Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 22

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 22 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Ralph Vaughan Williams
Music is the reaching out towards the utmost realities by means of ordered sound.
- Ralph Vaughan Williams
Collection: Mean
Image of Ralph Vaughan Williams
To the unmusical hearer a note on the gong means dinner, this perhaps often is menacing enough.
- Ralph Vaughan Williams
Collection: Mean
Image of Martin Sorrell
In the old days, you could segment happily. You could put out one message to one segment of the audience, and one to another. That has now gone. You say something to one community and instantly, literally at a click, it's available to everybody. What it means is that if you're trying to craft a message, it's very difficult.
- Martin Sorrell
Collection: Mean
Image of Tom O'Connor
Your distress about life might mean you have been living for the wrong reason, not that you have no reason for living.
- Tom O'Connor
Collection: Mean
Image of Gerry Lopez
In my lifetime, I've met a lot of people who never rode a wave, but we share the same consciousness. Surfing is a kind of a state of mind... I mean, it's a feeling that people have about their life that really, in a way, kind of makes them a surfer.
- Gerry Lopez
Collection: Mean
Image of Charlie Munger
There is bound to be a regression toward the mean.
- Charlie Munger
Collection: Mean
Image of William Allen Butler
But I do mean to say, I have heard her declare, When at the same moment she had on a dress Which cost five hundred dollars, and not a cent less, And jewelry worth tem times more, I should guess, That he had not a thing in the wide world to wear!
- William Allen Butler
Collection: Mean
Image of Bruno Munari
Progress means simplifying, not complicating
- Bruno Munari
Collection: Mean
Image of Leonard Read
If we remove the hope of profit as a means to alleviate misfortune - poverty, illness, misery, disaster - we shall increase our misfortunes and make them permanent.
- Leonard Read
Collection: Mean
Image of Nick Cannon
People are looking for something new at the end of the day, and I think when people can do something new and unique to get people's attention, that's what is needed. There's so many people that follow the trend, and then it gets to a point where it gets a little stale. So, in music, I mean, whoever's the new trendsetter, that's who people follow.
- Nick Cannon
Collection: Mean
Image of Gordon Cooper
For many years I have lived with a secret, in a secrecy imposed on all specialists in astronautics. I can now reveal that every day, in the USA, our radar instruments capture objects of form and composition unknown to us. And there are thousands of witness reports and a quantity of documents to prove this, but nobody wants to make them public. Why? Because authority is afraid that people may think of God knows what kind of horrible invaders. So the password still is: We have to avoid panic by all means
- Gordon Cooper
Collection: Mean
Image of Gordon Cooper
Government is afraid that people may think the worst and panic about these creepy horrible invaders. So the idea is: We have to avoid panic by all means.
- Gordon Cooper
Collection: Mean
Image of Michael Schudson
Objectivity, in this sense, means that a person's statements about the world can be trusted if they are submitted to established rules deemed legitimate by a professional community. Facts here are not aspects of the world, but consensually validated statements about it.
- Michael Schudson
Collection: Mean
Image of James Blish
Now that I'm a free agent I mean to make my own choices, and explain them to nobody if that's what pleases me.
- James Blish
Collection: Mean
Image of Giuseppe Peano
In every science, after having analysed the ideas, expressing the more complicated by means of the more simple, one finds a certain number that cannot be reduced among them, and that one can define no further. These are the primitive ideas of the science; it is necessary to acquire them through experience, or through induction; it is impossible to explain them by deduction.
- Giuseppe Peano
Collection: Mean
Image of Flower A. Newhouse
Greater association with the Angels lifts our minds from ourselves and focuses them upon ways and means by which we too may assist in establishing God's Plan.
- Flower A. Newhouse
Collection: Mean
Image of James Carville
I didn’t just experiment with marijuana – if you know what I mean.
- James Carville
Collection: Mean
Image of Fulke Greville, 1st Baron Brooke
It by no means follows, that because two men utter the same words, they have precisely the same idea which they mean to express: language is inadequate to the variety of ideas which are conceived by different minds, and which, could they be expressed, would produce a new variety of characteristic differences between man and man.
- Fulke Greville, 1st Baron Brooke
Collection: Mean
Image of Metta World Peace
Some things you do-or you're about to do-you can just be like, 'Hey, don't do that because it means trouble.' So I've got to back off.
- Metta World Peace
Collection: Mean
Image of Newton N. Minow
What do we mean by the public interest? Some say the public interest is merely what interests the public. I disagree.
- Newton N. Minow
Collection: Mean
Image of Eugene McCarthy
Vote against anything introduced with a "re" in it, especially reforms, reorganizations, and recodifications. This usually means going back to something that failed once and is likely to do so again.
- Eugene McCarthy
Collection: Mean
Image of Stephen Shore
There's something essentially fictive about a photograph. That doesn't mean that if you understand that, and you understand how the world is transformed by the camera, that you can't use the limitations or the transformation to have an observation that is a very subtle perception of the world.
- Stephen Shore
Collection: Mean
Image of Barbara Marx Hubbard
Success means participating fully in the conscious evolution of humanity, contributing to the shift in time to avoid the chaos and disasters foreseen.
- Barbara Marx Hubbard
Collection: Mean
Image of Barbara Marx Hubbard
Apocalypse can mean the unveiling of the deeper self of humanity.
- Barbara Marx Hubbard
Collection: Mean
Image of Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres
What do these so-called artists mean when they preach the discovery of the'new'? Is there anything new? Everything has been done, everything has been discovered.
- Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres
Collection: Mean
Image of Candace Bushnell
Life gives you lots of chances to screw up which means you have just as many chances to get it right.
- Candace Bushnell
Collection: Mean
Image of Winston Churchill
When you're 20 you care what everyone thinks, when you're 40 you stop caring what everyone thinks, when you're 60 you realize no one was ever thinking about you in the first place. You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: Mean
Image of Julius Streicher
When the Jews speak of humanity, they mean only the totality of Jews.
- Julius Streicher
Collection: Mean
Image of Francis Maitland Balfour
The embryological record is almost always abbreviated in accordance with the tendency of nature (to be explained on the principle of survival of the fittest) to attain her needs by the easiest means.
- Francis Maitland Balfour
Collection: Mean
Image of Michael Bierut
I actually don't think that brand new logos are worth that much or mean that much in and of themselves. So why not have a class of third graders compete to design your logo?
- Michael Bierut
Collection: Mean
Image of Daniel Amen
A negative look from someone else may mean nothing more than they're constipated!
- Daniel Amen
Collection: Mean
Image of Sanford Meisner
Courage means willing to risk everything.
- Sanford Meisner
Collection: Mean
Image of Hanan Ashrawi
We know what they say, they want all of Palestine (including Israel) and say that negotiations did not work. They talk about wanting reform. That doesn't mean they will do it.
- Hanan Ashrawi
Collection: Mean
Image of Lynn Townsend White, Jr.
History is a means of access to ourselves.
- Lynn Townsend White, Jr.
Collection: Mean
Image of Jon Rappoport
There is no definition of a mental disorder. It's bullshit. I mean, you just can't define it.
- Jon Rappoport
Collection: Mean
Image of Robert M. Price
By itself, 1 Corinthians 15 just wouldn't mean much. He wants the appearances of 1 Corinthians 15:3-11 to be read as if they had in parentheses after them 'See Luke 24; Matthew 28; John 21.'
- Robert M. Price
Collection: Mean
Image of Raj Patel
India has the largest number of hungry people. Yet it's an outcome of precisely the same mechanism. It's the control of agriculture that drives down the price it paid for food that it buys from farmers, who are the poorest people. Then you're paying very little for food. You're underpaying the poorest people in any society. Then they're marketing to us the things that are most profitable to them. And those are the things that are packaged and processed and what-have-you. That means you have the simple thing of the explosion of obesity and hunger as a result of capitalism in our food system.
- Raj Patel
Collection: Mean
Image of Raj Patel
I do think we have a food problem. In 2006, which is the year for which we have the latest data, 35.5 million Americans were food insecure. That means there are 35.5 million Americans who are so hard up at some point during the year that they didn't know where their next meal was coming from. That's a lot of Americans. They don't get reported very much because there's nothing spectacular about people skipping a meal because they're poor. The media tends to ignore that, just as it ignores the sort of chronic food shortages elsewhere in the world.
- Raj Patel
Collection: Mean
Image of Stephen Stills
I feel like I'm just learning how to play the guitar. I mean, really learning to play the guitar
- Stephen Stills
Collection: Mean
Image of William Carey
We must not be contented however with praying, without exerting ourselves in the use of means for the obtaining of those things we pray for.
- William Carey
Collection: Mean
Image of Orson Scott Card
Faith doesn't mean you never doubt. It only means you never act upon your doubts.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Mean
Image of John Oliver Killens
We are not fighting for the right to be like you. We respect ourselves too much for that. When we advocate freedom, we mean freedom for us to be black, or brown, and you to be white, and yet live together in a free and equal society. This is the only way that integration can bring dignity for both of us.
- John Oliver Killens
Collection: Mean
Image of Ally Carter
Because even though the truth can set you free, that doesn't mean it won't be painful.
- Ally Carter
Collection: Mean
Image of John Palfrey
Research now means a Google search.
- John Palfrey
Collection: Mean
Image of Tina Louise
Money doesn't mean that you are educated, have manners, class or even have good hygiene. All it means is . . . you have money!
- Tina Louise
Collection: Mean
Image of Peabo Bryson
Trends don't mean very much to me. They come, they go, they turn around.
- Peabo Bryson
Collection: Mean
Image of Gladys Pyle
The Greek word for idiot, literally translated, means one who does not participate in politics. That sums up my conviction on the subject.
- Gladys Pyle
Collection: Mean
Image of John C. Malone
What you really are afraid of is that you're competing against somebody who is rich and irrational. I mean, it used to be a given, a saying in the industry: Don't ever bid against Rupert Murdoch for anything Rupert wants, because if you win you lose. You will have paid way too much.
- John C. Malone
Collection: Mean
Image of John C. Malone
The fact that equities are being sold down, despite the lowest interest rates in recent history, simply means that the market doesn't see growth ahead for -very many businesses.
- John C. Malone
Collection: Mean