Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 171

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 171 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Edward Hirsch
So, it's a continual process of trial and error and then I find things and I throw it out and start again, but I keep writing it over again.
- Edward Hirsch
Collection: Writing
Image of Edward Hirsch
When I taught at the University of Houston in the Creative Writing program we required the poets to take workshops in fiction writing and we required the fiction writers to take workshops in poetry. And the reason for that is because the fiction writers seemed to need to learn how to pay greater attention to language itself, to the way that language works.
- Edward Hirsch
Collection: Writing
Image of Edward Hirsch
I would say there are different kinds of poems. There are things that poets in the history of poetry hit upon when they're very young that can never be outdone and it's a remarkable, strange experience when you think of say Arthur Rimbaud who write poetry between the ages of 17 and 21 whose career was over by the time he was 22.
- Edward Hirsch
Collection: Writing
Image of Edward Hirsch
I think that the dark side of MFA programs is that they're generating more poets than the culture can absorb and there are more people writing poetry than possibly read it or can certainly earn a living around it.
- Edward Hirsch
Collection: Writing
Image of Edward Hirsch
think what you hope for is that at different times of your life you're able to write the poetry that reflects the moment that you're in on your own journey.
- Edward Hirsch
Collection: Writing
Image of Hans Zimmer
Information is floating around really fast. I write something, or a piece of my music comes out and I see people writing about it on the Internet as if I'm having a conversation with them. We've never met, but somehow, my music is communicating something to them. Very often, it really makes them feel something.
- Hans Zimmer
Collection: Writing
Image of Sherman Alexie
I write in blood because I remember what it felt like to bleed.
- Sherman Alexie
Collection: Writing
Image of George Carlin
There was about a two-year period at the end of the '60s, when I realized I was in the wrong place and entertaining the wrong people with the wrong material and that I was not being true to myself. I went through a metamorphosis into something more authentic for me, a more authentic stage voice and writing voice.
- George Carlin
Collection: Writing
Image of Charles Bukowski
writers are desperate people and when they stop being desperate they stop being writers.
- Charles Bukowski
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Genn
Artspeak is an arcane writing style that can result in a vocabulary of obscurities... Today, some of the more spectacular examples are in artist's statements.
- Robert Genn
Collection: Writing
Image of E. L. James
I'm looking forward to getting back to my house and my Ugg boots and not washing sometimes, and getting back to writing.
- E. L. James
Collection: Writing
Image of Lord Chesterfield
To write anything tolerable, the mind must be in a natural, proper disposition; provocatives, in that case, as well as in another,will only produce miserable, abortive performances.
- Lord Chesterfield
Collection: Writing
Image of Woody Allen
Writing is great because in the writing you never have to... First of all you never have to leave your home. And you never have to meet the test of reality when you're writing.
- Woody Allen
Collection: Writing
Image of Brent Spiner
I know a guy who writes on the show, it was his episode, and he called and said, "Would you do it?" And I said, "Yeah." There's not really much else to tell, except that I was thrilled to be on The Simpsons, because it's one of the greatest series in the history of television.
- Brent Spiner
Collection: Writing
Image of Cassandra Clare
Clary screamed out loud as he fell like a stone- And landed lightly on his feet just in front of her. Clary stared with her mouth open as he rose up out of a shallow crouch and grinned at her. "If I made a joke about just dropping in," he said, "would you write me off as a cliché?
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Writing
Image of Julia Cameron
Writing is medicine. It is an appropriate antidote to injury. It is an appropriate companion for any difficult change.
- Julia Cameron
Collection: Writing
Image of Albert Camus
It is immoral not to tell.
- Albert Camus
Collection: Writing
Image of John Hurt
The director [Elfar Adalsteins] came to me through my agent and I had a read of the script [of the "Sailcloth]. I thought immediately this is someone who is writing for the cinema. Not having to go through the tedious business of taking something from literature and making that awful leap that is so difficult to make anyway, from literature to cinema. It's refreshing to be able to deal with a subject like that, to be written where the driving force is the image on screen and you don't need any words. The more that we can do that [in film], the better.
- John Hurt
Collection: Writing
Image of Edgar Cayce
We would not - from here - counsel anyone to be guided by influences from without. ... If these come as in inspirational writings from within, and not as guidance from others - that is different ... the inspirational may develop the soul of the individual, while the automatic may rarely reach beyond the force that is guiding or directing.
- Edgar Cayce
Collection: Writing
Image of Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury
It is necessary a writing critic should understand how to write. And though every writer is not bound to show himself in the capacity of critic, every writing critic is bound to show himself capable of being a writer; for if he be apparently impotent in this latter kind, he is to be denied all title or character in the other.
- Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury
Collection: Writing
Image of Jack White
We've had experience of involvement in a local scene, and it was a good one, and we've learned a lot from it, and I don't have any need to join into that ever again. It's too counterproductive to writing music and performing to the best of your abilities. It's okay when you're 20 years old - you're getting out there and you're learning - but not when you're 30 years old.
- Jack White
Collection: Writing
Image of Tucker Carlson
I guess what I'm looking for here is empathy. So you [Nicholas Kristof] have traveled all around the world, famously to the worse places of the world. Darfur. Mogadishu, Ouagadougou. Probably those places much more than Modesto or Lewiston.I never read a column by you that suggest the people in those places, who support dictators oftentimes, are racists or bad people. You would never write that about a poor person in the third world but you are implying that about your fellow Americans.
- Tucker Carlson
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Browning
I write from a thorough conviction that it is the duty of me, and with the belief that, after every drawback and shortcoming, I do my best, all things considered--that is for me, and, so being, the not being listened to by one human creature would, I hope, in nowise affect me.
- Robert Browning
Collection: Writing
Image of Andrew Mason
Groupon as a company - it's built into the business model - is about surprise. A new deal that surprises you every day. We've carried that over to our brand, in the writing and the marketing that we do, and in the internal corporate culture.
- Andrew Mason
Collection: Writing
Image of David Krumholtz
We had very, very, very little money to make the show [ Gigi Does It]. We shot every episode in two days. It was non-WGA, non-DGA, so we couldn't write anything. The whole thing had to be improv.
- David Krumholtz
Collection: Writing
Image of Miguel de Cervantes
But do not give it to a lawyer's clerk to write, for they use a legal hand that Satan himself will not understand.
- Miguel de Cervantes
Collection: Writing
Image of Miguel de Cervantes
For me alone Don Quixote was born and I for him. His was the power of action, mine of writing.
- Miguel de Cervantes
Collection: Writing
Image of Sarah Kay
I write poems to figure things out
- Sarah Kay
Collection: Writing
Image of Sarah Kay
Thinking about writing as an act of celebration is sometimes a helpful framework for me. It allows me to prioritize what I want to call attention to and what I want others to know about me. It makes me ask: What is worth celebrating?
- Sarah Kay
Collection: Writing
Image of Sarah Kay
Every moment I choose to write about is one I have deemed important enough to dwell inside of and share with others. I am holding this moment up to the light and saying, "Wow, will you look at that?"
- Sarah Kay
Collection: Writing
Image of Sarah Kay
I write about love and family a lot, because I'm always trying to figure those things out. At different points in my life, just when I think I've finished writing about it, the dynamics shift, and then I have a whole new set of questions and worries and misunderstandings to wrestle with.
- Sarah Kay
Collection: Writing
Image of Sarah Kay
Things that I have a hard time being able to fully grasp, sometimes writing the poem helps me work through it. Or I get to the end of the poem and I still haven't figured anything out, but at least I have a new poem out of it.
- Sarah Kay
Collection: Writing
Image of Sarah Kay
I write poetry to figure things out. It's what I use as a navigating tool in my life, so when there's something that I just can't understand, I have to "poem" my way through it. For that reason I write a lot about family, because my family confuses me and I'm always trying to figure them out. I write a lot about love, because love is continually confusing in all of its many glorious aspects.
- Sarah Kay
Collection: Writing
Image of Jean Chatzky
Sometimes a creditor is willingto do this as a bargaining point - you give the creditor cash in hand, it gives you a positive listing on your credit report - even though you haven't paid the full amount. Get this agreement in writing.
- Jean Chatzky
Collection: Writing
Image of Jim Carrey
I always have been introspective, since I was a little kid, since I could remember, I was sitting in a closet trying to write out the meaning of the universe. That's been my whole life.
- Jim Carrey
Collection: Writing
Image of Ayaan Hirsi Ali
In a sense, my grandmother was living in the Iron Age. There was no system of writing among the nomads. Metal artifacts were rare and precious.... The first time she saw a white person my grandmother was in her thirties: she thought this person's skin had burned off.
- Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Collection: Writing
Image of Augusten Burroughs
There is nothing about myself that I wouldn't reveal or write about. I don't care how horrendous or ridiculous I may appear in person or in print. There is great freedom in not caring what other people think.
- Augusten Burroughs
Collection: Writing
Image of Augusten Burroughs
I never question the way I write. Writing is the only thing that's without seams for me. It's an effort to talk because my pictures have to be turned into these sounds. It's an effort to be alive. It's work. But writing is wonderful.
- Augusten Burroughs
Collection: Writing
Image of Augusten Burroughs
There is no such thing as too ordinary to write about, whether that's life or a scene in a novel. What's interesting to people, whether it's memoir or fiction, is the truth.
- Augusten Burroughs
Collection: Writing
Image of Raymond Chandler
The faster I write the better my output. If I'm going slow, I'm in trouble. It means I'm pushing the words instead of being pulled by them.
- Raymond Chandler
Collection: Writing
Image of Raymond Chandler
Don't ever write anything you don't like yourself and if you do like it, don't take anyone's advice about changing it. They just don't know.
- Raymond Chandler
Collection: Writing
Image of Shelby Steele
I know that whatever power Shelby Steele has always comes out of the writing. I'm not the greatest television pundit or the best public speaker, so it's my writing that's most important.
- Shelby Steele
Collection: Writing
Image of Stephen Spender
An English poet writes, I think, just for people who are interested in poetry. An American poet writes, and feels that everyone ought to appreciate this. Then he has a deep sense of grievance . . .
- Stephen Spender
Collection: Writing
Image of David Byrne
When it became easy enough to do dairy online, then I just thought, "Oh, I'll start doing this. I'll put the parts online that aren't going to get me in trouble. I'll save the rest for myself." It became also this kind of self-therapy. I could write about stuff that was bothering me, or personal stuff. And the very personal stuff I could edit out. But it was kind of the catharsis of getting it out and writing about it, that made me think, "Okay, I see why people do this, why they keep these diaries." So I thought, "Well, let's see what happens when I post some of it."
- David Byrne
Collection: Writing
Image of Rita Mae Brown
The last thing I have to say is that ice is the past tense of water. I've always wanted to write that sentence and now I have.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Writing
Image of Orson Scott Card
I learned to separate the story from the writing, probably the most important thing that any storyteller has to learn-that there are a thousand right ways to tell a story, and ten million wrong ones, and you're a lot more likely to find one of the latter than the former your first time through the tale.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Writing
Image of Andre Dubus
Don't quit. It's very easy to quit during the first 10 years. Nobody cares whether you write or not, and it's very hard to write when nobody cares one way or the other. You can't get fired if you don't write, and most of the time you don't get rewarded if you do. But don't quit.
- Andre Dubus
Collection: Writing
Image of Andre Dubus
Even a day writing badly for me is 10 times better than a day where I don’t write at all.
- Andre Dubus
Collection: Writing
Image of Chris Cleave
I'm always determined that as a novelist I'm going to go out there and research my characters very thoroughly before I start writing.
- Chris Cleave
Collection: Writing