Top christian Quotes Collection - Page 21

Discover a curated collection of christian quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 21 provides more christian quotes.

Image of George H. Smith
The belief in eternal torment, still subscribed to by fundamentalist Christian denominations, undoubtedly ranks as the most vicious and reprehensible doctrine of classical Christianity. It has resulted in an incalculable amount of psychological torture, especially among children where it is employed as a terror tactic to prompt obedience.
- George H. Smith
Collection: Christian
Image of George H. Smith
The third major characteristic of God - "infinitude" - is the catchall, the universal modifier of Christian theology. God is not merely a being; he is infinite being. God is not merely good; he is infinite goodness. God is not merely wise; he is infinite wisdom. And so on down the list. God is exaggeration run amuck.
- George H. Smith
Collection: Christian
Image of George H. Smith
The leap of faith is a strategic impasse that confronts every Christian in search of converts; and, as he sees the matter, there is no wrong way to become a Christian. It is the end that is importnat, not the means; it does not matter why you believe, so long as you believe. For the philosopher, in contrast, the paramount issue is the justification of belief, not the fact of belief itself.
- George H. Smith
Collection: Christian
Image of George H. Smith
As for Christianity's alleged concern with truth, Christian faith is to free inquiry what the Mafia is to free enterprise. Christianity may be represented as a competitor in the realm of ideas to be considered on the basis of its merits, but this is mere disguise. Like the Mafia, if Christianity fails to defeat its competition by legitimate means (which is a forgone conclusion), it resorts to strong-arm tactics. Have faith or be damned - this biblical doctrine alone is enough to exclude Christianity from the domain of reason.
- George H. Smith
Collection: Christian
Image of Roger L'Estrange
If we should cease to be generous and charitable because another is sordid and ungrateful, it would be much in the power of vice to extinguish Christian virtues.
- Roger L'Estrange
Collection: Christian
Image of Candace Cameron
Because my faith is important to me and then they wrote it in that my character I would be playing would also be a Christian, many people would often assume now that I'm playing myself on television. And I'm not.
- Candace Cameron
Collection: Christian
Image of John Gibson Paton
Nothing so clears the vision and lifts up the life, as a decision to move forward in what you know to be entirely the will of the Lord.
- John Gibson Paton
Collection: Christian
Image of John Gibson Paton
Among many who sought to deter me, was one dear old Christian gentleman, whose crowning argument always was, "The cannibals! you will be eaten by cannibals!" At last I replied, "Mr. Dickson, you are advanced in years now, and your own prospect is soon to be laid in the grave, there to be eaten by worms; I confess to you, that if I can but live and die serving and honouring the Lord Jesus, it will make no difference to me whether I am eaten by cannibals or by worms."
- John Gibson Paton
Collection: Christian
Image of Bob Marshall
The number of children who are born subsequent to a first abortion who have handicaps has increased dramatically. Why? Because when you abort the firstborn of any, nature takes its vengeance on the subsequent children. In the Old Testament, the firstborn of every being, animal and man, was dedicated to the Lord. There’s a special punishment Christians would suggest.
- Bob Marshall
Collection: Christian
Image of Bob Marshall
In the Old Testament, the first born of every being, animal and man, was dedicated to the Lord. There’s a special punishment Christians would suggest.
- Bob Marshall
Collection: Christian
Image of Gary North
Everyone talks about religious liberty, but no one believes it. So let us be blunt about it: we must use the doctrine of religious liberty to gain independence for Christian schools until we train up a generation of people who know that there is no religious neutrality, no neutral law, no neutral education, and no neutral civil government. Then they will get busy in constructing a Bible-based social, political, and religious order which finally denies the religious liberty of the enemies of God.
- Gary North
Collection: Christian
Image of Gary North
The long-term goal of Christians in politics should be to gain exclusive control over the franchise. Those who refuse to submit publicly to the eternal sanctions of God by submitting to His Church's public marks of the covenant-baptism and holy communion-must be denied citizenship.
- Gary North
Collection: Christian
Image of Gary North
The basis for building a Christian society is evangelism and missions that lead to a widespread Christian revival, so that the great mass of earth's inhabitants will place themselves under Christ's protection, and then voluntarily use his covenantal laws for self-government. Christian reconstruction begins with personal conversion to Christ and self-government under God's law; then it spreads to others through revival; and only later does it bring comprehensive changes in civil law, when the vast majority of voters voluntarily agree to live under biblical blueprints.
- Gary North
Collection: Christian
Image of Gary North
The stranger in ancient Israel did not serve as a judge, although he received all the benefits of living in the land. The political question is this: By what biblical standard is the pagan to be granted the right to bring political sanctions against God's people? We recognize that unbelievers are not to vote in Church elections. Why should they be allowed to vote in civil elections in a covenanted Christian nation? Which judicial standards will they impose? By what other standard than the Bible?
- Gary North
Collection: Christian
Image of Gary North
Nevertheless, this one fact should be apparent: turning the other cheek is a bribe. It is a valid form of action for only so long as the Christian is impotent politically or militarily.
- Gary North
Collection: Christian
Image of Wes Jackson
It is doubtful that the dissection of living animals and plants could be done by those who believe them to be holy. A pantheist would not view trees as so many board feet in the manner a Christian would. A pantheist would be less likely to measure the number of acre feet coming over a waterfall than his Christian descendent, centuries later who had become a scientist. That which is sacred would be handled with a certain reverence.
- Wes Jackson
Collection: Christian
Image of Wes Jackson
The Christian message, like an ecosystem, is about process. In an ecological sense, the cross symbolizes a willingness to die so that the continuation of life might be served. Now we must extend our love to the unborn if we are to serve eternal life.
- Wes Jackson
Collection: Christian
Image of Jill Briscoe
Be encouraged to be an encourager. It's a spiritual art that everyone can learn. And mostly you learn by practicing it.
- Jill Briscoe
Collection: Christian
Image of Jill Briscoe
I believe God, through His Spirit, grants us love, joy, and peace no matter what is happening in our lives. As Christians, we shouldn't expect our joy to always feel like happiness, but instead recognize joy as inner security -- a safeness in our life with Christ.
- Jill Briscoe
Collection: Christian
Image of Jack W. Hayford
Breakthrough happened around me when breakup happened within me.
- Jack W. Hayford
Collection: Christian
Image of Bill Hybels
The heart and soul of the Christian life is learning to hear God's voice and then developing the courage to do what he asks us to do.
- Bill Hybels
Collection: Christian
Image of George Arthur Buttrick
For a man to argue, 'I don't go to church; I pray alone,' is no wiser than if he should say, 'I have no use for symphonies; I believe only in solo music.'
- George Arthur Buttrick
Collection: Christian
Image of John Bertram Phillips
Christianity is not a religion at all but a way of life, a falling in love with God, and through him a falling in love with our fellows.
- John Bertram Phillips
Collection: Christian
Image of John Bertram Phillips
What changed these very ordinary men (who were such cowards that they did not dare stand too near the cross in case they got involved) into heroes who would stop at nothing? A swindle? Hallucination? Spooky nonsense in a darkened room? Or Somebody quietly doing what He said He'd do - walk right through death? What do you think?
- John Bertram Phillips
Collection: Christian
Image of Michael Ruse
Evolution is promoted by its practitioners as more than mere science. Evolution is promulgated as an ideology, a secular religion - a full-fledged alternative to Christianity, with meaning and morality. I am an ardent evolutionist and an ex-Christian, but I must admit that in this one complaint - ...and Mr. Gish is but one of many to make it - the literalists are absolutely right. Evolution is a religion. This was true of evolution in the beginning, and it is true of evolution today.
- Michael Ruse
Collection: Christian
Image of Saint John Chrysostom
There is nothing colder than a Christian who does not seek to save others.
- Saint John Chrysostom
Collection: Christian
Image of Saint John Chrysostom
No matter how just your words may be, when you speak with anger, you ruin all: no matter how boldly you speak, how fairly reprove, or what not.
- Saint John Chrysostom
Collection: Christian
Image of Louis Evely
The best proof that Christ has risen is that he is still alive. And for the immense majority of our contemporaries, the only way of seeing him alive is for us Christians to love one another.
- Louis Evely
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Innocent III
The Jews' guilt of the crucifixion of Jesus consigned them to perpetual servitude, and, like Cain, they are to be wanderers and fugitives. The Jews will not dare to raise their necks, bowed under the yoke of perpetual slavery, against the reverence of the Christian faith.
- Pope Innocent III
Collection: Christian
Image of Selwyn Hughes
I have watched hundreds of Christians in my time become financially blessed then develop an acquisitive streak that in turn makes their souls as metallic as the coins they seek.
- Selwyn Hughes
Collection: Christian
Image of John Cotton
Toleration made the world anti-Christian.
- John Cotton
Collection: Christian
Image of J. D. Greear
In a post-Christian, skeptical age, love on display is the most convincing apologetic.
- J. D. Greear
Collection: Christian
Image of John F. MacArthur
For the faithful, Spirit-filled Christian, every place becomes a place of prayer.
- John F. MacArthur
Collection: Christian
Image of John F. MacArthur
Christians actually need to be confronted by their real need-an understanding of God's holiness and their own sinfulness-so they can be usable to Him for His Glory. When we have a right relationship to God, every aspect of our lives will settle into its divinely ordained place. ... We are still to need other needs but it begins with a high view of God.
- John F. MacArthur
Collection: Christian
Image of Benny Hinn
When you say, 'I am a Christian,' you are saying, 'I am mashiach,' in the Hebrew. I am a little messiah walking on earth, in other words. That is a shocking revelation. ...May I say it like this? You are a little god on earth running around
- Benny Hinn
Collection: Christian
Image of Benny Hinn
Poverty comes from Hell. Prosperity comes from Heaven. Adam had complete dominion over the earth and all it contains. A. Adam could fly like a bird. B. Adam could swim underwater and breathe like a fish. Adam went to the moon. Adam walked on water. Adam was a super being; He was the first superman that lived. Adam had dominion over the sun, moon & stars. Christians do not have Christ in their hearts. Sow a big seed, when you confess it, you are activating the supernatural forces of God.
- Benny Hinn
Collection: Christian
Image of Emil Brunner
The Revelation of God is not a book or a doctrine, but a living Person.
- Emil Brunner
Collection: Christian
Image of James Stewart
The true Christian reaction to suffering and sorrow is not the attitude of self-pity, fatalism or resentment; it is the spirit which takes life's difficulties as a God given opportunity, and regards its troubles as a sacred trust, and wears the thorns as a crown.
- James Stewart
Collection: Christian
Image of William Whately
Especially look to those sins to which your crosses have some reference and respect. Are you crossed in your goods? Think if you did not over-love them and get them unjustly, or if in your children, see if you did not over-love them and cocker them, and so in all things of like kind. In what God smites vou, see if you have not in that sinned against Him, and so frame to lament your sins and to seek help against them.
- William Whately
Collection: Christian
Image of Lucretia Mott
It is time that Christians were judged more by their likeness to Christ than their notions of Christ. Were this sentiment generally admitted we should not see such tenacious adherence to what men deem the opinions and doctrines of Christ while at the same time in every day practise is exhibited anything but a likeness to Christ.
- Lucretia Mott
Collection: Christian
Image of James H. Cone
Any theology that is indifferent to the theme of liberation is not Christian theology.
- James H. Cone
Collection: Christian
Image of James H. Cone
To be Christian is to be one of those whom God has chosen. God has chosen black people!
- James H. Cone
Collection: Christian
Image of John Nelson Darby
God's ways are behind the scenes, but He moves all the scenes which He is behind.
- John Nelson Darby
Collection: Christian
Image of John Nelson Darby
Be assured that God does more in us than we for Him; and that what we do is only for Him in proportion as it is He Himself who works it in us.
- John Nelson Darby
Collection: Christian
Image of John Nelson Darby
The great guardian principle of all conduct in the church of God is personal responsibility to the Lord.
- John Nelson Darby
Collection: Christian
Image of John Baillie
Give me a stout heart to bear my own burdens. Give me a willing heart to bear the burdens of others. Give me a believing heart to cast all burdens upon Thee, O Lord.
- John Baillie
Collection: Christian
Image of John Baillie
Have I today done anything to fulfill the purpose for which Thou didst cause me to be born?
- John Baillie
Collection: Christian
Image of John Baillie
The evidence for Christian truth is not exhaustive, but it is sufficient. Too often, Christianity has not been tried and found wanting - it has been found demanding, and not tried.
- John Baillie
Collection: Christian