Michael Sam

Image of Michael Sam
There will always be haters. Small heroes can change society every day. It just takes time.
- Michael Sam
Collection: Society
Image of Michael Sam
I'm not afraid to tell the world who I am. I'm Michael Sam: I'm a college graduate. I'm African American, and I'm gay. I'm comfortable in my skin.
- Michael Sam
Image of Michael Sam
I knew from a young age that I was attracted to guys. I didn't know if it was a phase... I didn't want to say, 'Hey, I might be gay. I might be bi.' I just didn't know... I wanted to find who I was and make sure I knew what was comfortable. So I didn't tell anyone growing up.
- Michael Sam
Image of Michael Sam
To be a great NFL player, you have to know what your opponent is doing, not just opposite your position but what they're doing all over the field. All the contingencies.
- Michael Sam
Image of Michael Sam
My family was very notorious in the town that we lived in. Everyone would say, 'There goes those damn Sams.' I didn't want to paint that ill picture of me. I knew the good in my family. They didn't know our background and the adversity we had to endure. I wanted to succeed and be a beacon of hope in my family.
- Michael Sam
Image of Michael Sam
I needed football - it was just something to do, an excuse to not be at home.
- Michael Sam
Image of Michael Sam
Mizzou was my real family. I loved it. Football was a sense of home. A home I never had.
- Michael Sam
Image of Michael Sam
I'll say this: I want to become a distraction! And what I mean is by making big plays and doing good stuff on the field. Although nobody would print that, because that's not a story. Gotta keep bringing up the locker-room situation because he's gay.
- Michael Sam
Image of Michael Sam
I am an openly proud gay man.
- Michael Sam
Image of Michael Sam
I didn't even dream of going to college. College was not in my definition. If somebody told me I was going to play for the Missouri Tigers in 2009, I would laugh at them.
- Michael Sam
Image of Michael Sam
I sing because it takes, for a brief second, it takes a little from my past, and just in that moment, I'm just happy and I'm glad to be who I am. That's the reason why.
- Michael Sam
Image of Michael Sam
A straight person doesn't have to go in the media and tell them that they're straight, and I don't think a gay person should do that, neither. But that's the society we have to live in.
- Michael Sam
Image of Michael Sam
To see hundreds of people come out in the cold at the University of Missouri to block a few so-called Christians who came to protest against me shows you how love conquers hate.
- Michael Sam
Image of Michael Sam
If I want to kiss my boyfriend, I'm gonna kiss him. If they want to film it, that's their problem. Don't be mad at me for sharing a huge moment in my life with someone I love.
- Michael Sam
Image of Michael Sam
I can't think, 'Ah, that team should call me up.' The only thing I can do is stay in shape and wait. You can only control what you can control.
- Michael Sam
Image of Michael Sam
When I'm on the field, I really don't focus on fans. I just focus on my responsibility, which is the guy right across from me.
- Michael Sam
Image of Michael Sam
To anyone out there especially young people feeling like they don't fit in and will never be accepted, please know this, great things can happen when you have the courage to be yourself.
- Michael Sam
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Michael Sam
The most worthwhile things in life rarely come easy, this is a lesson I've always known. The journey continues.
- Michael Sam
Collection: Journey
Image of Michael Sam
Great things happen when you have the courage to be yourself
- Michael Sam
Collection: Being Yourself
Image of Michael Sam
I'm not afraid of who I am. I'm not afraid to tell the world who I am. I'm Michael Sam, I'm a college graduate, I'm African-American and I'm gay.
- Michael Sam
Collection: Gay
Image of Michael Sam
I wish you guys would just say, 'Michael Sam, how's the football going? How's training going?' But it is what it is. And I just wish you guys would see me as Michael Sam the football player instead of Michael Sam the gay football player.
- Michael Sam
Collection: Football
Image of Michael Sam
I just want to make sure I could tell my story the way I want to tell it. I just want to own my truth.
- Michael Sam
Collection: Stories
Image of Michael Sam
Was it a risky move? Yes, but at that moment, the reason why I came out is I thought it wasn't going to be a big deal. Maybe I was naive. Maybe I thought it was 2014, and people will understand that there's gay NFL players. There's gay athletes everywhere. But I was clearly wrong. It was a huge deal.
- Michael Sam
Collection: Moving
Image of Michael Sam
I'm Michael Sam, I'm a football player, and I'm gay.
- Michael Sam
Collection: Football
Image of Michael Sam
I just want to know if I'm truly not in the NFL, it's because of talent. Let it be because of my talents. But you've got to prove that I can't play this game. If you look at the film, clearly I can. So, I'll leave it at that.
- Michael Sam
Collection: Gay
Image of Michael Sam
I'm unemployed, and I don't believe I'm out of the NFL because I'm gay, but if it was a reason, it can hurt their livelihood, and you don't want to take that chance.
- Michael Sam
Collection: Hurt
Image of Michael Sam
The players who have reached out to me and told me about their sexual orientation, it just means a lot.
- Michael Sam
Collection: Mean
Image of Michael Sam
Thank God he wasn't the St. Louis Rams' coach. I have a lot of respect for Coach Dungy and like everyone in America, everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
- Michael Sam
Collection: America
Image of Michael Sam
But I will never say anything about who they are, what teams they are on. I'm just saying there's some famous people, and I'm not the only one.
- Michael Sam
Collection: Team
Image of Michael Sam
It has all happened so quickly, but it's exciting, I just wanna get back to playing football you know.
- Michael Sam
Collection: Football