Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 156

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 156 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Mark Shields
Donald Trump is writing a different theme, which is it's midnight in America and that things are bad, and they're bleak, and they're gloomy and they're doomy, and the only thing that is going to save you is someone with the authority and power of somebody like me.
- Mark Shields
Collection: Writing
Image of Henry Ward Beecher
Thinking is creating with God, as thinking is writing with the ready writer; and worlds are only leaves turned over in the process of composition, about his throne.
- Henry Ward Beecher
Collection: Writing
Image of J. B. Priestley
Depending upon shock tactics is easy, whereas writing a good play is difficult. Pubic hair is no substitute for wit.
- J. B. Priestley
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Scott
I am of the generation of writers who can get instant feedback from readers within hours of publication. The fan forum is extraordinary - readers from all over the world coming together to discuss, argue and debate scenes and characters from a novel. They add a layer to the story that I cannot write and yes, I will participate in that conversation and answer questions. After all, they are the people I'm writing for and their enthusiasm and questions really pushes me to raise the bar.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Scott
Making sure that the geography and timelines work is always the hardest part of writing. But you owe it to the readers to get it right!
- Michael Scott
Collection: Writing
Image of George Saunders
I think each writer has to seek her most energetic prose style. She has to find a way to write so that nobody can deny it.
- George Saunders
Collection: Writing
Image of George Saunders
As Flannery O'Connor says, a person can choose what she writes but she can't choose what she makes live. Some people are really acoustic writers and so for them the secret revision is sound. Other people may revise in terms of the way a paragraph feels. There's a million ways to do it.
- George Saunders
Collection: Writing
Image of N. T. Wright
When you're writing theology, you have to say everything all the time, otherwise people think you've deliberately missed something out.
- N. T. Wright
Collection: Writing
Image of Roy Blount, Jr.
I think what's really hard is making sense and making what you write clear and smooth-flowing.
- Roy Blount, Jr.
Collection: Writing
Image of Robin Williams
I've never had a "hankering" to direct. I can perform, but I can't write on that level. I tend to go off on tangents. Directing also requires a kind of specificity and I don't have it.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Writing
Image of Lou Reed
I write whatever shows up. That's good enough for me. I'm part of the first generation that wants to still do original material and not tour around as an oldies act.
- Lou Reed
Collection: Writing
Image of Ayn Rand
To be the kind of writer you want to be, you must first be the kind of thinker you want to be.
- Ayn Rand
Collection: Writing
Image of Mitch Albom
Once, lovers on faraway shores sat by candlelight and dipped ink to parchment, writing words that could not be erased. They took an evening to compose their thoughts, maybe the next evening as well.
- Mitch Albom
Collection: Writing
Image of Elie Wiesel
I listen to music when I write. I need the musical background. Classical music. I'm behind the times. I'm still with Baroque music, Gregorian chant, the requiems, and with the quartets of Beethoven and Brahms. That is what I need for the climate, for the surroundings, for the landscape: the music.
- Elie Wiesel
Collection: Writing
Image of P. G. Wodehouse
Dark hair fell in a sweep over his forehead. He looked like a man who would write vers libre, as indeed he did.
- P. G. Wodehouse
Collection: Writing
Image of Ray Bradbury
It takes writing a billion bad words before you get to the good ones.
- Ray Bradbury
Collection: Writing
Image of Markus Zusak
That's typically what writers do; we just sit around complaining most of the time. And the better things are going, the more they complain.
- Markus Zusak
Collection: Writing
Image of Henry Miller
America is no place for an artist: to be an artist is to be a moral leper, an economic misfit, a social liability. A corn-fed hog enjoys a better life than a creative writer, painter or musician. To be a rabbit is better still.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Writing
Image of Henry Miller
A man writes to throw off the poison which he has accumulated because of his false way of life. He is trying to recapture his innocence, yet all he succeeds in doing (by writing) is to inoculate the world with a virus of his disillusionment. No man would set a word down on paper if he had the courage to live out what he believed in.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Writing
Image of Oscar Wilde
Anybody can write a three-volume novel. It merely requires a complete ignorance of both life and literature.
- Oscar Wilde
Collection: Writing
Image of Henry David Thoreau
The poet will write for his peers alone. He will remember only that he saw truth and beauty from his position, and expect the time when a vision as broad shall overlook the same field as freely.
- Henry David Thoreau
Collection: Writing
Image of Irwin Shaw
Writing is finally play, and there's no reason why you should get paid for playing
- Irwin Shaw
Collection: Writing
Image of Irwin Shaw
In a novel, it's hard to keep track of everybody
- Irwin Shaw
Collection: Writing
Image of Rainbow Rowell
Well, I'm writing everything that isn't my final project, so that when I actually sit down to write it, that's all that will be left in my mind.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Writing
Image of David Brin
If you have other things in your life-family, friends, good productive day work-these can interact with your writing and the sum will be all the richer.
- David Brin
Collection: Writing
Image of David Brin
My education and background thoroughly inform my writing
- David Brin
Collection: Writing
Image of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
I refuse to see literature as amusement, as a game. I think that you ought not to approach literature without a moral responsibility for every word you write.
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Collection: Writing
Image of Emily Post
Never so long as you live, write a letter to a man - no matter who he is - that you would be ashamed to see in a newspaper above your signature.
- Emily Post
Collection: Writing
Image of Cheryl Strayed
Writing is hard for every last one of us—straight white men included. Coal mining is harder. Do you think miners stand around all day talking about how hard it is to mine for coal? They do not. They simply dig.
- Cheryl Strayed
Collection: Writing
Image of Cheryl Strayed
Write like a motherfucker.
- Cheryl Strayed
Collection: Writing
Image of Ray Bradbury
Write 1000 words a day. That's only about four pages, but force yourself to do it. Put your finger down your throat and throw up. That's what writing's all about.
- Ray Bradbury
Collection: Writing
Image of Ray Bradbury
When I started writing seriously, I made the major discovery of my life - that I am right and everybody else is wrong if they disagree with me. What a great thing to learn: Don't listen to anyone else, and always go your own way.
- Ray Bradbury
Collection: Writing
Image of Mark Twain
We write frankly and freely, but then we modify before we print.
- Mark Twain
Collection: Writing
Image of Mark Twain
If I'd seen a playwright ever write an' play at the same time, I'd have given 'em more of a chance at cards. Can I get an 'amen?'
- Mark Twain
Collection: Writing
Image of Virginia Woolf
So I have to create the whole thing afresh for myself each time. Probably all writers now are in the same boat. It is the penalty we pay for breaking with tradition, and the solitude makes the writing more exciting though the being read less so. One ought to sink to the bottom of the sea, probably, and live alone with ones words.
- Virginia Woolf
Collection: Writing
Image of Virginia Woolf
O why do I ever let anyone read what I write! Every time I have to go through a breakfast with a letter of criticism I swear I will write for my own praise or blame in future. It is a misery.
- Virginia Woolf
Collection: Writing
Image of Virginia Woolf
I got out this diary, & read as one always does read one's own writing, with a kind of guilty intensity.
- Virginia Woolf
Collection: Writing
Image of Edward Albee
What happens in a play is determined to a certain extent by what I thought might be interesting to have happen before I invented the characters, before they started taking over what happened, because they are three-dimensional individuals, and I cannot tell them what to do. Once I give them their identity and their nature, they start writing the play.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Writing
Image of Edward Albee
Each time I sit down and write a play I try to dismiss from my mind as much as I possibly can the implications of what I've done before, what I'm going to do, what other people think about my work, the failure or success of the previous play. I'm stuck with a new reality that I've got to create.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Writing
Image of Chuck Palahniuk
I have an experience with as many of my readers as possible that's really genuine. I love it when they write to me, and I'm able to send them things. I love meeting them in person, and even if it's only for a moment I love having that physical, touching interaction.
- Chuck Palahniuk
Collection: Writing
Image of Chuck Palahniuk
What you write should entertain you and serve you first. Don't worry about maintaining anything beyond your own attention. Focus on exorcising your demons in the work. If you can do that, then you'll succeed in the world.
- Chuck Palahniuk
Collection: Writing
Image of Chuck Palahniuk
Don't write about your most emotionally charged moment as a learning thing.
- Chuck Palahniuk
Collection: Writing
Image of Chuck Palahniuk
I remember selling my first short story and thinking, Oh my god, I sold something for fifty dollars! That gives me the authority to say I'm a writer and to actually write more things! It legitimized the activity.
- Chuck Palahniuk
Collection: Writing
Image of Jodi Picoult
I think my writing has become "cleaner."
- Jodi Picoult
Collection: Writing
Image of Gloria Steinem
I don't like writing. I like having written.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Writing
Image of Amy Sedaris
I don't really consider myself to be a comedian. I mean, it's not like I'm sitting around writing jokes or anything. I just like dressing up and pretending to be other people.
- Amy Sedaris
Collection: Writing
Image of Marge Piercy
Writing is a futile attempt to preserve what disappears moment by moment.
- Marge Piercy
Collection: Writing
Image of Wallace Stegner
It is almost impossible to write fiction about the Mormons, for the reason that Mormon institutions and Mormon society are so peculiar that they call for constant explanation.
- Wallace Stegner
Collection: Writing
Image of Wallace Stegner
A writer is an organism that will go on writing even after its heart has been cut out.
- Wallace Stegner
Collection: Writing