Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 11

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 11 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Saoirse Ronan
My name means freedom in Irish.
- Saoirse Ronan
Collection: Mean
Image of Elizabeth Wurtzel
I mean, if you were to find a shattered mirror, find all the pieces, all the shards and all the tiny chips, and have whatever skill and patience it took to put all that broken glass back together so that it was complete once again, the restored mirror would still be spiderwebbed with cracks, it would still be a useless glued version of its former self, which could show only fragmented reflections of anyone looking into it. Some things are beyond repair. And that was me.
- Elizabeth Wurtzel
Collection: Mean
Image of Elizabeth Wurtzel
Even if I remember the first time perfectly, I don't remember the beginning at all. I mean: the beginning of addiction. It's hard to say when it becomes a problem; it sneaks up on you like a sun shower.
- Elizabeth Wurtzel
Collection: Mean
Image of James Taylor
I think good music makes you feel free, and if people feel free when they come to a show or listen to my music, that would mean the world to me.
- James Taylor
Collection: Mean
Image of Sherry Turkle
Human relationships are rich and they're messy and they're demanding. And we clean them up with technology. Texting, email, posting, all of these things let us present the self as we want to be. We get to edit, and that means we get to delete, and that means we get to retouch, the face, the voice, the flesh, the body -- not too little, not too much, just right.
- Sherry Turkle
Collection: Mean
Image of Benjamin Netanyahu
To subdivide this land into two unstable, insecure nations, to try to defend what is indefensible, is to invite disaster. Carving Judea and Samaria out of Israel means carving up Israel.
- Benjamin Netanyahu
Collection: Mean
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
To be born means being compelled to choose an era, a place, a life. To exist here, now, means to lost the possibility of being countless other potential selves.. Yet once being born there is no turning back. And I think that's exactly why the fantasy worlds of cartoon movies so strongly represent our hopes and yearnings. They illustrate a world of lost possibilities for us.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Mean
Image of Boyd K. Packer
Faith is the power, obedience the sacrifice, love the means, Christ the reason.
- Boyd K. Packer
Collection: Mean
Image of Gustavo Gutiérrez
The building of a just society means overcoming every obstacle to the creation of authentic peace.
- Gustavo Gutiérrez
Collection: Mean
Image of Gustavo Gutiérrez
Charity is today a 'political charity.'. . . it means the transformation of a society structured to benefit a few who appropriate to themselves the value of the work of others. This transformation ought to be directed toward a radical change in the foundation of society, that is, the private ownership of the means of production.
- Gustavo Gutiérrez
Collection: Mean
Image of Franny Billingsley
He’s harmless, poor thing. That’s what everyone said. It was true, but who cares? Lots of people are harmless, but that doesn’t mean I have to like them.
- Franny Billingsley
Collection: Mean
Image of Gregory Galloway
Live in the moment, just do it - those are phrases thrown around by people who don't know what they mean. Just do it - it's idiotic. You could slap that slogan on a picture of Hitler and it would make as much sense. He did it, all right.
- Gregory Galloway
Collection: Mean
Image of Sean Paul
Rent-a-tile' means when you go to a dance hall, some people take the middle of the dance floor and do their thing.
- Sean Paul
Collection: Mean
Image of Michelle Sagara
Is this some sort of test?" "Everything that doesn't kill you is." "Mind you," he added, "surviving doesn't always mean you passed.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Mean
Image of Dennis Bergkamp
My goals in Holland were known as 'stiffies', which means something quite different in England of course.
- Dennis Bergkamp
Collection: Mean
Image of Clive Owen
For an actor, it's very important to get a clear idea of what a director wants, and their intention for what they want to get out of a scene and how they want to shoot it. Having that knowledge is really valuable, for an actor. It means you can deliver more.
- Clive Owen
Collection: Mean
Image of Scott Snyder
What I'm interested in exploring with Clark Kent is when you have the power to do something that goes beyond what you think is the right thing to do and the difficulty of that. Meaning, to be Superman also means to withhold a lot of power. He could reshape the world however he thinks it should be. But Superman doesn't, historically, do those things. He allows a certain level of self-governing and a certain level of independence, I think out of an admiration for humanity. Because he's inspired by the best in us and he challenges us to inspire each other to be the best that we can be.
- Scott Snyder
Collection: Mean
Image of Rick Yancey
You know how sometimes you tell yourself that you have a choice, but really you don't have a choice? Just because there are alternatives doesn't mean they apply to you.
- Rick Yancey
Collection: Mean
Image of Rick Yancey
It's almost dawn. You can feel it coming. The world holds its breath, because there's really no guarantee that the sun will rise. That there was a yesterday doesn't mean there will be a tomorrow.
- Rick Yancey
Collection: Mean
Image of Erwin W. Lutzer
Forgiveness is always free. But that doesn't mean that confession is always easy. Sometimes it is hard. Incredibly hard. It is painful to admit our sins and entrust ourselves to God's care.
- Erwin W. Lutzer
Collection: Mean
Image of Joe Biden
I worked at an all-black swimming pool in the east side of Wilmington, I was involved in what the Negroes, I mean, blacks were thinking, what they were feeling.
- Joe Biden
Collection: Mean
Image of Chris Tucker
I couldn't tell people what I wanted to do because I was from Atlanta. You don't tell people you're gonna be a comedian in Atlanta. That means you ain't gonna do nothing.
- Chris Tucker
Collection: Mean
Image of Brandon Mull
In short, heroism means doing the right thing regardless of the consequences.
- Brandon Mull
Collection: Mean
Image of Eva Zeisel
To be different is a negative motive, and no creative thought or created thing grows out of a negative impulse. A negative impulse is always frustrating. And to be different means ‘not like this’ and ‘not like that.’ And the ‘not like’—that’s why postmodernism, with the prefix of ‘post,’ couldn’t work. No negative impulse can work, can produce any happy creation. Only a positive one.
- Eva Zeisel
Collection: Mean
Image of Steve Pavlina
Negative feelings mean you`re going the wrong way
- Steve Pavlina
Collection: Mean
Image of Van Wyck Brooks
Nothing is sadder than the consequences of having worldly standards without worldly means.
- Van Wyck Brooks
Collection: Mean
Image of Penelope Spheeris
I feel that a documentarian has an obligation to tell the truth as he or she interprets it. And what I mean by that is that documentarians don't necessarily have the same sort of obligations that a journalist might have. A journalist might be called upon to be objective, whereas a documentarian is sort of forced to take sides.
- Penelope Spheeris
Collection: Mean
Image of Judy Blundell
Oh, terrific," Dan muttered. "Just what we need. Another code! Why can't people just say what they mean? Why can't they say THE MAP IS IN THE DESK?
- Judy Blundell
Collection: Mean
Image of Lauren DeStefano
They never exhale, the trees; on a very windy day, they rustle and inhale, and then the leaves and the branches all tremble as though something means to strangle the life from them. The sky watches on. The world is filled with anticipation, as if to wonder if this day will be a great day, or a horrible day, or the last day.
- Lauren DeStefano
Collection: Mean
Image of Yanni
A little bit of fear means you are doing something worth doing--you are stretching...You are going outside your immediate grasp.
- Yanni
Collection: Mean
Image of Devendra Banhart
I've always noticed talking about lyrics is like talking about a duality. It's like a Gemini time every time I talk about one line. Because each line, of course, means different things to different people, millions of interpretations. With me, I always see two sides. I just see things split into two.
- Devendra Banhart
Collection: Mean
Image of John Roberts
Global warming may be a 'crisis,' even 'the most pressing environmental problem of our time.' ... Indeed, it may ultimately affect nearly everyone on the planet in some potentially adverse way, and it may be that governments have done too little to address it. It is not a problem, however, that has escaped the attention of policymakers in the Executive and Legislative Branches of our Government, who continue to consider regulatory, legislative, and treaty-based means of addressing global climate change.
- John Roberts
Collection: Mean
Image of Jeannette Walls
Things usually work out in the end." "What if they don't?" "That just means you haven't come to the end yet.
- Jeannette Walls
Collection: Mean
Image of Garth Nix
Knowledge, like all things, is best in moderation," intoned the Will. "Knowing everything means you don't need to think, and that is very dangerous.
- Garth Nix
Collection: Mean
Image of Robin Sloan
Neel takes a sharp breath and I know exactly what it means. It means: I have waited my whole life to walk through a secret passage built into a bookshelf.
- Robin Sloan
Collection: Mean
Image of Robin Sloan
So I switch to my MacBook and make my rounds: news sites, blogs, tweets. I scroll back to find the conversations that happened without me during the day. When every single piece of media you consume is time-shifted, does that mean it’s actually you that’s time-shifted?
- Robin Sloan
Collection: Mean
Image of Albert J. Nock
There are two methods, or means, and only two, whereby man's needs and desires can be satisfied. One is the production and exchange of wealth; this is the economic means. The other is the uncompensated appropriation of wealth produced by others; this is the political means.
- Albert J. Nock
Collection: Mean
Image of Michael Buckley
I mean, if you could have a wizard grant a wish, would you waste it on going to Kansas?
- Michael Buckley
Collection: Mean
Image of Anthony Bourdain
It seems that the more places I see and experience, the bigger I realize the world to be. The more I become aware of, the more I realize how relatively little I know of it, how many places I have still to go, how much more there is to learn. Maybe that's enlightenment enough - to know that there is no final resting place of the mind, no moment of smug clarity. Perhaps wisdom, at least for me, means realizing how small I am, and unwise, and how far I have yet to go.
- Anthony Bourdain
Collection: Mean
Image of Rabih Alameddine
I wonder if being sane means disregarding the chaos that is life, pretending only an infinitesimal segment of it is reality.
- Rabih Alameddine
Collection: Mean
Image of Roger Ailes
Does Rupert like me? I think so, but it doesn't matter. When I go up to the magic room in the sky every three months, if my numbers are right, I get to live. If not, I'm killed. Our relationship isn't about love-it's about arithmetic. Survival means hitting your numbers. I've met or exceeded mine in 56 straight quarters. The reason is: I treat Rupert's money like it is mine.
- Roger Ailes
Collection: Mean
Image of Richard K. Morgan
Pretty much anything you care to imagine can happen in a fantasy, which in turn means you can really crank up the intensity of the tale you're telling.
- Richard K. Morgan
Collection: Mean
Image of James Schuyler
It seems to me that readers sometimes make the genesis of a poem more mysterious than it is (by that I perhaps mean, think of it as something outside their own experience)
- James Schuyler
Collection: Mean
Image of Adeline Yen Mah
Suen Le! (it means, "Let it be.
- Adeline Yen Mah
Collection: Mean
Image of Evan Peters
Nerves just mean that you care.
- Evan Peters
Collection: Mean
Image of James Stockdale
Leadership must be based on goodwill. Goodwill does not mean posturing and, least of all, pandering to the mob. It means obvious and wholehearted commitment to helping followers.
- James Stockdale
Collection: Mean
Image of Elliott Smith
Everything means nothing to me
- Elliott Smith
Collection: Mean
Image of Irvin D. Yalom
To love means to be actively concerned for the life and the growth of another.
- Irvin D. Yalom
Collection: Mean
Image of Irvin D. Yalom
To care of another individual means to know and to experience the other as fully as possible.
- Irvin D. Yalom
Collection: Mean