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Quotes from Authors Born on 13 July

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The Force is within you. Force yourself.

Harrison Ford

Film actor

The poet produces the beautiful by fixing his attention on something real.

The people who could do most to improve the situation of so many women and children are in fact, men.

Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around.

Cameron Crowe

Film director

Kansas is very religious, very Republican, and very straight-laced. I needed to get away from that.

Our whole life is solving puzzles.

Erno Rubik


I never would take a role of radio announcer, disc jockey or musician.

Man is the most insane species. He worships an invisible God and destroys a visible Nature. Unaware that this Nature he's destroying is this God he's worshipping.

Hubert Reeves


Yeah, I'm the go-to guy for Mexican priests.

Only conformists are ever adored.

You can't get through medical school if you don't have a strong will and a strong constitution.

I was training more learning how to scuba dive which I'd never done which was really, really, really cool.

I started watching movies my grandpa did, and I saw what an impact they made on the world. That's when I said, 'Hey, I want to do that too.'

I always loved Japanese movies. And they had an enormous impact in France - the Nouvelle Vague took so much from them. It taught us how the camera was placed in the centre of the action.

It was fantastic playing Conan; it was such an experience to go out of the country and be this barbaric human savage child for a month or so. It was a blast and definitely a great experience.