Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 58

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 58 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Dale Watson
I have been looking for a name for years and of course it sounds like it would be easy. Americana came along for the same reason. But to me Americana means Original music with prominent folk/rock influence. Ameripolitan is Original music with prominent roots influence.
- Dale Watson
Collection: Mean
Image of Wolfgang Gullich
Climbing does not mean just competition and performance. It has other qualities that are important: going on trips, meeting people, seeing other cultures.
- Wolfgang Gullich
Collection: Mean
Image of Paris Reidhead
Is God an end or is He a means?
- Paris Reidhead
Collection: Mean
Image of Fergus Henderson
I cook British food, but it doesn't mean I'm jingoistic about it. People can cook very good fusion food.
- Fergus Henderson
Collection: Mean
Image of Justin Smith
I've been spinning dance music since 1990, and genres always come and go. I think as technology becomes more accessible and it's easier for people to make music, they come and go quicker now, but it just comes with the territory. You come up with something new, something hot, and it rocks for a year. It's nothing different from any other genre of music. I mean, name one genre that's sounded the same for its entire existence. It doesn't happen.
- Justin Smith
Collection: Mean
Image of Jean-Luc Godard
People like to say, 'What do you mean exactly?' I would answer, 'I mean, but not exactly.'
- Jean-Luc Godard
Collection: Mean
Image of Rudolf Arnheim
The more perfect our means of direct experience, the more easily we are caught by the dangerous illusion that perceiving is tantamount to knowing and understanding.
- Rudolf Arnheim
Collection: Mean
Image of Zanele Muholi
If I wait for someone else to validate my existence, it will mean that I’m shortchanging myself.
- Zanele Muholi
Collection: Mean
Image of Nipsey Hussle
When I became a man, and I started to understand the difference between the truth and what your parents are supposed to tell you, there's a difference, know what I mean?
- Nipsey Hussle
Collection: Mean
Image of Megan Smith
Tech companies like to set stretch goals, like we'll try to be the best company for women and minorities, and we have to ask, "What does that really mean?" By setting a goal like that, it makes all of us pay attention to that idea and try to innovate around it, to understand the underpinnings. One piece is being transparent, saying "Hey, we have an issue, we're open to innovation on it." It's important for innovation to prove that more diversity makes better products.
- Megan Smith
Collection: Mean
Image of Daniel Gilbert
People want to be happy, and all the other things they want are typically meant to be a means to that end.
- Daniel Gilbert
Collection: Mean
Image of Sylvia Lim
I'm quite encouraged by the finding that voters do value checks and balances and accountability. I think it's very heartening. And it has been interpreted to mean that Singaporeans do find that at the system level the institutions have to function with some sort of balance regardless of whether the policies are good or bad in that sense.
- Sylvia Lim
Collection: Mean
Image of Chris Prentiss
What determines each person's state of happiness or unhappiness is not the event itself, but what the event means to that person.
- Chris Prentiss
Collection: Mean
Image of Heather Graham
Lord knows---and we both know --- that too many wrongs have been committed in the name of religion. ... But you're not here in the name of religion. Religion is an organization. Faith is within. ... Catholic, cattolico--- it means universal. Too often we forget that.
- Heather Graham
Collection: Mean
Image of Peter Heller
Is it possible to love so desperately that life is unbearable? I don't mean unrequited, I mean being in the love. In the midst of it and desperate. Because knowing it will end, because everything does. End.
- Peter Heller
Collection: Mean
Image of Goparaju Ramachandra Rao
Satyagraha means insistence on what one knows to be the truth. The insistence implies the exercise of free will as the need of social obligation. If one is content to know the truth himself, he does not become a votary of Satyagraha. A Satyagrahi should not only know the truth but should insist upon it in social relations. So Satyagraha is activation of truthfulness.
- Goparaju Ramachandra Rao
Collection: Mean
Image of Morgan Parker
There's something about us using the word fascism and thinking about, "What is it? What does it mean, and what are the tenets of it?".
- Morgan Parker
Collection: Mean
Image of Pope Francis
Having faith does not mean having no difficulties, but having the strength to face them, knowing we are not alone.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Mean
Image of Pope Francis
We are a church of sinners but we must not be afraid of holiness. Do not be afraid to aim for holiness and turn yourselves over to the love of God. Holiness does not mean performing extraordinary things but carrying out daily things in an extraordinary way that is with love, joy and faith.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Mean
Image of Gael Monfils
I think music for me, it's part of my life. I like music. I think I'm very emotional, so, you know, I just try to take all the emotion, you know, that music bring it to me, you know, some make - I mean, help me to calm down some, for sure motivate me more. You know, there's always music. I think just make me smooth before the match, you know.
- Gael Monfils
Collection: Mean
Image of Alexander Stille
If somebody has a monopoly position, and wants to keep that monopoly position, it means that you are effectively shutting out competition from other sources.
- Alexander Stille
Collection: Mean
Image of Stephen A. Diamond
Science, is the creation by humans of a particular paradigm and methodology for discovering truth and understanding reality. Hence it can never fully reflect the hidden face of humanity, its creator, in the same sense that a computer can never become fully human or know what it means to be human: however sophisticated, these machines will forever remain mere artifacts of humanity.
- Stephen A. Diamond
Collection: Mean
Image of Kevin Vanhoozer
Sola scriptura means at least this: that the church's proclamation is always subject to potential correction from the canon. It is for this reason that we resist simply collapsing the text into the tradition of its interpretation and performance.
- Kevin Vanhoozer
Collection: Mean
Image of Rick Remender
We are all so immersed in our own technology bubbles that we're ignoring so many important things. We're all online arguing over nuance and nonsense, and everybody's so incensed and upset about things that ultimately mean nothing while we are destroying our environment. While we're racing towards Armageddon, we're all online arguing about what Beyonce said at some award.
- Rick Remender
Collection: Mean
Image of Frank Gehry
I know I draw without taking my pen off the page. I just keep going, and that my drawings I think of them as scribbles. I don't think they mean anything to anybody except to me, and then at the end of the day, the end of the project, they wheel out these little drawings and they're damn close to what the finished building is and it's the drawing.
- Frank Gehry
Collection: Mean
Image of Chip Kelly
Profiles mean nothing. You could say, 'I want this,' but then it's not out there.
- Chip Kelly
Collection: Mean
Image of John Galsworthy
Wealth is a means to an end, not the end itself. As a synonym for health and happiness, it has had a fair trial and failed dismally.
- John Galsworthy
Collection: Mean
Image of Romesh Gunesekera
A novel means a new way of doing a story
- Romesh Gunesekera
Collection: Mean
Image of William Deresiewicz
Thinking means concentrating on one thing long enough to develop an idea about it. Not learning other people's ideas, or memorizing a body of information, however much those may sometimes be useful. Developing your own ideas. In short, thinking for yourself.
- William Deresiewicz
Collection: Mean
Image of Martha Wainwright
If there's one thing that differentiates me from the rest of my family it's the rock element. I hung out with friends who like punk rock a lot. Not getting a big record deal, and having a hard time for years, it means you have to prove yourself and scratch your way up from nothing.
- Martha Wainwright
Collection: Mean
Image of Chris Priestley
Just because something is told as a story and that story is part legend or myth, or feat of imagination, does not mean there is no truth in it.
- Chris Priestley
Collection: Mean
Image of John Yau
What does it mean when you hook up your work to that of a late modernist giant working in a reductive vein - Ad Reinhardt, Agnes Martin, Robert Ryman, Ellsworth Kelly, Frank Stella, or Donald Judd, for example - like a caboose? I am not talking about engaging directly with another artist's work or ideas, but of perpetuating a look or, in the case of Wade Guyton, the various monochromatic, striped and geometric surfaces we associate with Minimalism.
- John Yau
Collection: Mean
Image of Richard Meltzer
And the whole online thing is like, I just, that to me is a world that doesn't exist. It's not something you could touch or lick or smell. And as my eyes get worse, it's very hard to read. And there's no money in it. I mean, it's like they pay, like the best you can go is 1970 prices.
- Richard Meltzer
Collection: Mean
Image of Ray Wylie Hubbard
I started out as a folk singer, and kinda got sidetracked playin' honky tonks and such, but I was always a working musician. I didn't want to be Townes Van Zandt or Guy Clark, but I wanted to play in front of their audiences, you know what I mean?
- Ray Wylie Hubbard
Collection: Mean
Image of Stanislav Grof
We have to recognize that spirituality is a legitimate dimension in the psyche. It's a legitimate dimension in the universal scheme of things. It doesn't mean that you are superstitious, that you are in to magical, primitive thinking, if you take spirituality seriously.
- Stanislav Grof
Collection: Mean
Image of Dahlia Lithwick
Taking legislative authority away from the federal government doesn't necessarily mean freer individuals. It might just mean granting vastly more authority to the states--which already have far broader police powers than most of us would care to admit.
- Dahlia Lithwick
Collection: Mean
Image of Felix Frankfurter
If one man can be allowed to determine for himself what is law, every man can. That means first chaos, then tyranny. Legal process is an essential part of the democratic process.
- Felix Frankfurter
Collection: Mean
Image of James Taranto
An industry devoted to serving the public's right to know gives twisted and evil men the means of becoming known. This problem is not obviously amenable to a solution, and it certainly is not amenable to a legal one. A regime of media regulation that would be both effective at preventing mass shootings and consistent with the American Constitution is no easier to imagine than a regime of gun regulation that would meet the same criteria.
- James Taranto
Collection: Mean
Image of Jeff Foxworthy
If you think 'loading the dishwasher' means 'getting your wife drunk', you might be a redneck
- Jeff Foxworthy
Collection: Mean
Image of Jeff Gordon
In our business, just getting to 40 means something...that's why I think sometimes you have to just live in the moment. You have to enjoy life to its fullest.
- Jeff Gordon
Collection: Mean
Image of Jeff Gordon
If somebody tells me, 'You have to pass that car right there,' I guarantee you I'm going to step up the aggressiveness to a whole other level and that may mean beating and banging. But until it calls for that moment, I'm not expecting to go out there and just beat and bang for no reason.
- Jeff Gordon
Collection: Mean
Image of Donald Grant Mitchell
But wealth is a great means of refinement; and it is a security for gentleness, since it removes disturbing anxieties.
- Donald Grant Mitchell
Collection: Mean
Image of Annette Messager
Being an artist means forever healing your own wounds and at the same time endlessly exposing them.
- Annette Messager
Collection: Mean
Image of Oliver DeMille
Until the American majority is willing to live within its means, it can hardly force its political leaders to do so.
- Oliver DeMille
Collection: Mean
Image of Anthony Green
As far as keeping my sanity, it's something I've only recently tried to focus on as a means of self-preservation.
- Anthony Green
Collection: Mean
Image of Heinrich Schliemann
Talent means energy and persistence and nothing more!
- Heinrich Schliemann
Collection: Mean
Image of Martyn
There is no better test as to whether a man is really preaching the New Testament gospel of salvation than the fact that some people might misunderstand it and misinterpret it to mean that it really amounts to this–that because you are saved by grace alone it does not matter at all what you do, that you can go on sinning as much as you like because it will abound all the more to the glory of grace. That is a very good test of gospel preaching. If my preaching and presentation of the gospel of salvation does not expose it to that misunderstanding, then it is not the gospel.
- Martyn
Collection: Mean
Image of Frances M. Beal
To die for the revolution is a one-shot deal; to live for the revolution means taking on the more difficult commitment of changing our day-to-day life patterns.
- Frances M. Beal
Collection: Mean
Image of Jennifer Garner
I mean, the men in Hollywood event is every day - it's called Hollywood.
- Jennifer Garner
Collection: Mean