Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 70

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 70 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Gina Prince-Bythewood
I'm very shy. But as a director and especially a female director, absolutely: How I used to walk on the court is how I walk on set. And I have to - I mean, I'm controlling 150, 200 people, and everything is on me.
- Gina Prince-Bythewood
Collection: Mean
Image of Joan Z. Borysenko
To nourish the soul means to become kinder, more compassionate, wiser, and more loving, often through the making of difficult choices that foster growth rather than safety. The nourishment and growth of the soul is the very reason for human life.
- Joan Z. Borysenko
Collection: Mean
Image of George Ritzer
Most specifically, irrationality means that rational systems are unreasonable systems. By that I mean that they deny the basic humanity, the human reason, of the people who work within or are served by them.
- George Ritzer
Collection: Mean
Image of Barbara Grizzuti Harrison
Facts mean nothing to wounded feelings.
- Barbara Grizzuti Harrison
Collection: Mean
Image of Gary A. Klein
If you mean, "My gut feeling is telling me this; therefore I can act on it and I don't have to worry," we say you should never trust your gut.
- Gary A. Klein
Collection: Mean
Image of Thomas Guthrie
You are so to put forth the power that God has given you; you are so to give, and sacrifice to give, as to earn the eulogium pronounced on the woman, "She hath done what she could." Do it now. It is not a safe thing to leave a generous feeling to the cooling influences of a cold world. If you intend to do a mean thing, wait till tomorrow; if you are to do a noble thing, do it now,--now!
- Thomas Guthrie
Collection: Mean
Image of Noah Hawley
Some roads you shouldn't go down. Because maps used to say there were dragons here. Now they don't. But that don't mean the dragons aren't there.
- Noah Hawley
Collection: Mean
Image of Randall Price
The Bible is an ancient text from an ancient context. We live thousands of miles and thousands of years away from that context, which also represents different cultures. Archaeology is a modern means of revealing both the lost record of the ancient world, and the historical and social world of the Bible. While the purpose of archaeology is not to prove the historicity of the people and events recorded in Scripture, it can help immeasurably to confirm the historical reality and accuracy of the Bible and to demonstrate that faith has a factual foundation.
- Randall Price
Collection: Mean
Image of Tom Rosenstiel
We're not seeing, you know, dozens of reporters being beaten up. And there may be more attention to it than there has been in the past. But it is important to recognize that the democracy depends on reporters asking people in power questions, so that the general public has information. We can't really self-govern unless information is widespread. And, sometimes, reporters have to be a little aggressive. I mean, you know, the reporter didn't beat up the politician. The politician beat up the reporter.
- Tom Rosenstiel
Collection: Mean
Image of Oscar Hammerstein II
Berlin's great secret is that he says exactly what he means; sometimes he hits a gigantic line both musically and lyrically -- almost Wagnerian in its strength.
- Oscar Hammerstein II
Collection: Mean
Image of Jen Kirkman
I finally understand that it’s okay to be a little afraid of things but that obsessing over them does not mean you have any more control over what you fear.
- Jen Kirkman
Collection: Mean
Image of Graca Machel
Preventing the conflicts of tomorrow means changing the mind-set of youth today.
- Graca Machel
Collection: Mean
Image of Will Packer
I've never been in the position where that conversation is a serious conversation before the movie even comes out. On one side of it, that's so great because you've got such great potential. The other side of that is that there's a level of pressure. Now, that clearly means that there's an expectation level, from the studio side, potentially from the audience's side, and from our side.
- Will Packer
Collection: Mean
Image of Eva Brann
You will be educated, which means that you will be interested where others are bored, that you will notice unities where others experience randomness, and that you will intend meanings where others are just spouting words. For exactly that is supposed to be the result of becoming literate: The world becomes a thick texture of significance that you know how to “access.
- Eva Brann
Collection: Mean
Image of Ed Helms
It's a very collaborative environment [making The Office]. We always do takes of how it's scripted, but then we also mix it up a lot too. And it's kind of a crapshoot, you never know which one... I mean a lot of time improvisation doesn't go anywhere and it's not good at all but, so what was written is often times better.
- Ed Helms
Collection: Mean
Image of Bruce Nash
I think there is a danger there of being mean to people and humiliating people and embarrassing people just because it might get you ratings. It is a disturbing trend.
- Bruce Nash
Collection: Mean
Image of Henry IV of France
If God grants me longer life, I will see to it that no peasant in my kingdom will lack the means to have a chicken in the pot every Sunday.
- Henry IV of France
Collection: Mean
Image of Kate Nash
Just because I'm from North Harrow some people want me to be a proper chav. I'm not from a poor background, but we have a normal size house, and my mum is a nurse. I had to go to work otherwise I wouldn't be able to have done anything - there wasn't enough money for me to skive off. As for the Vicki Pollard thing - I don't let stuff like that bother me. I mean, she's a bit of a retard, isn't she?
- Kate Nash
Collection: Mean
Image of Jonathan Tucker
There is a ferocity to MMA and to the training, but there's such a humanity to it too. It takes so much sacrifice and humility to get into it and to rise through those levels. If you look at the fights as a means to test who you are, every one of these fights is an opportunity to see how far you're willing to go up against yourself - and to find and define your limits.
- Jonathan Tucker
Collection: Mean
Image of Kehinde Wiley
I create something that means something to me, to the world, and try to do my best. I can't fix everything.
- Kehinde Wiley
Collection: Mean
Image of Joseph McGinty Nichol
Kids don't even know what it means that you have to watch a show on Thursday night at 9 o'clock, on any given network. You just put it on your DVR, or queue it up on your computer, and it's an on-demand and instant access world.
- Joseph McGinty Nichol
Collection: Mean
Image of Brian Viglione
I mean, there is a certain element that, when you read the bad press about yourself and post it on the web-site, takes the pressure off.
- Brian Viglione
Collection: Mean
Image of Peg O'Connor
I can't overrule gravity or turn away an approaching hurricane. I'm powerless over those things, yet this doesn't mean that I can't act with responsibility. I can pack provisions and head to my cellar as a storm approaches.
- Peg O'Connor
Collection: Mean
Image of LIZ
Why do you sound surprised? I love America. Just because I think gay dudes should be allowed to adopt kids and we should all have hybrid cars doesn't mean I don't love America?
Collection: Mean
Image of John H Aughey
God brings men [and women] into deep waters, not to drown them, but to cleanse [teach and improve] them. [It is fair and appropriate to get excited about what those lessons and improvements to you will mean for the future happiness of you and those you care about.]
- John H Aughey
Collection: Mean
Image of Vladimir Sorokin
Orthodox churches, autocracy and national traditions are supposed to form a new national ideology in Russia. This would mean that Russia would be overtaken by its past, and our past would be our future.
- Vladimir Sorokin
Collection: Mean
Image of Angus King
That's because of everything the public interest and the media interest is focused on: What did Donald Trump know and when did he know it? Whether there was cooperation with the Russians. I don't mean to say that's a distraction or we shouldn't follow it up. But the underlying story of the Russians trying to subvert our democracy, both through propaganda, planted stories, manipulation of social media and through direct efforts to infiltrate our state election system, is really an enormously significant event. And it's not over.
- Angus King
Collection: Mean
Image of Angus King
The intelligence community, in particular the FBI, have been sounding alarms about this for more than a year. So to argue that suddenly we have to do this because of the San Bernardino case doesn't really pass the straight-face test. I mean, they've been talking about this. And to say, well, it will only apply to this case, that just - that doesn't wash. This is a major piece of public policy.
- Angus King
Collection: Mean
Image of Merzbow
If by noise you mean uncomfortable sound, then pop music is noise to me.
- Merzbow
Collection: Mean
Image of James Hillman
Loss means losing what was. We want to change but we don't want to lose. Without time for loss, we don't have time for soul.
- James Hillman
Collection: Mean
Image of Tod Machover
One of my interests in music has always been what it means, why it affects us the way it does.
- Tod Machover
Collection: Mean
Image of Tod Machover
A piano is a machine, but you've got ivory and there's weight behind the keys and you have this really - you feel the resonance in the instrument, you feel the vibration in the pedal. I mean, these a still very crude.
- Tod Machover
Collection: Mean
Image of Jinxx
I'm more than happy to say that I am a part of the return of Rock n' Roll.And that what we have to say means so much to these amazing people.
- Jinxx
Collection: Mean
Image of Darrell Huff
The purely random sample is the only kind that can be examined with confidence by means of statistical theory, but there is one things wrong with it. It is so difficult and expensive to obtain for many uses that sheer cost eliminates it. A more economical substitute, which is almost universally used in such fields as opinion polling and market research, is called stratified random sampling.
- Darrell Huff
Collection: Mean
Image of John Caples
Remember that the reader's attention is yours for only a single instant. They will not use up their valuable time trying to figure out what you mean.
- John Caples
Collection: Mean
Image of Mark Hoppus
Play music that means something to you. Make it happen for yourself.
- Mark Hoppus
Collection: Mean
Image of Norman Ralph Augustine
Law Number XXXII: Hiring consultants to conduct studies can be an excellent means of turning problems into gold, your problems into their gold.
- Norman Ralph Augustine
Collection: Mean
Image of Steve Harvey
Failure means you've now learned another valuable lesson that pushes you one step closer to success.
- Steve Harvey
Collection: Mean
Image of Ian Hacking
Thers is this wonderful iconoclast at Rutgers, Doron Zeilberger, who says that our mathematics is the result of a random walk, by which he means what WE call mathematics. Likewise, I think, for the sciences.
- Ian Hacking
Collection: Mean
Image of Bronson Arroyo
I always say Manny [Ramirez] is a strange guy. Outwardly, he's happy-go-lucky. On the inside, he's got a lot of conspiracy theories going on. I would say Manny might be one of these guys when he's 50 years old, he might be in his house with all the blinds shut kind of looking out like the CIA's out there. You don't know, man. I mean, you don't know what's going on in the interior with him. So you don't worry about it.
- Bronson Arroyo
Collection: Mean
Image of Neil Portnow
The fact that there isn't a performance right [for the use of sound recordings on ­terrestrial radio] means there's hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign income that doesn't come to the artists in America.
- Neil Portnow
Collection: Mean
Image of Jonathan Hull
I think we all look for clues that we are not utterly alone... Clues we find in literature and paintings and music and even someone’s eyes; clues that demonstrate that someone else has felt the same indescribable feelings, seen the same things or passed by the spot even if it was by candlelight three hundred years ago. It means everything, like finding footprints in the sand of a deserted island.
- Jonathan Hull
Collection: Mean
Image of Frederic G. Kenyon
The apostles were scattered, and even the leaders of the Church in Jerusalem had neither the power nor the means to impose uniformity.In these circumstances, we must imagine the literature of Christianity as spreading gradually, irregularly, and in a manner which variations inevitable.
- Frederic G. Kenyon
Collection: Mean
Image of Oren Moverman
I mean, you always hope to have a part on every level, on every layer. For us it was very much a conversation about power and sexuality and brutality. And really all the issues that are in that world, in that space, come down to one word, which is "masculinity.
- Oren Moverman
Collection: Mean
Image of Luis Gutierrez
I mean, the greatest laugh I always get is, if darkness, right, just overwhelms the Earth one day and Obama had the key to light, he says, "I have a bill that will bring sunlight," they'd rather live in darkness than have him bring the light.
- Luis Gutierrez
Collection: Mean
Image of Dennis Hastert
Just like families must live within their budgets, the Federal Government must live within its means. We have passed appropriations bills that have been fiscally responsible while recognizing our national priorities.
- Dennis Hastert
Collection: Mean
Image of Ernest Holmes
When you want to do a big thing, get the mental pattern, make it perfect, know just what it means, enlarge your thought, keep it to yourself, pass it over to the creative power behind all things, wait and listen, and when the impression comes, follow it with assurance. Don't talk to anyone about it. Never listen to negative talk or pay attention to it and you will succeed where all others fail.
- Ernest Holmes
Collection: Mean
Image of Pantha du Prince
If you work with so many classical instruments... I mean, it still has this power, and it's still connected to the idea of techno. But it has its own quality, its own sound. It's in between, even more than the record before. You need to give every instrument, sound, and element the space it needs.
- Pantha du Prince
Collection: Mean
Image of Rian Johnson
I mean, the first “Back to the Future” is kind of a perfect script, I think. In terms of handling time travel the best, it depends on your definition. To me, that means it effectively uses it in the story.
- Rian Johnson
Collection: Mean