Top christian Quotes Collection - Page 19

Discover a curated collection of christian quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 19 provides more christian quotes.

Image of Stephen L. Carter
We do not credit to the ideal of religious freedom when we talk as though religious belief is something of which public-spirited adults should be ashamed.
- Stephen L. Carter
Collection: Christian
Image of Stephen L. Carter
In contemporary American culture, the religions are more and more treated as just passing beliefs - almost as fads - rather than as the fundaments upon which the devout build their lives.
- Stephen L. Carter
Collection: Christian
Image of Sheila Walsh
The world is not looking for Stepford-type Christians. People are tired of pretense. We struggle with failures; we long for intimacy. So why are we feigning perfection before God and one another.
- Sheila Walsh
Collection: Christian
Image of William Daniel Phillips
Being an ordinary scientist and an ordinary Christian seems perfectly natural to me. It is also perfectly natural for the many scientists I know who are also people of deep religious faith.
- William Daniel Phillips
Collection: Christian
Image of John Calvin
Faith is like an empty, open hand stretched out towards God, with nothing to offer and everything to recieve
- John Calvin
Collection: Christian
Image of Colin S. Smith
God’s Word is the living seed that brings new birth. It is the milk that nurtures the new life of a young Christian and the meat that builds the muscle of a mature believer.
- Colin S. Smith
Collection: Christian
Image of Keith Miller
A Christian marriage is [not] one with no problems or even a marriage with fewer problems. (It may well mean more problems.) But it does mean a life in which two people are able to accept each other and love each other in the midst of problems and fears. It means a marriage in which selfish people can accept selfish people without constantly trying to change them -- and even accept themselves, because they realize personally that they have been accepted by Christ.
- Keith Miller
Collection: Christian
Image of Keith Miller
I am discovering that in trying to find God's will and the shape of the Christian life I have begun an adventure so great that its total completion will always be ahead.
- Keith Miller
Collection: Christian
Image of Dwight Howard
My purpose in life, my goal for the NBA is to preach God's word - not just try to beat everybody over the head with a Bible but just being a good example and always conducting myself in a Christian-like manner.
- Dwight Howard
Collection: Christian
Image of Dwight Howard
Everybody needs to realize that it doesn't matter how old you are or how young you are, you still can be a Christian and live for God. It's not easy but that's why we have God's word and He forgives us when we do something we shouldn't be doing. You know, God sent His son to die for us and He paid that sacrifice so you can go to Heaven.
- Dwight Howard
Collection: Christian
Image of Derek Prince
Endeavoring to live the Christian life by your own efforts is the greatest single hindrance to walking in the Spirit.
- Derek Prince
Collection: Christian
Image of Derek Prince
This is not a matter of subjective theory, but of plain, historical fact. If there had never been a nation of Israel, there would have been no patriarchs, no prophets, no apostles, no Bible and no Saviour. In John 4:22, Jesus Himself summed all this up in one simple statement: "Salvation is from the Jews." Christians from all other racial backgrounds owe to the Jewish people a spiritual debt which can never be calculated.
- Derek Prince
Collection: Christian
Image of Earl Doherty
A heavenly location for the actions of the savior gods, including the death of Christ, would also have been influenced by most religions' ultimate derivation from astrotheology, as in the worship of the sun and moon. For this dimension of more remote Christian roots, see the books of Acharya S, especially 'Suns of God.
- Earl Doherty
Collection: Christian
Image of Jeremy Enigk
My music is music that Christians and Catholics can listen to. Muslims. Buddhists. And non-religious people as well. It's just music. You can look at the music in several different ways. It's music for everybody.
- Jeremy Enigk
Collection: Christian
Image of Corra May Harris
The deadly monotony of Christian country life where there are no beggars to feed, no drunkards to credit, which are among the moral duties of Christians in cities, leads as naturally to the outvent of what Methodists call "revivals" as did the backslidings of the people in those days.
- Corra May Harris
Collection: Christian
Image of Silouan the Athonite
In order to abide in the love of God it is essential for anger and 'hate' to attain their maximum intensity but be directed against the sin that lives in me, against the evil active in me - in me, not in my brother.
- Silouan the Athonite
Collection: Christian
Image of Howard W. Hunter
The world in which we live would benefit greatly if men and women everywhere would exercise the pure love of Christ, which is kind, meek, and lowly. It is without envy or pride. It is selfless because it seeks nothing in return. It does not countenance evil or ill will, nor rejoice in iniquity; it has no place for bigotry, hatred, or violence. It refuses to condone ridicule, vulgarity, abuse, or ostracism. It encourages diverse people to live together in Christian love regardless of religious belief, race, nationality, financial standing, education, or culture.
- Howard W. Hunter
Collection: Christian
Image of Gerald Vann
Worship is not part of the Christian life, it is the Christian life
- Gerald Vann
Collection: Christian
Image of Gene Spafford
While travelling near Tampa, Florida I passed the "Jehovah's Witness Assembly Hall" and was struck by the fact that that must be where they make them.
- Gene Spafford
Collection: Christian
Image of Sherrod Brown
I remember Reagan`s election, I was pretty devastated. But you didn`t have the fear like this that so many people of color and so many disabled people and gay people and people who aren`t Christians have. And this is just making things worse. And Trump needs to try to heal. And you don`t do things like Trump does this to heal.
- Sherrod Brown
Collection: Christian
Image of Tyler Hoechlin
I was raised religious. I was raised Christian. And there’s a lot of edgy topics and things that go on with religion, but to me the most important thing, is that the first thing is that you’re supposed to love everyone the same and not judge anyone… Technically, we’re all the same. And everybody makes mistakes. So no one is better than another person.
- Tyler Hoechlin
Collection: Christian
Image of Charles Hard Townes
At least this is the way I see it. I am a physicist. I also consider myself a Christian. As I try to understand the nature of our universe in these two modes of thinking, I see many commonalities and crossovers between science and religion. It seems logical that in the long run the two will even converge.
- Charles Hard Townes
Collection: Christian
Image of Matilda Joslyn Gage
The Christian theory of the sacredness of the Bible has been at the cost of the world's civilization.
- Matilda Joslyn Gage
Collection: Christian
Image of Charles Carroll of Carrollton
Without morals a republic cannot subsist any length of time; they therefore who are decrying the Christian religion, whose morality is so sublime and pure (and) which insures to the good eternal happiness, are undermining the solid foundation of morals, the best security for the duration of free governments.
- Charles Carroll of Carrollton
Collection: Christian
Image of Henry Edward Manning
One of the chief duties which [the Christian] will punctually and carefully fulfill is the duty of prayer. You will remember in the Book of Acts, when Saul the persecutor was converted by a special miracle, the sign given of his conversion was this: "Behold he prayeth." Prayer is the breath of the soul. Just as breathing is the sign of life, prayer is the sign of the life of the soul.
- Henry Edward Manning
Collection: Christian
Image of Richard Cecil
The Christian will find his parentheses for prayer even in the busiest hours of life.
- Richard Cecil
Collection: Christian
Image of William Arnot
The very fact of a Christian being here, and not in Heaven, is a proof that some work awaits him.
- William Arnot
Collection: Christian
Image of Samuel Logan Brengle
All great soul-winners have been men of much and mighty prayer, and all great revivals have been preceded and carried out by persevering, prevailing knee-work in the closet.
- Samuel Logan Brengle
Collection: Christian
Image of Josemaria Escriva
When you approach the tabernacle remember that he has been waiting for you for twenty centuries.
- Josemaria Escriva
Collection: Christian
Image of John Foxe
When the Christians, upon these occasions, received martyrdom, they were ornamented, and crowned with garlands of flowers; for which they, in heaven, received eternal crowns of glory.
- John Foxe
Collection: Christian
Image of John Foxe
A Protestant has seldom any mercy shown him, and a Jew, who turns Christian, is far from being secure.
- John Foxe
Collection: Christian
Image of Lettie Cowman
Do not limit the limitless God! With Him, face the future unafraid because you are never alone.
- Lettie Cowman
Collection: Christian
Image of Lettie Cowman
There is a spiritual law of choosing, believing, abiding, and holding steady in our walk with God, which is essential to the working of the Holy Spirit either in our sanctification or healing.
- Lettie Cowman
Collection: Christian
Image of Lettie Cowman
Never yield to gloomy anticipation. Place your hope and confidence in God. He has no record of failure
- Lettie Cowman
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas Case
It is no small advantage to the holy life, to "begin the day with God." The saints are wont to leave their hearts with him over-night, that they may find them with Him in the morning. "When I awake, I am still with thee," saith holy David. Before earthly things break in upon us, and we receive impressions from abroad, it is good to season the heart with thoughts of God, and to consecrate the early and virgin operations of the mind.
- Thomas Case
Collection: Christian
Image of Oscar Romero
Let us not tire of preaching love; it is the force that will overcome the world. Let us not tire of preaching love. Though we see that waves of violence succeed in drowning the fire of Christian love, love must win out; it is the only thing that can.
- Oscar Romero
Collection: Christian
Image of Oscar Romero
God is not satisfied with appearance. God wants the garment of justice. God wants his Christians dressed in love.
- Oscar Romero
Collection: Christian
Image of Franklin Graham
Christians can trust God to redeem even the greatest of tragedies and the most desperate of situations.
- Franklin Graham
Collection: Christian
Image of Franklin Graham
We're not attacking Islam but Islam has attacked us. The God of Islam is not the same God. It's a different God, and I believe it [Islam] is a very evil and wicked religion.
- Franklin Graham
Collection: Christian
Image of Franklin Graham
You have to look at what a person does with his life. Anyone can say that hes a Christian, but you look at how they live.
- Franklin Graham
Collection: Christian
Image of Franklin Graham
I believe as we work, God will always give us opportunities to tell others about his Son. ... We are there to reach out to love them and to save them, and as a Christian, I do this in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Franklin Graham
Collection: Christian
Image of Al-Maʿarri
They all err - Muslims, Christians, Jews and Magians. There are two kinds of humans - the intelligent, who have no religion, and the religious, who have no intellect.
- Al-Maʿarri
Collection: Christian
Image of Robert Crandall
The game we are playing her is closest to the old game of 'Christians and lions.'
- Robert Crandall
Collection: Christian
Image of Ted Koppel
Donald Trump is, in effect, the Recruiter-in-Chief for ISIS. ISIS wants nothing more right now than to have the world divided into Judeo-Christian on one side and the Islamic world on the other. That's exactly what Trump is doing for them. I think it's time we start with thinking about what ISIS wants and then not doing it.
- Ted Koppel
Collection: Christian
Image of Jean-Baptiste Henri Lacordaire
For Christians, the first of books is the Gospel and the Rosary is actually the abridgement of the Gospel.
- Jean-Baptiste Henri Lacordaire
Collection: Christian
Image of Guglielmo Marconi
I am proud to be a Christian. I believe not only as a Christian, but as a scientist as well. A wireless device can deliver a message through the wilderness. In prayer the human spirit can send invisible waves to eternity, waves that achieve their goal in front of God.
- Guglielmo Marconi
Collection: Christian
Image of Baron d'Holbach
The Jehovah of the Jews is a suspicious tyrant, who breathes nothing but blood, murder, and carnage, and who demands that they should nourish him with the vapours of animals. The Jupiter of the Pagans is a lascivious monster. The Moloch of the Phoenicians is a cannibal. The pure mind of the Christians resolved, in order to appease his fury, to crucify his own son. The savage god of the Mexicans cannot be satisfied without thousands of mortals which are immolated to his sanguinary appetite.
- Baron d'Holbach
Collection: Christian
Image of Bryan Fischer
Many of the tribal reservations today remain mired in poverty and alcoholism because many native [sic] Americans continue to cling to the darkness of indigenous superstition instead of coming into the light of Christianity and assimilating into Christian culture.
- Bryan Fischer
Collection: Christian