Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 60

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 60 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Michael Franti
The main thing is to be myself. What I mean by that is, to be honest when called upon to express your feelings. The other thing is - maybe this should come first - to be a good listener. To close your mouth and to listen, and to be able to echo back what your partner says to you.
- Michael Franti
Collection: Mean
Image of Christopher Dorner
I have nothing to lose. My personal casualty means nothing.
- Christopher Dorner
Collection: Mean
Image of Steve Fairbairn
My dear boy, you are under a wrong impression. It is not a race, it is merely a means of getting crews to do long rows
- Steve Fairbairn
Collection: Mean
Image of Sonia Braga
It's a great role for any age. Any actress wishes they would find a screenplay that means as much to them as "Aquarius" meant to me, as a person and a citizen.
- Sonia Braga
Collection: Mean
Image of William R. Ferris
I think a proud Southerner is a Southerner who is aware of his or her past, and being proud of one's past does not mean you accept it. It means that you realize that we've come through the fire, and we're headed in another direction.
- William R. Ferris
Collection: Mean
Image of Cody Rhodes
Being intercontinental champion doesn't mean you're a champ. It means you're the future.
- Cody Rhodes
Collection: Mean
Image of Ashley Graham
There's no such thing as being perfect, and that doesn't just mean the perfect body. I talk about my body, my relationship with food, men, and sleeping around to find love, my relationship with my family - trials and tribulations. I want people to know they're not alone. And this isn't just about people younger than 30. I have fans who are 30 or 40 telling me, This is exactly what I needed to hear.
- Ashley Graham
Collection: Mean
Image of Red Grooms
I can't do the movies like I do painting because I am really more of a sort of dilettante or something. I mean I know guys that make movies that I can see it is absolutely their medium and they can just go from one movie right into the next because it is just - they have got it so much on the tips of their fingers. But for me it is a special effort.
- Red Grooms
Collection: Mean
Image of Carlos A. Godoy
The Lord has a plan for us in this life. He knows us. He knows what is best for us. Just because things are going well does not mean that we should not from time to time consider whether there might be something better. If we continue to live as we are living, will the promised blessings be fulfilled?
- Carlos A. Godoy
Collection: Mean
Image of Frances G. Wickes
Psychological adulthood is by no means a universal attainment.
- Frances G. Wickes
Collection: Mean
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
We overlook just how large a role we all play--and by 'we' I mean society--in determining who makes it and who doesn't.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Mean
Image of Shirley Sherrod
We have landowners, small growers. We have people who are holding onto land that was acquired by their families after slavery. They need to produce some of the food we eat, so they can pay the taxes and hold onto the property. Taxes keep going up. We, and by we I mean black people, are rapidly becoming a landless people. Our ancestors, coming out of slavery, acquired more than 15 million acres of land. Today, we're probably down to less than 2 million acres.
- Shirley Sherrod
Collection: Mean
Image of Shirley Sherrod
If you're in government service for the money, then you'll do what you have to do to survive. But if you're in it to do the right thing, then it might mean that you won't get to stay there, but at least you can say, "I did what was right while I was there."
- Shirley Sherrod
Collection: Mean
Image of Bob Davids
Every time I started a business and the people told me I was an idiot, I ended up making a lot of money. Si Redd used to say me, "Boy, you gotta be where they ain't." What that means is that you find areas of low competition because high competition means lower margins, and lower margins mean less profit. So we were always looking for places where we can be unique. If the thinking is out-of-the-box, people may not understand because they have not seen it before... Therefore you are an idiot.
- Bob Davids
Collection: Mean
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
Find purpose. The means will follow.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Mean
Image of Jian Yang
What we mean by Tao is the way or course of Nature. This way has nothing good or bad, it is a mere flowing of things following the development and decline attributes of the moment.
- Jian Yang
Collection: Mean
Image of Peter Newmark
There is no such thing as a perfect, ideal, or 'correct' translation. A translator is always trying to extend his knowledge and improve his means of expression; he is always pursuing facts and words.
- Peter Newmark
Collection: Mean
Image of Chris Oyakhilome
God has never made a failure; that he gave birth to you means you are a success. Success is in your DNA.
- Chris Oyakhilome
Collection: Mean
Image of Chris Oyakhilome
When the Holy Spirit comes to live within you, He will come with the ability to produce righteousness. Righteousness is the nature of God, which when imparted to the human spirit, produces the rightness of God in the human spirit. It gives man right standing with God; it gives him the ability to stand in the presence of God without a sense of guilt, inferiority or condemnation. It means rightness in God. The righteousness of God is wrought in you.
- Chris Oyakhilome
Collection: Mean
Image of Stasi Eldredge
He made you you - on purpose. You are the only you - ever. Becoming ourselves means we are actively cooperating with God's intention for our lives, not fighting him or ourselves.
- Stasi Eldredge
Collection: Mean
Image of Derek Cianfrance
I feel like the job in editing is to let the movie tell you what it is. It's like sculpture. You just start taking away, you add a nose here, you cut off like the side of the cheek over here in the crease and you have a face. But it really reveals to you what it means to be over time, and if you have enough time.
- Derek Cianfrance
Collection: Mean
Image of Richard McCabe
It is strange how your understanding of a play changes. It normally happens after a performance and you suddenly think, 'So that's what that line really means' - it's like a light going on.
- Richard McCabe
Collection: Mean
Image of Elizabeth George
Remember to say what you mean, but don't say it meanly.
- Elizabeth George
Collection: Mean
Image of Thinley Norbu
Nondistraction means not being lost in subtle undercurrents of delusion or indifferent stupor.
- Thinley Norbu
Collection: Mean
Image of Neil Gaiman
Being brave doesn't mean you aren't scared. Being brave means you are scared, really scared, badly scared, and you do the right thing anyway.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Mean
Image of Jacob M. Appel
If freedom means anything at all, it is the right to primacy in regard to sexuality, reproduction, medical care and death.
- Jacob M. Appel
Collection: Mean
Image of Mark Leiren-Young
Mountain Pine bark beetles need -37°C (-35°F) for three days to freeze to death. Unfortunately, with global warming, that no longer happens in British Columbia [Canada]. This means the population of the beetles have exploded. They have destroyed more forests than all the environmentalists put together have saved.
- Mark Leiren-Young
Collection: Mean
Image of Mark Leiren-Young
People have every right to be offended -- but that doesn't mean they get to take away your right to offend.
- Mark Leiren-Young
Collection: Mean
Image of Edward Furlong
We're not gonna make it, are we? People, I mean.
- Edward Furlong
Collection: Mean
Image of Natalie Cook
Success means getting up 1 more time than you get knocked down.
- Natalie Cook
Collection: Mean
Image of Tom Turner
The strengths landscape architecture draws from its garden design heritage include: the Vitruvian design tradition of balancing utility, firmness and beauty; use of the word 'landscape' to mean 'a good place' - as the objective of the design process; a comprehensive approach to open space planning involving city parks, greenways and nature outside towns; a planning theory about the contextualisation of development projects; the principle that development plans should be adapted to their landscape context.
- Tom Turner
Collection: Mean
Image of Tom Ford
I think that the older you get, the more you become your true, essential self. You find the things that make you happy. You whittle away the parts of yourself that mean less to you.
- Tom Ford
Collection: Mean
Image of Jay Carr
[Walter Burns is] the archetypal managing editor-ruthless, self-righteous, manipulative, downright maniacal if it means an exclusive, especially one that it can congratulate itself for on its own front page.
- Jay Carr
Collection: Mean
Image of Richard Engel
Everest has a special place in all of our imaginations. For centuries, Everest was a little bit like the moon. It was the place where everyone wanted to go. Empires wanted to be able to say that they were the first to put a climber on top of Everest. So when a tragedy happens up on that mountain, I think it has a global resonance. Everybody's heard of Everest. Everybody knows what Everest is and what it means, and the significance.
- Richard Engel
Collection: Mean
Image of John Avery
To never aspire to excellence means to never fully comprehend the amount of work required to achieve it.
- John Avery
Collection: Mean
Image of James Balog
Each of us can and must shift our behavior according to our ability. For some, that means changing diet, shopping locally, or putting solar panels on their house. For others, it means using their voice to inspire transformative change.
- James Balog
Collection: Mean
Image of Leigh Bardugo
When people say impossible, they usually mean improbable.
- Leigh Bardugo
Collection: Mean
Image of Leigh Bardugo
Just because you escape one trap, doesn't mean you will escape the next.
- Leigh Bardugo
Collection: Mean
Image of Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki
If you take a particle down, past neutrinos, you get vortexes, little whirlpools of energy. This is amazing, because what it really means, is everything is the same. Everything is one of those, in various combinations.
- Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki
Collection: Mean
Image of Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki
I continue to say that I wish we had another word other than magic. It no longer means what we are doing or we are attempting to do. We have to find another terminology. Magic is first and foremost a way of belief.
- Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki
Collection: Mean
Image of Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki
Science, pure science, is leading us in a sense astray. Leading us astray with the idea that everybody has got to have everything that they want even if it means polluting the entire environment. It is a case of lets just keep one or two canisters of the smallpox virus because we'll never know when we might need it. Science is becoming very much a Dark Power, in many ways.
- Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki
Collection: Mean
Image of James Franco
For April Fools Day, someone played a really cruel joke on me. They stole ALL my mirrors and I had to go hours without seeing myself. I mean, I couldn’t even do my daily affirmations. What kind of world is this? I tell you, it’s artists like myself that really suffer.
- James Franco
Collection: Mean
Image of Muhammad Asad
If the Muslims keep their heads cool and accept progress as a means and not an end in itself, they may pass on to Western man the lost secret of life's sweetness.
- Muhammad Asad
Collection: Mean
Image of Wendi McLendon-Covey
I had seen some shows at the Groundlings [legendary L.A. improvisational and sketch comedy troupe] and thought, "If I could ever do that, that would really mean something, that I have arrived." So I went through the program and said to myself, "I'm going to stay here until they kick me out." Seriously, they can ask you to leave at any point. Luckily, they never did that to me.
- Wendi McLendon-Covey
Collection: Mean
Image of Alan I. Leshner
Evolution is an organizing principle and when we call it a theory, we mean it's a theory, we don't mean that it's a belief that someone holds.
- Alan I. Leshner
Collection: Mean
Image of Sylvain Tesson
To be "modern" means refusing to worry about where the benefits of progress actually come from.
- Sylvain Tesson
Collection: Mean
Image of Stephen K. Hayes
Chaos at the bottom means order at the top. Order at the bottom means chaos at the top.
- Stephen K. Hayes
Collection: Mean
Image of Leopold Schefer
Truth is fire, and to speak the truth means to shine and to burn
- Leopold Schefer
Collection: Mean
Image of Miles McPherson
Having God's unconditional love does not mean you have God's unconditional approval.
- Miles McPherson
Collection: Mean