Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 61

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 61 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Bessie Head
I might really have gone round the bend. I mean people who get visions and see a gigantic light descend on them from the sky can't be all there but if so I feel mighty happy. If one is happy and cracked it's much better than being unhappy and sane.
- Bessie Head
Collection: Mean
Image of Youth Lagoon
As far as music being something that's not background, it doesn't mean that it's loud, it means that it's instantly something to dwell on and process and swallow and regurgitate.
- Youth Lagoon
Collection: Mean
Image of James Toback
In a way, I think that the movie Fight Club [1999] did a weird, negative thing to boxing, culturally. I mean, it is sort of similar to what has happened to the novel. For however many good novels are written, the novel itself has completely lost its place.
- James Toback
Collection: Mean
Image of Derwin L. Gray
Only 13.7% of churches in America are consider multiethnic. This means that 86.3 % of churches are homogenous.
- Derwin L. Gray
Collection: Mean
Image of Barry Eichengreen
Political union means transferring the prerogatives of national legislatures to the European parliament, which would then decide how to structure Europe's fiscal, banking, and monetary union.
- Barry Eichengreen
Collection: Mean
Image of Joaquin Sorolla
Nature, the sun itself, produces color effects... instantaneously. The impression of these evanescent visions is what we make desperate attempts to catch and fix by any means at hand. At such moments I am unconscious of materials, of style, of rules, of everything that intervenes between my perception and the object or idea perceived.
- Joaquin Sorolla
Collection: Mean
Image of Jared Bernstein
The black unemployment rate has to be twice that of the white rate in the US. If the national unemployment rate were 6.8 percent, everyone would be freaking out. We ought to not take too much solace in the 6.8 percent, but ask ourselves what can we do to bring that down to white rates, which are below 4 percent now. Some of that has to do with education, but that's just part of the story. You find that those unemployment differentials persist across every education level. I think it means pushing back on discrimination and helping people who can't find work get into the job market.
- Jared Bernstein
Collection: Mean
Image of Jared Bernstein
Did folks know that the tax to fund the program [Social Security] only hits salaries up to $110,000? That means that if you make a million bucks, about 90% of your salary is tax free when it comes to the payroll tax that funds Soc Sec. That ain't right.
- Jared Bernstein
Collection: Mean
Image of Gore Verbinski
My agent called and said, 'How do you feel about a pirate movie? I mean, how often are you going to get that call? It's sort of the singularly most failed genre of our time, but I thought it had to be attempted one more time. I think there's something rebellious about pirates, something revolutionary about them. They came out of a time when things were oppressive; you could get hung for stealing a loaf of bread. For me, the Pirates films are about when it's right to break the rules to achieve what you want.
- Gore Verbinski
Collection: Mean
Image of Leon Pinsker
This does not mean, of course, that we must think of waiting for the age of universal harmony.
- Leon Pinsker
Collection: Mean
Image of Brian Crozier
The ultimate sophistication of subversion is to take over the government, not by unlawful but by lawful means.
- Brian Crozier
Collection: Mean
Image of Saul Griffith
Energy literacy means you can see the waste in disposing of a plastic bottle after you've drunk water from some place on the other side of the world.
- Saul Griffith
Collection: Mean
Image of Saul Griffith
In many respects, designing heirloom products means saying no to designing consumer crap that you know will not last very long.
- Saul Griffith
Collection: Mean
Image of William Gaddis
I mean why should somebody go steal and break the law to get all they can when there's always some law where you can be legal and get it all anyway!
- William Gaddis
Collection: Mean
Image of William Gaddis
Say a word, say a thousand to me on the telephone and I shall choose the wrong one to cling to as though you had said it after long deliberation when only I provoked it from you, I will cling to it from among a thousand, to be provoked and hurl it back with something I mean no more than you meant that, something for you to cling to and retreat clinging to.
- William Gaddis
Collection: Mean
Image of Alan Greenspan
The abandonment of the gold standard made it possible for the welfare statists to use the banking system as a means to an unlimited expansion of credit. In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the hidden confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists' antagonism toward the gold standard.
- Alan Greenspan
Collection: Mean
Image of Mike Berry
Strength is magical, just a little bit more can mean the difference between success and failure.
- Mike Berry
Collection: Mean
Image of Mark Hart
God has great plans for you today... creative and unexpected means by which He will make you a saint. He needs only your joyful submission to His plan.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Mean
Image of Mark Matousek
You don't actually get over things… you incorporate them. They become part of everything you are. I don't mean that you walk about crying all the time. But you change.
- Mark Matousek
Collection: Mean
Image of Henry George
Liberty calls to us again. We must follow her further; we must trust her fully. Either we must wholly accept her or she will not stay. It is not enough that men should vote; it is not enough that they should be theoretically equal before the law. They must have liberty to avail themselves of the opportunities and means of life; they must stand on equal terms with reference to the bounty of Nature.
- Henry George
Collection: Mean
Image of Larry Diamond
I think that it’s premature to call Libya a democracy because political order is still so fragile there and the command by the state over the means of violence is still so inadequate that I think state building remains a major challenge. And until the militias can be reined in and the authority of the democratically-elected state can really be firmly established, there’s still tremendous fragility and vulnerability in the unfolding story in Libya.
- Larry Diamond
Collection: Mean
Image of Julian Edelman
I mean, I think everyone at this level has a chip on their shoulder. Everyone's got a story. Everyone has had to go through some adversity to get to where they are at so, I guess, we all do.
- Julian Edelman
Collection: Mean
Image of Paul Dourish
The nature of the hybrid research/design model means that we often can see design efforts as attempts not to concretize the outcomes of research but instead to justify, promote, or initiate them
- Paul Dourish
Collection: Mean
Image of Carol Emshwiller
Stories do not change the world. I've learned that. But perhaps in some secret, subtle way... I mean it's not the world I want to change.
- Carol Emshwiller
Collection: Mean
Image of Ric Edelman
The people who are taking these loans because it's the only way they can afford their house are exposing themselves to a lot of risk. They're not saving money and they're not building equity, which means they could find themselves in a scenario where they owe more money than their house is worth.
- Ric Edelman
Collection: Mean
Image of Charlie Ergen
I care about our employees more than anybody in my company. I care about my kids, too, but that doesn't mean I give them everything that they want.
- Charlie Ergen
Collection: Mean
Image of Charlie Ergen
Allowing your kids to watch TV doesn't have to mean they have no choice but to see commercials for junk food and alcohol.
- Charlie Ergen
Collection: Mean
Image of Rita Moreno
I've always been a very sexual person. That doesn't mean I'm going around feeling my breasts and pressing myself against men, but I'm a sexual being.
- Rita Moreno
Collection: Mean
Image of Leland Ryken
Literature takes reality and human experience as its starting point, transforms it by means of the imagination, and sends readers back to life with renewed understanding of it and zest for it because of their excursions into a purely imaginary realm.
- Leland Ryken
Collection: Mean
Image of Alex Riley
Do you really think I should be out there with Officer Dewey? I mean, you saw Scream. The guy can't protect anybody. Everybody in that movie died!
- Alex Riley
Collection: Mean
Image of Sara Benincasa
I used to think that having lots of friends meant that you were happy. That's really not true. Having the right friends means that you're happy.
- Sara Benincasa
Collection: Mean
Image of Kinky Friedman
Poly means more than one, and ticks are bloodsucking parasites.
- Kinky Friedman
Collection: Mean
Image of Michael Sam
The players who have reached out to me and told me about their sexual orientation, it just means a lot.
- Michael Sam
Collection: Mean
Image of Catherine Hardwicke
As a director, you try to do things that are going to touch the human experience somehow, and emotions that mean something to people. You search for those projects and you hope to realize the potential in a project.
- Catherine Hardwicke
Collection: Mean
Image of Karen Armstrong
People knew there were two ways of coming at truth. One was science, or what the Greeks called Logos, reason, logic. And that was essential that the discourse of science or logic related directed to the external world. The other was mythos, what the Greeks called myth, which didn't mean a fantasy story, but it was a narrative associated with ritual and ethical practice but it helped us to address problems for which there were no easy answers, like mortality, cruelty, the sorrow that overtakes us all that's part of the human condition. And these two were not in opposition, we needed both.
- Karen Armstrong
Collection: Mean
Image of Amanda Lepore
People always think that when they grew up it was better. The people who went to Studio 54 say, "Oh, this is nothing!" or "The Limelight is nothing. In our day it was much better." But I mean, it's always great. It's always fresh to the kids. And to me, you've just got to make it happen. You can't be a downer and say, "This is nothing like the roaring 20s."
- Amanda Lepore
Collection: Mean
Image of Kathleen Wynne
Ability means all of us finding our strengths and putting them to full use.
- Kathleen Wynne
Collection: Mean
Image of Bill Shorten
I think it is a cornerstone of our electoral system that you raise electoral funds for elections but that doesn't mean that therefore the implication can be made that the recipients are incapable of transacting their interests and their duties towards people any differently.
- Bill Shorten
Collection: Mean
Image of Cynthia Hand
I mean, what good is a women's lib if we can't use it to ask guys to dances?
- Cynthia Hand
Collection: Mean
Image of Sia Furler
I think that it depends what you mean by successful. If you mean 'make money' you need to be part of the machine unless you're one of those superhuman people who can do everything by yourself, and have workaholic tendencies and really good advisers and a good investor.
- Sia Furler
Collection: Mean
Image of Jason Brennan
The problem with voting is that because your individual vote makes very little difference, you're voting with a mass of others, you have very little incentive to take care in carefully considering what your vote would mean.
- Jason Brennan
Collection: Mean
Image of Nathan Sawaya
The fact that you can take LEGO bricks from thirty years ago and they still snap together with the same new LEGO brick that comes out, I mean what type of product can span generations like that, there is something really special to it.
- Nathan Sawaya
Collection: Mean
Image of Emily St. John Mandel
What I mean to say is, the more you remember, the more you’ve lost.
- Emily St. John Mandel
Collection: Mean
Image of Alexei Yagudin
The People, when they start to applaud you and support, that means a lot
- Alexei Yagudin
Collection: Mean
Image of Max Keiser
China got the local currency, the yuan which is appreciating against the dollar which means that all these Chinese people have more purchasing power. And they're willing now to spend some money after saving, you know they provided America with savings for years. Now they're going to spend some money. So this means that they are willing to allow the dollar to weaken because it means that their currency, the yuan goes up, so they're actually in a winning situation.
- Max Keiser
Collection: Mean
Image of Atul Gawande
You may not control life's circumstances, but getting to be the author of your life means getting to control what you do with them.
- Atul Gawande
Collection: Mean
Image of Susan Messing
When the audience isn't laughing, that doesn't mean that they're not fascinated.
- Susan Messing
Collection: Mean
Image of Michael Dowd
What it means among other things is the more we learn about the nature of the universe, the nature of creation...if we're not updating what we mean by God...what we mean by the gospel, we're going to have outdated, misleading and actually trivial understandings of those.
- Michael Dowd
Collection: Mean