Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 170

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 170 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Woody Allen
What people who don't write don't understand is that they think you make up the line consciously — but you don't. It proceeds from your unconscious. So it's the same surprise to you when it emerges as it is to the audience when the comic says it. I don't think of the joke and then say it. I say it and then realize what I've said. And I laugh at it, because I'm hearing it for the first time myself.
- Woody Allen
Collection: Writing
Image of James Lee Burke
The best thing about being a best-selling writer is being a best-selling writer. More seriously, today I can write full time and pay the bills.
- James Lee Burke
Collection: Writing
Image of James Lee Burke
You have two choices in life. You either die or do something with your time. You're going to be doing something - why not write?
- James Lee Burke
Collection: Writing
Image of Sherman Alexie
I thought I’d been condescended to as an Indian - that was nothing compared to the condescension for writing Y.A.
- Sherman Alexie
Collection: Writing
Image of Sherman Alexie
I know I'll keep writing poems. That's the constant. I don't know about novels. They're hard. It takes so much concentrated effort. When I'm writing a novel it's pretty much all I can do. I get bored. It takes months. Movies do the same thing. It's all-encompassing. It feels like I'm going to end up writing poems, short stories and screenplays.
- Sherman Alexie
Collection: Writing
Image of Roger Williams
If any refuse to obey the common laws and orders of the ship concerning their common peace or preservation; if any shall mutiny or rise up against their commanders and officers; if any should preach or write that there should be no commanders or officers because all are equal in Christ, therefore no master or officers, no laws nor orders, nor corrections nor punishments - I say I never denied that in such cases, the commander may judge, resist, compel, and punish such transgressors according to their deserts and merits.
- Roger Williams
Collection: Writing
Image of Anton Chekhov
Anyone who says the artist's field is all answers and no questions has never done any writing or had any dealings with imageryYou are confusing two concepts: answering the questions and formulating them correctly. Only the latter is required of an author.
- Anton Chekhov
Collection: Writing
Image of Edward Hirsch
Now, the process of writing poetry is very messy. Not systematic, never quite the same
- Edward Hirsch
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Virilio
Writing is not possible without images. Yet, images don't have to be descriptive; they can be concepts.
- Paul Virilio
Collection: Writing
Image of Lord Byron
Letter writing is the only device combining solitude with good company.
- Lord Byron
Collection: Writing
Image of Raymond Chandler
The agent never receipts his bill, puts his hat on and bows himself out. He stays around forever, not only for as long as you can write anything that anyone will buy, but as long as anyone will buy any portion of any right to anything that you ever did write. He just takes ten per cent of your life.
- Raymond Chandler
Collection: Writing
Image of Anne Carson
Each night about this time he puts on sadness like a garment and goes on writing.
- Anne Carson
Collection: Writing
Image of Jean de la Bruyere
A man of moderate Understanding, thinks he writes divinely: A man of good Understanding, thinks he writes reasonably.
- Jean de la Bruyere
Collection: Writing
Image of Julia Alvarez
Terrence, the Roman slave who freed himself with his writings, once observed, "I am a human being. Nothing human is alien to me." That could be the motto of literature!
- Julia Alvarez
Collection: Writing
Image of Winston Churchill
To secure your historical standing, be sure you are the first to write about it.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: Writing
Image of Sandra Cisneros
I was looking at a lot of experimental writers, and I was very intrigued by short-short fiction, writers who would write little things, what I call buttons now, little vignettes.
- Sandra Cisneros
Collection: Writing
Image of Sandra Cisneros
I can't stand it when people say, "If you're writing a novel, you should read this and that." Because it's like giving someone another person's prescription. How do you know that's what they need?
- Sandra Cisneros
Collection: Writing
Image of Sandra Cisneros
[Jorge Luis Borges] had short stories, and I was trying to learn how to write short stories, and then he had these things in the middle that were like fables, and I loved hearing fables.
- Sandra Cisneros
Collection: Writing
Image of Rosanne Cash
There's always that moment when you realize what it's going to be. You might have an overarching theme and you need to fill in the blanks - and then there's this "Aha" moment when you see where it's going. That's the most satisfying part of writing.
- Rosanne Cash
Collection: Writing
Image of Pope Leo XIII
If unbridled licence of speech and writing be granted to all, nothing will remain sacred and inviolate; even the highest and truest mandates of nature, justly held to be the common and noblest heritage of the human race, will not be spared. Thus, truth being gradually obscured by darkness, pernicious and manifold error, as too often happens, will easily prevail.
- Pope Leo XIII
Collection: Writing
Image of Sonia Rykiel
In the same way, I can wake up with a very positive idea of what I want to do for my collection, and be completely desperate at night regarding the same thing. And I do a lot of other things too: Writing for me is almost as important as drawing my collection.
- Sonia Rykiel
Collection: Writing
Image of Winston Churchill
Men will forgive a man anything except bad prose.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: Writing
Image of Lucille Clifton
To be a good poet, you must care more about the writing, than the writer.
- Lucille Clifton
Collection: Writing
Image of Mikhail Bulgakov
I hereby certify that the bearer of this note, Nikolai Ivanovich, spent the night in question at Satan's ball, having been lured there in a transportational capacity... Hella, put in parentheses! And write 'hog.' Signed- Behemoth.
- Mikhail Bulgakov
Collection: Writing
Image of Judy Woodruff
I think he [Vaclav Havel] felt that he could speak more truth, in a way, through writing plays.
- Judy Woodruff
Collection: Writing
Image of Octavia Butler
It's interesting how many science fiction writers get going when they are very young. I was on a program with Greg Bear and he mentioned that he had gotten started writing when he was eight. And I began writing when I was 10. I think we're influenced by the stuff, we find it and we love it and we're influenced by it....I know I collected my first rejection slip when I was 13, and I went on collecting them for a long time after that.
- Octavia Butler
Collection: Writing
Image of Octavia Butler
Most of us don't have to worry about being shot of we poke our noses outside. So we are comfortable, but the people I'm writing about are definitely not comfortable, and being shot while they're still inside is a good possibility.
- Octavia Butler
Collection: Writing
Image of Stephen Chbosky
I don't know what's wrong with me. It's like all I can do is keep writing this gibberish to keep from breaking apart.
- Stephen Chbosky
Collection: Writing
Image of Gilbert K. Chesterton
When some English moralists write about the importance of having character, they appear to mean only the importance of having a dull character.
- Gilbert K. Chesterton
Collection: Writing
Image of Lee Child
I write in the afternoon, from about 12 until 6 or 7. I use an upstairs room as my office. Once I get going I keep at it, and it usually takes about six months from the first blank screen until 'The End.
- Lee Child
Collection: Writing
Image of Eric Burdon
Eventually I would like to reach the stage where I don't have to write about love and kisses and all that stuff. I wish I could write about really ultimate things. That's where I think all of us want to go, really. All the groups seem to be heading towards a kind of pop music that deals with ultimate things.
- Eric Burdon
Collection: Writing
Image of Dorothy Allison
It has seemed to me that literature, as I meant it, was embattled, that it was increasingly difficult to find writing doing what I thought literature should do - which was simply to push people into changing their ideas about the world, and to go further, to encourage us in the work of changing the world, to making it more just and more truly human.
- Dorothy Allison
Collection: Writing
Image of Dorothy Allison
People begin to write in order to create what they have not found and, a little bit, to give something back.
- Dorothy Allison
Collection: Writing
Image of Rakim
I've been writing for so long I got a lot of different ways to write.
- Rakim
Collection: Writing
Image of Truman Capote
I think of myself as a stylist, and stylists can become notoriously obsessed with the placing of a comma, the weight of a semicolon.
- Truman Capote
Collection: Writing
Image of Truman Capote
Never demean yourself by talking back to a critic, never. Write those letters to the editor in your head, but don't put them on paper.
- Truman Capote
Collection: Writing
Image of Gilbert K. Chesterton
If an editor can only make people angry enough, they will write half his newspaper for him for nothing.
- Gilbert K. Chesterton
Collection: Writing
Image of Jackson Browne
So it's not really whether you talk about politics, but how well were you able to do it. Peter Gabriel and Sting get away with it...U2...the examples are there, of people being able to carry these subjects in the music, and the audience is absolutely able to embrace subjects that aren't just the stuff they already know about. And they're actually able to learn stuff.
- Jackson Browne
Collection: Writing
Image of Biz Stone
I got an idea: people like news why don't we write the news down on a piece of paper, and we'll gas them up and drive them to everyone's house. I mean, if you were going to say that now, it doesn't sound like a great idea, because there are other ways you can distribute the news.
- Biz Stone
Collection: Writing
Image of Biz Stone
I think that's a really important role that people sometimes forget about, especially with all these newspaper shutting down and having trouble, where are all these stories going to go? I think you have something really great with all those stories waiting to be told, but I just don't know how it shapes up exactly. I don't think there are going to be a lot of newspaper reporters sitting around not writing.
- Biz Stone
Collection: Writing
Image of Orson Scott Card
When I write fiction, I create characters whose views are not my own, and I allow them to be eloquent in defense of their, not my, views.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Writing
Image of Murray Bookchin
My main interests right now are to publish, to write, to explicate various views which I hope have an impact on thinking people.
- Murray Bookchin
Collection: Writing
Image of Julia Cameron
Did you write today? Then you're a writer today.
- Julia Cameron
Collection: Writing
Image of Julia Cameron
Taking the time to write in our lives gives us the time of our lives. As we describe our environments, we begin to savor them. Even the most rushed and pell-mell life begins to take on the patina of being cherished.
- Julia Cameron
Collection: Writing
Image of Agatha Christie
I can't imagine why everybody is always so keen for authors to talk about writing. I should have thought it was an author's business to write, not talk.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Writing
Image of Kenneth Tynan
Pornography is writing that seeks primarily, even exclusively, to bring about sexual stimulation. This can be done crudely or delicately. In the former case it would be bad literature; in the latter good.
- Kenneth Tynan
Collection: Writing
Image of Anton Chekhov
In descriptions of nature one must seize on small details, grouping them so that when the reader closes his eyes he gets a picture.
- Anton Chekhov
Collection: Writing
Image of Agatha Christie
In old days the public didn't really mind much about accuracy, but nowadays readers take it upon themselves to write to authors on every possible occasion, pointing out flaws.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Writing