Sarah Turnbull

Image of Sarah Turnbull
It is a bitter-sweet thing, knowing two cultures. Once you leave your birthplace nothing is ever the same.
- Sarah Turnbull
Collection: Sweet
Image of Sarah Turnbull
French elegance lies in the balance of romance and restraint.
- Sarah Turnbull
Collection: Lying
Image of Sarah Turnbull
Such is the nature of an expatriate life. Stripped of romance, perhaps that's what being an expat is all about: a sense of not wholly belonging. [...] The insider-outsider dichotomy gives life a degree of tension. Not of a needling, negative variety but rather a keep-on-your-toes sort of tension that can plunge or peak with sudden rushes of love or anger. Learning to recognise and interpret cultural behaviour is a vital step forward for expats anywhere, but it doesn't mean that you grow to appreciate all the differences.
- Sarah Turnbull
Collection: Mean