Top christian Quotes Collection - Page 25

Discover a curated collection of christian quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 25 provides more christian quotes.

Image of Anthony of Sourozh
We prepare the ground for our prayer when we shed something which is not Christ's, which is unworthy of him, and only the prayer of one who can, like St. Paul say, 'I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me,' is real Christian prayer.
- Anthony of Sourozh
Collection: Christian
Image of Bronislaw Malinowski
I, personally, am unable to accept any revealed religion, Christian or not.
- Bronislaw Malinowski
Collection: Christian
Image of Cotton Mather
What was it that obliged Jerome to write his book, Concerning Illustrious Men? It was the common reproach of old cast upon Christians, 'That they were all poor, weak, unlearned men.' The sort of men sometime called 'Puritans' in the English nation have been reproached with the same character. . . But when truth shall have liberty to speak, it will be known that Christianity never was more expressed unto the life than in the lives of the persons that have been thus reproached.
- Cotton Mather
Collection: Christian
Image of Judy Chicago
In the beginning, the feminine principle was seen as the fundamental cosmic force. All ancient peoples believed that the world was created by a female Deity... female deities were gradually overshadowed by or incorporated into the attributes of a number of male gods, then eclipsed by the ascendance of the single male deity that dominates the Judeo-Christian tradition.
- Judy Chicago
Collection: Christian
Image of Roger Williams
The natives are very exact and punctual in the bounds of their lands, belonging to this or that prince or people, even to a river, brook, &c. And I have known them make bargain and sale amongst themselves for a small piece or quantity of ground; notwithstanding a sinful opinion amongst many, that christians have right to heathen's lands.
- Roger Williams
Collection: Christian
Image of Roger Williams
All civil states, with their officers of justice, in their respective constitutions and administrations, are proved essentially civil, and therefore not judges, governors, or defenders of the spiritual, or Christian, state and worship.
- Roger Williams
Collection: Christian
Image of Louie Giglio
Humility is not a character trait to develop, it's the natural by-product of being with Jesus.
- Louie Giglio
Collection: Christian
Image of Louie Giglio
God's purposes and plans will not fail. Before you spend all your prayer time telling Him about yours, ask about His.
- Louie Giglio
Collection: Christian
Image of Louie Giglio
Passion is the degree of difficulty we are willing to endure to accomplish the goal.
- Louie Giglio
Collection: Christian
Image of Louie Giglio
Jesus has enough, is enough, and will be enough.
- Louie Giglio
Collection: Christian
Image of Louie Giglio
Every Christian became a missionary the moment God breathed his Spirit into him or her.
- Louie Giglio
Collection: Christian
Image of John Vianney
If people would do for God what they do for the world, what a great number of Christians would go to Heaven.
- John Vianney
Collection: Christian
Image of B. B. Warfield
In Christ's resurrection, therefore, the Christian man sees the earnest and pledge of his own resurrection; and by it he is enheartened as he lays away the bodies of those dear to him, not sorrowing "as the rest that have no hope," but with hearts swelling with glad anticipations of the day when they shall rise to meet their Lord. "For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also that are fallen asleep in Jesus will He bring with Him.
- B. B. Warfield
Collection: Christian
Image of B. B. Warfield
Had Christ not risen we could not believe Him to be what He declared Himself when He "made Himself equal with God." But He has risen in the confirmation of all His claims. By it alone, but by it thoroughly, is He manifested as the very Son of God, who has come into the world to reconcile the world to Himself. It is the fundamental fact in the Christian's unwavering confidence in "all the words of this life.
- B. B. Warfield
Collection: Christian
Image of B. B. Warfield
We can no longer speak of a bourne from which no traveler e'er returns. The middle wall of partition has been broken down and the boundary become but an invisible line by the resurrection of Christ. That He who died has been raised again and ever lives in the form of a complete humanity is the fundamental fact in the revelation of the Christian doctrine of immortality.
- B. B. Warfield
Collection: Christian
Image of William Griffith Thomas
We cannot make up for failure in our devotional life by redoubling energy in service. We shall never take people beyond our own spiritual attainment.
- William Griffith Thomas
Collection: Christian
Image of William Griffith Thomas
He is the greatest influence in the world today. There is... a fifth Gospel being written - the work of Jesus Christ in the hearts and lives of men and nations.
- William Griffith Thomas
Collection: Christian
Image of Lenny Bruce
Anyone who has two shirts when someone has none is not a christian.
- Lenny Bruce
Collection: Christian
Image of John Haynes Holmes
If Christians were Christians, there would be no anti-Semitism. Jesus was a Jew. There is nothing that the ordinary Christian so dislikes to remember as this awkward historical fact.
- John Haynes Holmes
Collection: Christian
Image of Jonathan Falwell
While the Christian message is increasingly becoming less acceptable in fashionable society, we must be always living according to Scripture and prepared to be apologists for Jesus Christ in all aspects of our lives.
- Jonathan Falwell
Collection: Christian
Image of Jonathan Falwell
I believe prayer for our nation has never been more important as we witness an accelerating anti-Christian fervor in the so-called mainstream of our culture.
- Jonathan Falwell
Collection: Christian
Image of D. Todd Christofferson
We need strong Christians who can persevere against hardship, who can sustain hope through tragedy, who can lift others by their example and their compassion, and who can consistently overcome temptations. We need strong Christians who can make important things happen by their faith and who can defend the truth of Jesus Christ against moral relativism and militant atheism. What is the source of such moral and spiritual power, and how do we obtain it? The source is God. Our access to that power is through our covenants with Him.
- D. Todd Christofferson
Collection: Christian
Image of Jimmy Carter
Jerry Falwell can go straight to hell - and I mean that in a Christian way.
- Jimmy Carter
Collection: Christian
Image of Shane Claiborne
Perhaps there is no more dangerous place for a Christian to be than in safety and comfort, detached from the suffering of others.
- Shane Claiborne
Collection: Christian
Image of Shane Claiborne
I am sorry that so often the biggest obstacle to God has been Christians. Christians who have had so much to say with our mouths and so little to show with our lives. I am sorry that so often we have forgotten the Christ of our Christianity.
- Shane Claiborne
Collection: Christian
Image of Shane Claiborne
There are congregations on nearly every corner. I'm not sure we need more churches. What we need is a church. I say one church is better than fifty. I have tried to remove the plural form churches from my vocabulary, training myself to think of the church as Christ did, and as the early Christians did. The metaphors for her are always singular - a body, a bride. I heard one gospel preacher say it like this, as he really wound up and broke a sweat: "We've got to unite ourselves as one body. Because Jesus is coming back, and he's coming back for a bride not a harem.
- Shane Claiborne
Collection: Christian
Image of Chapman Cohen
The devil and God are components of a Siamese twin. Neither has any existence apart from the other. In denying the existence of the one, Christians have helped to kill the other. If there need to be no fear of hell, people may well ask what is the attraction of heaven? Gods and devils were born together. Gods and devils will die together.
- Chapman Cohen
Collection: Christian
Image of Chapman Cohen
The worst that one can say of the Christian clergyman today is that he actually believes what he teaches.
- Chapman Cohen
Collection: Christian
Image of Geoffrey Fisher
There are only two kinds of people in the modern world who know what they are after. One, quite frankly, is the Communist. The other, equally frankly, is the convinced Christian. The rest of the world are amiable nonentities.
- Geoffrey Fisher
Collection: Christian
Image of Mark Hatfield
For the Christian man to reason that God does not want him involved in politics because there are too many evil men in government is as insensitive as for a Christian doctor to turn his back on an epidemic because there are too many germs there.
- Mark Hatfield
Collection: Christian
Image of Klaas Runia
The divinity of Jesus is not a dispensable extra that has no significance for our salvation. On the contrary, our salvation depends on it. We can be saved only by God Himself.
- Klaas Runia
Collection: Christian
Image of Kwame Anthony Appiah
There are many agreements across the so-called "world religions," at a certain level of abstraction. But when it comes to applying them in concrete situations they may lead to incompatible decisions. As an example, some people think that Christian ideas of sexual modesty suggest that homosexuals should be locked up, some people think that they mean that the churches should recongize gay marriages. But everyone believes in sexual modesty. I think there are universal moral truths, whether or not everyone accepts them. Here's one very low level but important one: it's very bad to torture people.
- Kwame Anthony Appiah
Collection: Christian
Image of Loraine Boettner
Nothing is more clear than that Christ cannot be explained by any humanistic system. He does not fit into any theory of natural evolution, for in that case the perfect flower of humanity should have appeared at the end of human history and not in the middle of it.
- Loraine Boettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Paul Copan
The scriptures are basically a narrative of God's interaction with human kind. If we lose this notion of God's desire for relationship with human beings, we're in danger of losing the heart of the Christian faith. Doctrines, of course, will flow from that, but when the scriptures call us to Believe, we're being called to put our trust in Someone, not just agree with a bunch of doctrine. Demons could do that. We are to commit ourselves to Christ.
- Paul Copan
Collection: Christian
Image of Paul Copan
Today religion is increasingly pushed aside by secularizing influences such as the university, the media, and politics. Rather than having a major voice in public life, religion has been relegated to the private and the personal.
- Paul Copan
Collection: Christian
Image of Paul Copan
At any rate, if evolution turns out to be true, then the Christian should embrace it as one dedicated to following the truth wherever it leads. This might mean reworking his interpretation of Genesis on the subject-much like Christians have had to rework their interpretation of biblical passages referring to the sun rising and setting, the earth not moving, or the earth resting on foundations.
- Paul Copan
Collection: Christian
Image of John Flavel
Did Christ finish His work for us? Then there can be no doubt but He will also finish His work in us.
- John Flavel
Collection: Christian
Image of John Flavel
They that know God will be humble. They that know themselves cannot be proud.
- John Flavel
Collection: Christian
Image of John Flavel
The law sends us to Christ to be justified, and Christ sends us to the law to be regulated.
- John Flavel
Collection: Christian
Image of John Flavel
Suppose that by revenge you might destroy one enemy; yet, by exercising the Christian's temper you might conquer three‌–‌your own lust, Satan's temptation, and your enemy's heart.
- John Flavel
Collection: Christian
Image of John Flavel
Sometimes God makes use of instruments for good to His people, who designed nothing but evil and mischief to them. Thus Joseph's brethren were instrumental to his advancement in that very thing in which they designed his ruin (Gen. 50:20).
- John Flavel
Collection: Christian
Image of John Flavel
To see a man humble under prosperity is one of the greatest rarities in the world.
- John Flavel
Collection: Christian
Image of John Flavel
Whatsoever we have over-loved, idolized, and leaned upon, God has from time to time broken it, and made us to see the vanity of it; so that we find the readiest course to be rid of our comforts is to set our hearts inordinately upon them.
- John Flavel
Collection: Christian
Image of Danny Masterson
Although I respect the Judeo-Christian ethic, as well as the Eastern philosophies, and of course the teachings of Muhammad, I find that organized religion has corrupted those beliefs to justify countless atrocities throughout the ages. Were I to go to church, I'd be a hypocrite.
- Danny Masterson
Collection: Christian
Image of John Powell
The genius of Christian spirituality is to integrate [the] spirit of possession with the spirit of dispossession. The spirit of dispossession implies that all the good and delightful things of this world are never allowed to own, possess, or shackle me. Dispossession implies that I am always free, my own person, liberated from the tyranny that possession can easily exercise over us.
- John Powell
Collection: Christian
Image of Cyril of Jerusalem
In the person of Christ a man has not become God; God has become man.
- Cyril of Jerusalem
Collection: Christian
Image of William Stringfellow
The practice of the Christian life consists of the discernment of (the seeing and hearing), and the reliance upon (the reckless and uncalculating dependence), and the celebration (the ready and spontaneous enjoyment) of the presence of the Word of God in the common life of the world.
- William Stringfellow
Collection: Christian
Image of William Stringfellow
The characteristic place to find Christians is among their enemies. The first place to look for Christ is in Hell.
- William Stringfellow
Collection: Christian
Image of Martin Buber
Since the primary motive of the evil is disguise, one of the places evil people are most likely to be found is within the church. What better way to conceal one's evil from oneself, as well as from others, than to be a deacon or some other highly visible form of Christian within our culture? ... I do not mean to imply that the evil are anything other than a small minority among the religious or that the religious motives of most people are in any way spurious. I mean only that evil people tend to gravitate toward piety for the disguise and concealment it can offer them.
- Martin Buber
Collection: Christian