Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 63

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 63 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Antoine Fuqua
Well, I mean, the original is certainly the jump-off, it certainly is what it is, you know, I grew up around that era so I watched all those shows. The basic concept is there, it's just a different movie. Totally different actors, different filmmakers, different script, but same concept.
- Antoine Fuqua
Collection: Mean
Image of Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Singing doesn't have to mean that you sound like Stevie Wonder. I love to sing. I'm not the greatest singer in the world. But, a lot of my favorite singers aren't the greatest singers in the world.
- Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Collection: Mean
Image of Trevor Noah
As an outsider myself, I always mixed myself with different groups...I've never been afraid to go into a different space and relate to those people, because I don't have a place where I belong and that means I belong everywhere.
- Trevor Noah
Collection: Mean
Image of Trevor Noah
Nelson Mandela was in jail when I was really young, and Winnie Mandela was one of the biggest faces of the movement. In South Africa we have a common phrase - it's like a chant in the street and at rallies: "Wathint' abafazi, wathint' imbokodo." Which means, "You strike a woman, you strike a rock."
- Trevor Noah
Collection: Mean
Image of Archie Kalokerinos
We know the cause of SIDS. We can and have prevented them. It's all done with a compound called ascorbate. Not to use it means deaths will continue. There is no other answer. There never will be. For our findings are based on scientific facts. Not medical opinion.
- Archie Kalokerinos
Collection: Mean
Image of Jessie Penn-Lewis
Those who have entered into the afflictions of Christ for His Church's sake know something of what they mean, for they have learned in a measure to pour out their souls unto death, in fellowship with Him.
- Jessie Penn-Lewis
Collection: Mean
Image of Chris Wedge
I've been working in computer animation for 25 years. I'm obviously a devotee of the technology. I just think it's the one aspect of the medium that's going to continue to revolutionize the filmmaking. It's constantly changing and it's constantly opening up new possibilities. The technology is evolving where 2-D animation was ultimately limited by how long you could pay how many people to make a movie. I mean computers, not that it's in anyway a labor saving device, but it promises to open up exciting new technical possibilites.
- Chris Wedge
Collection: Mean
Image of Jeff Blatnick
I learned to win by learning to lose- that means not being afraid of losing.
- Jeff Blatnick
Collection: Mean
Image of Chris Kilham
People in the U.S. are more cranked up on pharmaceutical drugs than any other culture in the world today. I want people using safer medicine. And that means plant medicine.
- Chris Kilham
Collection: Mean
Image of Katharine Fullerton Gerould
Culture' means a long receptivity to things of the mind and the spirit.
- Katharine Fullerton Gerould
Collection: Mean
Image of Fred Armisen
I loved our music discussion. I live for discussions like that. It's my favorite thing because it means that people care about music, and actually have an opinion. I feel like it's dying. Everyone is just really like, they take a step back, but to actually have conviction about what's good and bad: love it.
- Fred Armisen
Collection: Mean
Image of Nicola Sturgeon
I should say that being independent in the modern model means independent in a very interdependent world. An independent Scotland is not apart from the rest of the United Kingdom.
- Nicola Sturgeon
Collection: Mean
Image of John W. Gardner
Tax reduction has an almost irresistible appeal to the politician, and it is no doubt also gratifying to the citizen. It means more dollars in his pocket, dollars that he can spend if inflation doesn't consume them first. But dollars in his pocket won't buy him clean streets or an adequate police force or good schools or clean air and water. Handing money back to the private sector in tax cuts and starving the public sector is a formula for producing richer and richer consumers in filthier and filthier communities. If we stick to that formula we shall end up in affluent misery.
- John W. Gardner
Collection: Mean
Image of Ronald D. Moore
Even then, I didn't quite know what to make of it [captain Kirk death]. I was mystified by why I was doing it, why I was so driven to do it, and why it was affecting me like it was. I still don't know what it means. It's a strange singular experience. I don't even know anyone to talk to about it because I don't know anyone who's had that experience.
- Ronald D. Moore
Collection: Mean
Image of Arthur M. Jolly
Just because you're living in blissful oblivion doesn't mean you're not responsible.
- Arthur M. Jolly
Collection: Mean
Image of Bernard Goldberg
The most meaningless term in the English language is "I take full responsibility." When a politician utters those words it means absolutely nothing.
- Bernard Goldberg
Collection: Mean
Image of Bernard Goldberg
I mean, I think everybody realizes that calling people racist is a waste of time, nobody buys it anymore.
- Bernard Goldberg
Collection: Mean
Image of Guy Consolmagno
Intelligent Design has been hijacked by a narrow group of creationist fundamentalists in America to mean something it didn't originally mean at all. It's another form of the God of the gaps. It's bad theology in that it turns God once again into the pagan god of thunder and lightning.
- Guy Consolmagno
Collection: Mean
Image of Jane Wilson-Howarth
I think of the irony that in our language [Nepali] the word for love can also mean deceit.
- Jane Wilson-Howarth
Collection: Mean
Image of Stanton Peele
We often say 'love' when we really mean, and are acting out, an addiction-a sterile, ingrown dependency relationship, with another person serving as the object of our need for security.
- Stanton Peele
Collection: Mean
Image of Sebastian Fitzek
The end justifies the means. Sometimes you have to do the wrong thing to get the right result.
- Sebastian Fitzek
Collection: Mean
Image of Lance B. Wickman
Marriage is a unified institution. Marriage means a committed, legally sanctioned relationship between a man and a woman. That's what it means. That's what it means in the revelations. That's what it means in the secular law. You cannot have that marriage coexisting institutionally with something else called same-gender marriage. It simply is a definitional impossibility.
- Lance B. Wickman
Collection: Mean
Image of Pankaj Mishra
Politics now is really only about self-interest, which means it has violence built into it because your self-interest is going to collide with the self-interest of the rest of the world. That's inevitable.
- Pankaj Mishra
Collection: Mean
Image of Jonah Goldberg
Simply because the nanny-state wants to hug you doesn't mean it's not tyrannical if you don't want to be hugged.
- Jonah Goldberg
Collection: Mean
Image of Anya Hindmarch
Often fear is the same emotion as excitement. It means you are breaking ground.
- Anya Hindmarch
Collection: Mean
Image of Lewis Grizzard
In the south there's a difference between 'Naked' and 'Nekkid.' 'Naked' means you don't have any clothes on. 'Nekkid' means you don't have any clothes on and you're up to somethin'.
- Lewis Grizzard
Collection: Mean
Image of Mehcad Brooks
Actors have a different kind of existence because they blow up over night into superstars in their early 20s. Let's say you were a superstar in your early 20s and somebody gave you millions of dollars, I mean come on. Let's be honest here, we don't know anything in our 20s.
- Mehcad Brooks
Collection: Mean
Image of Alistair Beaton
Sometimes actors don't remember their lines. At its worst, this means they 'dry' and silence descends. More commonly, the original lines are paraphrased in some alarming way. It's hard to say which is more painful for the author. Less serious, but quite irritating is to hear the word 'Well' inserted at the beginning of speeches.
- Alistair Beaton
Collection: Mean
Image of Martin Lindstrom
Branding is not about what something says or what it means, but how it makes us feel.
- Martin Lindstrom
Collection: Mean
Image of Martin Lindstrom
Brand handling synergy means developing and communicating your company's values and identity consistently.
- Martin Lindstrom
Collection: Mean
Image of Lori Earley
Painting has always been a means of self-expression for me. Therefore, I paint because I have to and need to, not necessarily because I want to. Subconsciously or not, the figures I paint are a reflection of myself and whatever mood I am in at the time, so every painting is in essence a self-portrait.
- Lori Earley
Collection: Mean
Image of Natalie Goldberg
I used to think freedom meant doing whatever you want. It means knowing who you are, what you are supposed to be doing on this earth, and then simply doing it.
- Natalie Goldberg
Collection: Mean
Image of Hal Hartley
All the discoveries seem to be discoveries of means.
- Hal Hartley
Collection: Mean
Image of Shaunti Feldhahn
It's so tempting to try to do it all, so as not to miss out. But to do all of those 'good things' means you'll do none of them well.
- Shaunti Feldhahn
Collection: Mean
Image of John Cameron Mitchell
I always wonder about psychopaths, just because they have no empathy, does that necessarily mean they enjoy being cruel? Because we all know people who seem to have no empathy that we work with; they're not necessarily cruel.
- John Cameron Mitchell
Collection: Mean
Image of Kelis
Nourishment means a quality of life; consistency in the way we treat ourselves.
- Kelis
Collection: Mean
Image of Jacque Fresco
If you think we can’t change the world, It just means you're not one of those that will
- Jacque Fresco
Collection: Mean
Image of Jacque Fresco
I have no notions of a perfect society, I don’t know what that means. I know we can do much better than what we’ve got, I’m no utopian, I’m not a humanist that would like to see everybody living in warmth and harmony: I know that if we don’t live that way, we’ll kill each other and destroy the Earth.
- Jacque Fresco
Collection: Mean
Image of Pieter Hugo
It's quite scary when academics start dictating to artists that they should be politically correct or follow certain rules of behavior - which means we have to start making dishonest work, which means it becomes didactic and propaganda in nature.
- Pieter Hugo
Collection: Mean
Image of Kevin Conroy
The audience has realized how much money the studios make from games now. They're making more money from games than they are from feature films. I mean this is a massive industry. It's still in its infancy. So I really feel lucky to be a part of it.
- Kevin Conroy
Collection: Mean
Image of Black Francis
I won't necessarily make new music because when you make a record there are these great expectations on the side of the record company who are going to produce your record, promoters that are going to do your shows. They want you to do interviews, they want you to play shows. I mean, they want it to be a campaign.
- Black Francis
Collection: Mean
Image of Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
Fascism means first of all defending your nation against the dangers that threaten it. It means the destruction of these dangers and the opening of a free way to life and glory for your nation.
- Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
Collection: Mean
Image of Scott Schuman
Style as a concept has been hijacked to mean elite, refined and expensive when it should be thought of as a basic expression of life in much the same way as we all identify with music or speech.
- Scott Schuman
Collection: Mean
Image of Mark Hall
If the DHS insists, as bureaucracies are apt to do, that open-source must be certified via a sanctioned, formal process, it will interfere with the informal process of open-source itself. It seems to me the DHS is trying to turn an open-source development project into a Microsoft (or IBM or Oracle) software development project. And we know what that means: more, not fewer, errors -- security and otherwise.
- Mark Hall
Collection: Mean
Image of Yasmin
The people are only tools, a means used by God. But they are not the sourse of help, aid, or salvation of any kind. Only God is. The people cannot even create the wing of a fly (Quran, 22:73).
- Yasmin
Collection: Mean
Image of Nicole Brossard
To be a poet is to place pleasure, beauty and sensual delights front and centre, it means having a predilection for debauchery.
- Nicole Brossard
Collection: Mean
Image of Ray McGovern
Everyone knows that due process means judicial process, and when John Brennan brings him a list of people to be killed this particular week, that's not due process. That's certainly not judicial process. So there's the fifth amendment. Not even George Bush claimed the right to kill American citizens without due process.
- Ray McGovern
Collection: Mean
Image of Liang Qichao
Freedom means Freedom for the Group, not Freedom for the Individual. (…) Men must not be slaves to other men, but they must be slaves to their group. For, if they are not slaves to their own group, they will assuredly become slaves to some other.
- Liang Qichao
Collection: Mean