
Whenever I sat down to write something it was never anything I took lightly. It was something that I'd want you, somebody in Japan, and somebody [over there to hear it].
- Rakim
Collection: Writing
Image of Gillian Flynn
I like the discipline of writing a script. You can't go into the character's head - you have to find these creative ways to help externalize what they're thinking.
- Gillian Flynn
Collection: Writing
Image of Eric Maisel
A key to a long, productive writing life is finding ways to support that life, emotionally and existentially.
- Eric Maisel
Collection: Writing
Image of Noam Chomsky
Everyone engaged in research must have had the experience of working with feverish and prolonged intensity to write a paper which no one else will read or to solve a problem which no one else thinks important and which will bring no conceivable reward - which may only confirm a general opinion that the researcher is wasting his time on irrelevancies.
- Noam Chomsky
Collection: Writing
Image of Frederic Chopin
It's a huge Carthusian monastery, stuck down between rocks and sea, where you may imagine me, without white gloves or hair curling, as pale as ever, in a cell with such doors as Paris never had for gates. The cell is the shape of a tall coffin, with an enormous dusty vaulting, a small window... Bach, my scrawls and waste paper - silence - you could scream - there would still be silence. Indeed, I write to you from a strange place.
- Frederic Chopin
Collection: Writing
Image of Gilbert K. Chesterton
It is much easier to write a good Times leading article than a good joke in Punch.
- Gilbert K. Chesterton
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Chabon
A true storyteller is really good at writing himself into a corner and then finding a way out of that corner
- Michael Chabon
Collection: Writing
Image of Lee Child
I don't know what the secret is when I am writing it - it really is a surprise to me.
- Lee Child
Collection: Writing
Image of Lee Child
All of us write wish fulfillment.
- Lee Child
Collection: Writing
Image of William Stanley Jevons
In short, I do not write for mathematicians, nor as a mathematician, but as an economist wishing to convince other economists that their science can only be satisfactorily treated on an explicitly mathematical basis.
- William Stanley Jevons
Collection: Writing
Image of Margaret Bourke-White
I love to write out of doors and sleep out of doors, too. If I sleep under the open sky it becomes part of the writing experience, part of my insulation from the world.
- Margaret Bourke-White
Collection: Writing
Image of Stephen Chbosky
on that piece of white paper, sam wrote, "write about me sometime." and i typed something back to her, standing right there in her bedroom. i just typed. "i will.
- Stephen Chbosky
Collection: Writing
Image of Nachman of Breslov
If all the ancient sacred writings had been preserved, some would be found to be heretical.
- Nachman of Breslov
Collection: Writing
Image of Italo Calvino
It is only through the confining act of writing that the immensity of the nonwritten becomes legible
- Italo Calvino
Collection: Writing
Image of Anjelica Huston
Writing must certainly be one of the hardest professions - writing and painting.
- Anjelica Huston
Collection: Writing
Image of John Cleese
On movies, I like to involve the cast in the writing of the script. I like to have a rehearsal period, after which I do the last draft, which gives me a chance to incorporate anything the actors have come up with during the rehearsal period, so I'm very inclusive as a writer.
- John Cleese
Collection: Writing
Image of John Cleese
The writing is the most important bit, and performing it is just closing the circle because I'm less likely to screw it up than anyone else.
- John Cleese
Collection: Writing
Image of Truman Capote
That's all a writer has to write about - what he sees and hears and what not.
- Truman Capote
Collection: Writing
Image of Sam Hamill
I'm a poet who practices Zen. And it's not, I'm somebody who practices Zen who writes poetry. There's no separation for me.
- Sam Hamill
Collection: Writing
Image of Sam Hamill
I wrote a number of poems about Kah Tai lagoon, when Safeway was building that huge, ugly store down there where I used to love to watch the birds nest. That political poem, or environmental poem, was unsuccessful because Safeway built there anyway. And yet the poem has something to say today, as it did then. And I speak here only of my own poems. The agenda for every poet has to be different because most of us write from direct human experience in the world.
- Sam Hamill
Collection: Writing
Image of Charles Bukowski
the writing of some men is like a vast bridge that carries you over the many things that claw and tear. The Wine of Forever
- Charles Bukowski
Collection: Writing
Image of Channing Tatum
I don't know if I've ever written anything that's not a bill! I do write stories but I don't put a stamp on them. I wrote a story for my wife over Christmas and gave it to her as a present because she asked me to, but I don't put a stamp on things and send them to people.
- Channing Tatum
Collection: Writing
Image of Channing Tatum
I write, but I don't write poetry. I don't rhyme or anything like that.
- Channing Tatum
Collection: Writing
Image of Willa Cather
Your vivid, exciting companionship in the office must not be your audience, you must find your own quiet center of life, and write from that to the world.
- Willa Cather
Collection: Writing
Image of Sonny Rollins
I am interested in my music lasting only while I'm alive. I'm not writing for the future.
- Sonny Rollins
Collection: Writing
Image of Charlie Chaplin
Unless I write every day, I don't feel I deserve my dinner.
- Charlie Chaplin
Collection: Writing
Image of Steve Winwood
The living together is very important in a way. It's important for writing. It wouldn't be important if we were like just getting other people's numbers together, we'd just have to meet at rehearsals, but writing is something almost completely different.
- Steve Winwood
Collection: Writing
Image of Woody Allen
When I started out, I was a television writer, and we wrote a television show that was on live every week. And you didn't have the luxury of coming in and waiting to be inspired. You came in and you had to write. And you wrote, because it was going to be live on the air. So I can do that.
- Woody Allen
Collection: Writing
Image of Pema Chodron
The future is completely open and we are writing it moment to moment.
- Pema Chodron
Collection: Writing
Image of Brooke Fraser
The writing and making of each of my albums has been such a different beast each time, so I'm interested in seeing what kind of animal the fourth one turns out to be!
- Brooke Fraser
Collection: Writing
Image of Ava DuVernay
Roger Ebert was such a champion of underrepresented filmmakers. He was a very big deal to me. It shows the power of critics. People who write about film, like you, can really affect the confidence of a young filmmaker. He did that for me, so it was such a pleasure to have an opportunity to talk about Roger in the movie.
- Ava DuVernay
Collection: Writing
Image of William Zinsser
Writing is no respecter of blueprints.
- William Zinsser
Collection: Writing
Image of William Zinsser
You learn to write by writing.
- William Zinsser
Collection: Writing
Image of Augusten Burroughs
What I think of blogs is just this: Some are beautifully written and many are not. But even blogs that aren't necessarily "well" written are great for the person writing them.
- Augusten Burroughs
Collection: Writing
Image of Augusten Burroughs
I could write another collection of personal essays from what has happened to me in the last year alone. I don't seek out my material - it finds me. I am magnetic, somehow.
- Augusten Burroughs
Collection: Writing
Image of Woody Allen
I write the script; nobody sees it, not the people that put the money in the picture. I cast who I want, and make the film. That's why I've always felt the only thing standing between me and greatness, is me. There's no excuse for me not to be great except that I'm not.
- Woody Allen
Collection: Writing
Image of Woody Allen
I write about what I want to write about, and so the film comes out as a very personal expression even if its subject matter is totally prefabricated.
- Woody Allen
Collection: Writing
Image of Woody Allen
I have great faith in the actors. When they improvise, it always sounds better than the stuff I write in my bedroom. When they improvise, they make it sound alive.
- Woody Allen
Collection: Writing
Image of Albert Camus
I sometimes need to write things which I cannot completely control but which therefore prove that what is in me is stronger than I am.
- Albert Camus
Collection: Writing
Image of Pharoahe Monch
I mostly write to music, even though I know I sound free-form a lot. Then there are times when I'll have a concept and hold on to it until I come across the right music that makes a marriage.
- Pharoahe Monch
Collection: Writing
Image of Jean de la Bruyere
A mediocre mind thinks it writes divinely; a good mind thinks it writes reasonably.
- Jean de la Bruyere
Collection: Writing
Image of Kristen Schaal
I prefer writing for myself to perform, I guess. But if I had to choose, I'd rather perform in someone's movie than write a movie for someone else.
- Kristen Schaal
Collection: Writing
Image of Jean de la Bruyere
Eloquence may be found in conversations and in all kinds of writings; it is rarely found when looked for, and sometimes discovered where it is least expected.
- Jean de la Bruyere
Collection: Writing
Image of Rhonda Byrne
Write down the things you like most about them (don't expect change from them). Law of attraction will not put you in the same space together if you frequencies don't match.
- Rhonda Byrne
Collection: Writing
Image of Willa Cather
If you don't keep and guard and mature your force, and above all, have time and quiet to perfect your work, you will be writing things not much better than you did five years ago.
- Willa Cather
Collection: Writing
Image of Charles Bukowski
It's hot tonight and half the neighborhood is drunk. the other half is dead. if I have any advice about writing poetry it's - don't. I'm going to send out for some fried chicken.
- Charles Bukowski
Collection: Writing
Image of Brit Marling
Having spent a lot of time trying to figure out screenwriting, I do feel moved and I want to try to write good roles for women of every age.
- Brit Marling
Collection: Writing