Top christian Quotes Collection - Page 18

Discover a curated collection of christian quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 18 provides more christian quotes.

Image of Paula White
Don't waste another moment crying over what went wrong! If it wasn't a blessing - it was a lesson.
- Paula White
Collection: Christian
Image of Tony Campolo
The gospel is not about... pie-in-the-sky when they die. ... It is imperative that the up and coming generation recognize that the biblical Jesus was committed to the realization of a new social order in this world.... Becoming a Christian, therefore, is a call to social action.
- Tony Campolo
Collection: Christian
Image of Tony Campolo
Because I am not yet living up to what Jesus expects me to be in those red letters in the Bible, I always define myself as somebody who is saved by God's grace and is on his way to becoming a Christian. (...) Being saved is trusting in what Christ did for us, but being Christian is dependent on the way we respond to what he did for us.
- Tony Campolo
Collection: Christian
Image of Tony Campolo
Jesus refers to the poor over and over again. There are 2,000 verses of Scripture that call upon us to respond to the needs of the poor. And yet, I find that when Christians talked about values in this last election that was not on the agenda, that was not a concern. If you were to get the voter guide of the Christian Coalition, that does not rate. They talk more about tax cuts for people who are wealthy than they do about helping poor people who are in desperate straits.
- Tony Campolo
Collection: Christian
Image of Tony Campolo
I am saying that there is no salvation apart from Jesus; that’s my evangelical mindset. However, I am not convinced that Jesus only lives in Christians
- Tony Campolo
Collection: Christian
Image of Brigit of Kildare
You are My Mother, the Mother of Mercy, and the consolation of the souls in Purgatory.
- Brigit of Kildare
Collection: Christian
Image of Bonaventure
Not only do they offend thee, O Lady, who outrage thee, but thou art also offended by those who neglect to ask thy favors ... He who neglects the service of the Blessed Virgin will die in his sins ... He who does not invoke thee, O Lady, will never get to Heaven ... Not only will those from whom Mary turns her countenance not be saved, but there will be no hope of their salvation ... No one can be saved without the protection of Mary.
- Bonaventure
Collection: Christian
Image of Ernest K. Gann
He knew that we gave constant lip service to the dictates of safety and howled like Christians condemned to the arena if any compromise were made of it. He knew we were seekers after ease, suspicious, egotistic, and stubborn to a fault. He also knew that none of us would have continued our careers unless we had always been, and still were, helpless before this opportunity to take a chance.
- Ernest K. Gann
Collection: Christian
Image of H. A. L. Fisher
It is a terrible commentary on Christian civilization that the longest period of slave-raiding known to history was initiated by the action of Spain, Portugal, France, Holland and Britain, after the Christian faith had for more than a thousand years been the established religion of Europe.
- H. A. L. Fisher
Collection: Christian
Image of R. A. Torrey
The chief purpose of prayer is that God may be glorified in the answer.
- R. A. Torrey
Collection: Christian
Image of R. A. Torrey
We are too busy to pray, and so we are too busy to have power. We have a great deal of activity, but we accomplish little; many services but few conversions; much machinery but few results.
- R. A. Torrey
Collection: Christian
Image of R. A. Torrey
I would rather win souls than be the greatest king or emperor on earth; I would rather win souls than be the greatest general that ever commanded an army; I would rather win souls than be the greatest poet, or novelist, or literary man who ever walked the earth. My one ambition in life is to win as many as possible.
- R. A. Torrey
Collection: Christian
Image of R. A. Torrey
One of the commonest causes of failure in Christian life is found in the attempt to follow some good man whom we greatly admire. No man and no woman, no matter how good, can be safely followed. If we follow any man or woman, we are bound to go astray. There has been but one absolutely perfect Man on this earth-the Man Christ Jesus. If we try to follow any other man we are surer to imitate his faults than his excellencies. Look to Jesus and Jesus only as your Guide.
- R. A. Torrey
Collection: Christian
Image of R. A. Torrey
Pray for great things, expect great things, work for great things, but above all pray.
- R. A. Torrey
Collection: Christian
Image of R. A. Torrey
God has not changed; and His ear is just as quick to hear the voice of real prayer, and His hand is just as long and strong to save; as it ever was.
- R. A. Torrey
Collection: Christian
Image of R. A. Torrey
To win men to acceptance of Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord is the only reason Christians are left in this world.
- R. A. Torrey
Collection: Christian
Image of June Hunt
Worry is most often a prideful way of thinking you have more control over life and its circumstances than you actually do
- June Hunt
Collection: Christian
Image of Richard Halverson
Intercession is the truly universal work for the Christian. No place is closed to intercessory prayer: no continent, no nation, no city, no organization, no office. No power on earth can keep intercession out.
- Richard Halverson
Collection: Christian
Image of Richard Halverson
God has a time for everything, a perfect schedule. He is never too soon, never too late. The when of His will is as important as the what and the how.
- Richard Halverson
Collection: Christian
Image of Richard Halverson
New Testament Christians witnessed — not because they had to — but because they could not help it.
- Richard Halverson
Collection: Christian
Image of Richard Halverson
However noble their purpose, we must beware of institutionalized methods that indoctrinate and regiment and fashion every Christian into a common evangelistic mold.
- Richard Halverson
Collection: Christian
Image of Richard Halverson
Believing God's promises the Christian is taken through difficulties of every shape and size - and arrives safely.
- Richard Halverson
Collection: Christian
Image of J. Edwin Orr
Many ills of the Christian life are due to handicapped beginnings. Too many people are preaching a warped or truncated gospel, and spiritual birth defects are the inevitable result.
- J. Edwin Orr
Collection: Christian
Image of Henry F. Schaefer, III
If Jesus remained dead, how can you explain the reality of the Christian church and its phenomenal growth in the first three centuries of the Christian era? Christ's church covered the Western world by the fourth century. A religious movement built on a lie could not have accomplished that....All the power of Rome and of the religious establishment in Jerusalem was geared to stop the Christian faith. All they had to do was to dig up the grave and to present the corpse. They didn't.
- Henry F. Schaefer, III
Collection: Christian
Image of Albert C. Barnes
In our manner of speech, our plans of living, our dealings with others, our conduct and walk in the church and out of it-all should be done as becomes the gospel (Phil. 1:27).
- Albert C. Barnes
Collection: Christian
Image of William Rainey Harper
Why didn't someone tell me that I can become a Christian and settle the doubts afterward?
- William Rainey Harper
Collection: Christian
Image of Anthony the Great
The fruits of the earth are not brought to perfection immediately, but by time, rain and care; similarly, the fruits of men ripen through ascetic practice, study, time, perseverance, self-control and patience.
- Anthony the Great
Collection: Christian
Image of Anthony the Great
Whoever you may be, always have God before your eyes; whatever you do, do it according to the testimony of the holy Scriptures; in whatever place you live, do not easily leave it. Keep these three precepts and you will be saved.
- Anthony the Great
Collection: Christian
Image of Anthony the Great
Our life and our death is with our neighbor. If we gain our brother, we have gained God, but if we scandalize our brother, we have sinned against Christ.
- Anthony the Great
Collection: Christian
Image of Anthony the Great
Regard as free not those whose status makes them outwardly free, but those who are free in their character and conduct. For we should not call men truly free when they are wicked and dissolute, since they are slaves to worldly passions. Freedom and happiness of soul consist in genuine purity and detachment from transitory things.
- Anthony the Great
Collection: Christian
Image of Anthony the Great
When Abba Anthony thought about the depths of the judgments of God, he asked, 'Lord, how is it that some die when they are young, while others drag on to extreme old age? Why are there those who are poor and those who are rich? Why do wicked men prosper and why are the just in need?' He heard a voice answering him, 'Antony, keep your attention on yourself; these things are according to the judgment of God, and it is not to your advantage to know anything about them.'
- Anthony the Great
Collection: Christian
Image of Anthony the Great
This is the great work of a man: always to take the blame for his own sins before God, and toexpect temptation to his last breath.
- Anthony the Great
Collection: Christian
Image of Anthony the Great
Intelligent men have no need to listen to much talk, but should attend only to that which is profitable and guided by God's will.
- Anthony the Great
Collection: Christian
Image of Anthony the Great
God's Providence controls the universe. It is present everywhere. Providence is the sovereign Logos of God, imprinting form on the unformed materiality of the world, making and fashioning all things. Matter could not have acquired an articulated structure were it not for the directing power of the Logos Who is the Image, Intellect, Wisdom, and Providence of God.
- Anthony the Great
Collection: Christian
Image of Kirk Cameron
The true Christian loves his Savior with his whole heart and wants nothing to do with the sin that nailed his Redeemer to the cross.
- Kirk Cameron
Collection: Christian
Image of Asahel Nettleton
Only Christ could build a bridge to God with only two pieces of wood. The Christian life is a life of paradoxes. We must give to receive, realize we are blind to see, become simple to be wise, suffer for gain, and die to live. If I might be the means of saving one soul I should prefer it to all the riches and honor in the world
- Asahel Nettleton
Collection: Christian
Image of George W Truett
There is no failure in God's will, and no success outside of God's will.
- George W Truett
Collection: Christian
Image of William Mountford
To understand at all what life means, one must begin with Christian belief. And I think knowledge may be sorrow with a man unless he loves.
- William Mountford
Collection: Christian
Image of James K. Baxter
The crisis of the church is not at its deepest level a crisis of authority, or a crisis of dogmatic theology. It is a crisis of powerlessness in which our sole recourse is to call on the help and inward power of the Holy Spirit.
- James K. Baxter
Collection: Christian
Image of Eboo Patel
I have learned so much more about Islam in conversation with Jews and Christians and Hindus. I feel like that is part of the beauty of life on Earth - that we discover and develop what it means to be Muslim or Christian or Jewish not in isolation from others, but precisely in relationship with others.
- Eboo Patel
Collection: Christian
Image of Eboo Patel
To teach your child to only be a Muslim in Muslim spaces or only a Christian in Christian spaces means in a way that you're teaching them a religious identity that is relevant to only a very small part of their lives, because the vast majority of their lives in the 21st century are going to be lived in interaction with others.
- Eboo Patel
Collection: Christian
Image of Eboo Patel
Too many people think that the faith line divides Muslims and Christians or Jews and Hindus, or just to say that there is this clash of civilizations and people from different religions are inevitably against each other, inherently opposed to each other. I don't believe that for a second. I think the faith line divides totalitarians and pluralists, which is to say that totalitarians from different religious backgrounds.
- Eboo Patel
Collection: Christian
Image of John Chamberlain
Thou shalt not covet means that it is sinful even to contemplate the seizure of another man's goods - which is something which Socialists, whether Christian or otherwise, have never managed to explain away.
- John Chamberlain
Collection: Christian
Image of Joseph Parker
After reading the doctrines of Plato, Socrates or Aristotle, we feel the specific difference between their words and Christ's is the difference between an inquiry and a revelation.
- Joseph Parker
Collection: Christian
Image of Stephen L. Carter
One sees a trend in our political and legal cultures toward treating religious beliefs as arbitrary and unimportant, a trend supported by a rhetoric that implies that there is something wrong with religious devotion.
- Stephen L. Carter
Collection: Christian
Image of Stephen L. Carter
In our sensible zeal to keep religion from dominating our politics, we have created a political and legal culture that presses the religiously faithful to be other than themselves, to act publicly, and sometimes privately as well, as though their faith does not matter to them.
- Stephen L. Carter
Collection: Christian
Image of Stephen L. Carter
We often ask our citizens to split their public and private selves, telling them in effect that it is fine to be religious in private, but there is something askew when those private beliefs become the basis for public action.
- Stephen L. Carter
Collection: Christian
Image of Stephen L. Carter
There is much depressing evidence that the religious voice is required to stay out of the public square only when it is pressed in a conservative cause.
- Stephen L. Carter
Collection: Christian
Image of Stephen L. Carter
The very aspect of religions that many of their critics most fear - that the religiously devout, in the name of their faith, take positions that differ from approved state policy - is one of their strengths.
- Stephen L. Carter
Collection: Christian