Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 75

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 75 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Randa Abdel-Fattah
Belief means nothing without actions
- Randa Abdel-Fattah
Collection: Mean
Image of Andrea Tantaros
Hollywood's thinking is very typical. And it's just really predictable too. And I think at Hollywood, these box office movies are flopping. I mean, there hasn't been an original thought coming out of Hollywood since the '80s.
- Andrea Tantaros
Collection: Mean
Image of Andrea Tantaros
Can I give a little advice to the old man on Capitol Hill? Stop saying teabagger. Ask your younger staffers what it means.
- Andrea Tantaros
Collection: Mean
Image of Riley Keough
I was one of those kids who thought I could be the president of England when I grew up if I wanted to. Then I started acting and realized life is hard and people are mean. And there's no president of England and I'm not British.
- Riley Keough
Collection: Mean
Image of Andre Nel
You'd be surprised at how much I can drink. I mean, I can really drink.
- Andre Nel
Collection: Mean
Image of Steve Irwin
Crikey means gee whiz, wow! Crikey, mate. You're far safer dealing with crocodiles and western diamondback rattlesnakes than the executives and the producers and all those sharks in the big MGM building.
- Steve Irwin
Collection: Mean
Image of Kathy Ireland
It's never been done doesn't mean it can't be done.
- Kathy Ireland
Collection: Mean
Image of Michael Ignatieff
Public service does not necessarily mean service in the House of Commons, and public service is not synonymous with partisan political activity. It comes in a thousand colours, but the common denominator is: it's not about me - it's about we.
- Michael Ignatieff
Collection: Mean
Image of Rafael Yglesias
Relationships, it seems to me, are timeless. What works between two people always works; what doesn't is always troublesome. Over time, people learn - or not - how to negotiate what's difficult, but that doesn't mean the misfit has gone away entirely.
- Rafael Yglesias
Collection: Mean
Image of Jonathan Meades
I'm a very, very unreckless person. I mean, I look left, I look right, I look left, I look right, then I repeat the process and then I decide not to cross the road at the last minute.
- Jonathan Meades
Collection: Mean
Image of Jonathan Meades
I don't see any point in having a public service broadcaster which attempts to compete with the commercial sector. Obviously part of its remit is to entertain, but entertainment doesn't necessarily mean scraping the bottom of the barrel and appealing to the very lowest common denominator.
- Jonathan Meades
Collection: Mean
Image of D'Angelo
Especially when I first came up here to New York, everybody wanted to hook me up with this guy who's Prince's sound engineer. Almost everybody wanted me to hook up with him and go to L.A. and do all that just because that's the route Prince took. And for a while I was listening to all of that. "Yeah, if it's good enough for Prince, it should be good enough for me." But I mean, that's not the case, really. Prince is a different person than I am. You just got to find the right person for you, whoever you click with.
- D'Angelo
Collection: Mean
Image of Alejandro Jodorowsky
Failure doesn't mean anything, it just means changing paths.
- Alejandro Jodorowsky
Collection: Mean
Image of Kate Tempest
In London, the most, the biggest thing we have is culture, you know what I mean? That's what we've done for the past 50, 60 100 years, this is what we've done. My worry is that that will change but actually, that will never change because musicians will just go somewhere else.
- Kate Tempest
Collection: Mean
Image of Masha Tupitsyn
For me, the eye and the word go together. Even when I was working in word documents, I was always obsessed with fonts, size, margins - the look of words on a page. The way something looks or sounds is also what it means.
- Masha Tupitsyn
Collection: Mean
Image of Masha Tupitsyn
The way something looks or sounds is also what it means. Words as visual and aural phenomena, which mainly poets, not critics and prose writers, tend to be obsessed with. I think maybe I'm more of a curator than I am a writer in the strict sense because I am interested in how everything on the page, in a space, works together.
- Masha Tupitsyn
Collection: Mean
Image of Aaron Belz
I gravitate toward the larger worldview questions such as, Why are we here? What are we supposed to be doing? What does it mean to know another person? To love someone? Of course, those questions are sort of in the background as I'm playing with language in the foreground, but those are the informing questions.
- Aaron Belz
Collection: Mean
Image of Cassidy Erin Gifford
My values are non-negotiable. And if it means not getting a role, it means not getting a role.
- Cassidy Erin Gifford
Collection: Mean
Image of James Gray
Life affirming doesn't mean good things happen.
- James Gray
Collection: Mean
Image of James Jeans
The human race, whose intelligence dates back only a single tick of the astronomical clock, could hardly hope to understand so soon what it all means.
- James Jeans
Collection: Mean
Image of Hannah Hart
There are certain people who will always seek to criticize. This has nothing to do with you. It must be hard to be inside their head, you know? I mean if they find so much fault in everyone around them... then one can only imagine the faults they must see in themselves.
- Hannah Hart
Collection: Mean
Image of Wilhelm von Humboldt
To judge a man means nothing more than to ask: What content does he give to the form of humanity? What concept should we have of humanity if he were its only representative?
- Wilhelm von Humboldt
Collection: Mean
Image of Joe Swanberg
Just because you married doesn't mean you're not an individual person with your own wants and desires and needs.
- Joe Swanberg
Collection: Mean
Image of John H. Johnson
I'm convinced that the only way to get ahead in this world is to live and sell dangerously. You've got to live beyond your means. You've got to commit yourself to an act or vision that pulls you further than you want to go and forces you to use your hidden strengths.
- John H. Johnson
Collection: Mean
Image of Dorothy Cotton
If a house is burning, and bucket of water is thrown on the blaze and doesn't extinguish the fire, this doesn't mean that water won't put out fire. It means we need more water. And so with nonviolence.
- Dorothy Cotton
Collection: Mean
Image of Keariene Muizz
Being an artist means seeing things and never having the ability to shut your eyes.
- Keariene Muizz
Collection: Mean
Image of Rosalie Maggio
Eliminate irrelevant and inaccurate comunications about what it means to be male or female, black or white, young or old, rich or poor, disabled or temporarily able-bodied, or to hold a particular belief system.
- Rosalie Maggio
Collection: Mean
Image of Kenji Ekuan
Making an object means imbuing it with its own spirit.
- Kenji Ekuan
Collection: Mean
Image of Jasper Johns
I have meant what I have done. Or I have often meant what I have done. Or I have sometimes meant what I have done. Or I have tried to mean what I was doing.
- Jasper Johns
Collection: Mean
Image of Miranda Raison
Anger makes people feel uncomfortable, because the minute somebody shows it, it puts you in a position where you can't laugh or make light of something... not to trivialise it I don't mean. But your reaction to anger is supposed to be fear or returned anger. So, you're really trying to control a situation when you show anger and it's a very weak position to take. It often works on people who aren't in a position to fight back.
- Miranda Raison
Collection: Mean
Image of Cecily McMillan
We're just trying to figure out what being a good citizen is, what participating in a democracy is, what taking responsibility for being an American citizen in a global context means to us.
- Cecily McMillan
Collection: Mean
Image of Cecily McMillan
I can be all pissed off at the oppression of the state, but what does that really mean? Well, it's the tacit consent of a public.
- Cecily McMillan
Collection: Mean
Image of Cecily McMillan
If somebody is acting maladjusted - which means not happy to be at Rikers - the protocol, as I understand it and have been told by COs unofficially or officially, is to pepper spray that individual to sedate them.
- Cecily McMillan
Collection: Mean
Image of Mark Pesce
Basically, to sum up: We're a generation of anarchists, and we just haven't gotten our hands on the means of production yet so we can fetter the wheels. We haven't been handed the controls yet except to the Internet, which is why it looks like it does.
- Mark Pesce
Collection: Mean
Image of Laurent A. Daloz
The proper aim of education is to promote significant learning. Significant learning entails development. Development means successively asking broader and deeper questions of the relationship between oneself and the world. This is as true for first graders as graduate students, for fledging artists as graying accountants.
- Laurent A. Daloz
Collection: Mean
Image of Lillie Devereux Blake
I have seen that women are shut out from every means of earning a living that is really remunerative, crowded into certain narrow walks, which, in consequence, are so thronged that the poor creatures are forced to work for the merest pittance.
- Lillie Devereux Blake
Collection: Mean
Image of John F. Kennedy
We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence — on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day
- John F. Kennedy
Collection: Mean
Image of Paul Tudor Jones
After awhile size means nothing. It gets back to whether you're making 100% rate of return on 10k or 100 million dollars. It doesn't make any difference.
- Paul Tudor Jones
Collection: Mean
Image of Sheila Kamerman
Being a member of the labor force and a full-time parent means trying to manage against overwhelming odds in an unresponsive society.
- Sheila Kamerman
Collection: Mean
Image of Zoltan Istvan
Transhumanism literally means "beyond human." It's using science and technology to radically change and improve the human species and experience.
- Zoltan Istvan
Collection: Mean
Image of Paul Gillin
When you say ROI, do you mean return on investment or risk of inaction.
- Paul Gillin
Collection: Mean
Image of Jancee Dunn
I was 35. I was the oldest female VJ at Viacom ever. I left them, which at least preserved my dignity, because I'm sure they would eventually have kicked me to the curb. I mean, who there is over 35 now? I can't even imagine. On air? I was glad I lasted that long.
- Jancee Dunn
Collection: Mean
Image of Jonathan Ive
To do something innovative means that you reject reason.
- Jonathan Ive
Collection: Mean
Image of Antiphon
Time is but a thought, a means of measurement, not a reality.
- Antiphon
Collection: Mean
Image of Willis Earl Beal
I don't mind being artificial sometimes, because I like veiling myself. I mean, I'm not honest or sincere: I am self-centered and narcissistic. I just want to be this entity.
- Willis Earl Beal
Collection: Mean
Image of Margaret Ayer Barnes
Curious, isn't it that "talking with the right people" means something so different from "talking with the right person"?
- Margaret Ayer Barnes
Collection: Mean
Image of Rachel Zucker
When I edit the poems - and I do edit, which some people don't mean when they use the term "stream of consciousness" - I'm usually editing toward greater accuracy, which sometimes means more fragmentation, because that is the way I think.
- Rachel Zucker
Collection: Mean
Image of Howard W. Koch
Politics is the means by which the will of the few becomes the will of the many.
- Howard W. Koch
Collection: Mean
Image of Ivan Chermayeff
Good design should follow looking into the products and reputation of clients who approach you, but this does not mean you have to follow them into bed.
- Ivan Chermayeff
Collection: Mean