Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 64

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 64 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Vanessa Veselka
But I know what it means to crave what you're not. To want to sew up that rift because it's exhausting to hold it open. Sometimes you just need to be someone else, someone who doesn't care about anything at all. I know I do. I want emptiness but I can't have it.
- Vanessa Veselka
Collection: Mean
Image of Boutros Boutros-Ghali
Co-operative enterprises provide the organisational means whereby a significant proportion of humanity is able to take into its own hands the tasks of creating productive employment, overcoming poverty and achieving social integration.
- Boutros Boutros-Ghali
Collection: Mean
Image of Stewart Butterfield
You have to figure out what conversion means in your case. What does retention mean? What does activation mean? For every business, it's going to be slightly different because of the nature of the product and the kinds of people who use it.
- Stewart Butterfield
Collection: Mean
Image of Edan Lepucki
California seemed to me to be all about secrets and the need for safety. And this leads to this thematic messiness I'm still trying to figure out what to do with. I mean, when it comes to the themes, this is nothing like an Atwood novel.
- Edan Lepucki
Collection: Mean
Image of Jerry Garcia
The great thing is the thing of being able to see things through many points of view. That's enlarging. I mean, it saves you from ultimately from the boredom of having one point of view, like being locked in a room with nothing but your own point of view, your own references.
- Jerry Garcia
Collection: Mean
Image of Jean-Bertrand Aristide
When we say democracy we have to mean what we say.
- Jean-Bertrand Aristide
Collection: Mean
Image of Ryan Gosling
I feel it's important to show that one thing that you do doesn't define you as a human being. It doesn't mean there aren't ramifications or you shouldn't pay for that but, its not who you are.
- Ryan Gosling
Collection: Mean
Image of Robert Frost
There are tones of voices that mean more than words.
- Robert Frost
Collection: Mean
Image of Chloe Neill
I’d prefer to see both knees on the ground. I mean, if you’re going to grovel, be the best groveler you can, right?
- Chloe Neill
Collection: Mean
Image of Wangechi Mutu
Everything is deeply affected by the dominant culture. Consumerism is huge in the US. This is by far the wealthiest [nation], but also the biggest consumer in the world. Which means that a lot of things get used, a lot of things get wasted, and a lot of things get churned out in ways that are wasteful.
- Wangechi Mutu
Collection: Mean
Image of Jay Paterno
When you want to know what Penn State is, and when you want to know what 'We Are' means, come to THON.
- Jay Paterno
Collection: Mean
Image of Kimberley Strassel
This was a different form of French resistance in Paris on this day, all of these people coming together and sending out pictures like this to the world about the world we still want this to be, instead of the one that terrorists want, and that means all terrorists, the world where we live in constant fear.
- Kimberley Strassel
Collection: Mean
Image of Noel Gallagher
Those who don't say what they mean will live and die by their own sword.
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Mean
Image of Dave Gahan
We seem to be in a really interesting time, a time of weird change and values and choices, and "Who are you really? Where's the revolution, and what does it mean to you? What are your choices?" To me, America is built on immigrants - everybody coming here and making America "Great," as Donald Trump would say. And that's what New York is, a melting pot for all these different races and religions. We all live on this little island together and somehow get on, some days. But most of the time it's proven to have worked, right? So I don't know what the f - k he's talking about.
- Dave Gahan
Collection: Mean
Image of Douglas Crockford
Just because something is a standard doesn’t mean it is the right choice for every application. Like XML, for example.
- Douglas Crockford
Collection: Mean
Image of Paul Goodman
Low pay generally means harder work under worse conditions.
- Paul Goodman
Collection: Mean
Image of Bill Frist
The notion that you have a blind trust but you can tell your trustee when to sell stock in it just doesn't make any sense. It means you have a seeing eye trust and not a blind trust. It's ridiculous.
- Bill Frist
Collection: Mean
Image of Ricky Gervais
Just because you're offended, doesn't mean you're right.
- Ricky Gervais
Collection: Mean
Image of Cardale Jones
Being a first-round draft pick means nothing to me without my education.
- Cardale Jones
Collection: Mean
Image of Christiane Northrup
Age is just a number, and agelessness means not buying into the idea that a number determines everything from your state of health to your attractiveness to your value.
- Christiane Northrup
Collection: Mean
Image of Jonathan Gruber
If you're a state and you don't set up an exchange, that means your citizens don't get their tax credits.
- Jonathan Gruber
Collection: Mean
Image of Roy Chapman Andrews
Today there remain but a few small areas on the world's map unmarked by explorers' trails. Human courage and endurance have conquered the Poles; the secrets of the tropical jungles have been revealed. The highest mountains of the earth have heard the voice of man. But this does not mean that the youth of the future has no new worlds to vanquish. It means only that the explorer must change his methods.
- Roy Chapman Andrews
Collection: Mean
Image of Steve Ells
Just because food is served fast doesn't mean it has to be made with cheap raw ingredients, highly processed with preservatives and fillers and stabilizers and artificial colors and flavors.
- Steve Ells
Collection: Mean
Image of J.D. Roth
To you, being rich might mean owning a goat farm in South Carolina. For your best friend, it might mean being able to start her own business selling wine over the Internet. Whatever the case, youre probably not motivated by the money itself, but by what the money could let you be and do.
- J.D. Roth
Collection: Mean
Image of Bert Blyleven
The problem with being Comeback Player of the Year is it means you have to go somewhere before you can come back.
- Bert Blyleven
Collection: Mean
Image of Sergey Lavrov
Russia doesn't want any arms race. Russia would not engage in the arms race. We have enough technological means to provide not very expensive answer to the efforts to build missile defense.
- Sergey Lavrov
Collection: Mean
Image of Roy Peter Clark
For what good is freedom of expression if you lack the means to express yourself?
- Roy Peter Clark
Collection: Mean
Image of Roy Peter Clark
Riffing on language will create wonderful effects you never intended. Which leads me to this writing advice: 'Always take credit for good stuff you didn't intend, because you'll be getting plenty of criticism in your career for bad stuff you didn't mean either.'
- Roy Peter Clark
Collection: Mean
Image of Mikey Way
Everyone expects us to be assholes nowadays. I think we've let them down. We're regular dudes and dorky kids. Success doesn't mean you have to change.
- Mikey Way
Collection: Mean
Image of Boonaa Mohammed
Just because you forgot about your sins, doesn't mean they have been forgiven.
- Boonaa Mohammed
Collection: Mean
Image of Boonaa Mohammed
Being rejected from something good just means that Allah is pointing you to something better
- Boonaa Mohammed
Collection: Mean
Image of Douglas J. Moo
... the world of nature is by no means absent from the eschatological program set out in the NT. While rarely rising to the level of an explicit emphasis, and never the chief concern in and of itself, the world of nature is an integral component of God's new creation work.
- Douglas J. Moo
Collection: Mean
Image of Hal Duncan
Where names of people or places would mean little to a contemporary reader, I figured "translation errors" could create interesting new meanings.
- Hal Duncan
Collection: Mean
Image of Nilo Cruz
One of the good thing about theater in the states, is that the playwright we do have a say, especially in the beginning, when the play is being discussed around the table. We talk about the play, and the actors listen, and there have been cases, you disagree on something... I mean, actors don't usually tell you what they're going to do, they do it. Of course, you try to speak with the director and say, "Is there any way you can bring this actor to do something different?" You try as much as you can, but then, you also have to be open to interpretation.
- Nilo Cruz
Collection: Mean
Image of Mark Mason
It's important to know that, unlike lawyers, land surveyors put the public interest first. That means we're not biased by our client - this means that the property line will be drawn in the most equitable position, regardless of which neighbor is paying the bill.
- Mark Mason
Collection: Mean
Image of Maryrose Wood
Plants make the air! Do you understand what that means? Our food, our air, our very lives come from the plants. How could they not be of divine origin, of divine intelligence? How can we deny that, in some essential way, they are no less than you or I?
- Maryrose Wood
Collection: Mean
Image of John Galt
I seek no values by means of evil, nor do I surrender my values to evil.
- John Galt
Collection: Mean
Image of John Galt
Man cannot survive except by gaining knowledge, and reason is his only means to gain it.
- John Galt
Collection: Mean
Image of John Galt
Discard the protective rags of that vice which you called a virtue: humility. Learn to value yourself, which means: to FIGHT for your happiness, and when you learn that pride is the sum of all virtues, you will learn to live like a man.
- John Galt
Collection: Mean
Image of Sara Gruen
When will people learn that just because you can make something doesn’t mean you should?
- Sara Gruen
Collection: Mean
Image of Richard Kern
What bothers people more than anything is that I'm an old guy taking photos of them. But maybe if you look at the photos, 20, 30 years later, it's not going to matter who took the photos. I mean, they would just be there. People will hopefully get over that.
- Richard Kern
Collection: Mean
Image of Kara Walker
Im not really about blackness, per se, but about blackness and whiteness, and what they mean and how they interact with one another and what power is all about.
- Kara Walker
Collection: Mean
Image of Nafis Sadik
When we talk about 'reproductive rights' this is what we mean. It's the difference between people as objects, and people as agents: between regarding people as pawns on the policy chessboard and recognizing them as the players, the decision-makers, the drivers of policy; autonomous individuals intimately concerned with the direction of their own lives. Under these conditions women, especially, enjoy better health and live fuller lives.
- Nafis Sadik
Collection: Mean
Image of Michael Cisco
Ask anyone what that means, what it means to see a miracle, and they will say that it's something impossible, but they mean that a miracle is something formerly believed to be impossible that turns out not to be, not to be impossible, in other words, but possible after all. If this were really true, then miracles would be the most ordinary things in the world, the most uninspiring things in the world, and what can one expect from people who have never been anything but ordinary and uninspired.
- Michael Cisco
Collection: Mean
Image of Julie Halston
So often, I have seen really, really talented performers never quite relating to material. I mean, there's a lot of gay actors, for example, that are obviously gay. They're not going to be able to do some of the material. Some of them they can, some of them they can't.
- Julie Halston
Collection: Mean
Image of Laurie Holden
Whenever I have to do an emotional scene, I just take my contacts out and it means I can't see anything.
- Laurie Holden
Collection: Mean
Image of Bob Lepine
In order to live as we were designed to live, we must be in pursuit not simply of manhood but of godly masculinity. That begins by being men who are rightly related to God, who understand what it means to fear him, and who respond to that fear by being alert, standing firm in the faith, and being men of courage.
- Bob Lepine
Collection: Mean
Image of Valerie Thomas
I didn't invent the rainy day, man. I just own the best umbrella. That’s one of my favorite lines of all time. It’s from a movie called Almost Famous. I think what it means is that life is going to throw all kinds of stuff at you, good and bad. But all you can do is get out there and try to stay dry.
- Valerie Thomas
Collection: Mean