Kong Hee

Image of Kong Hee
Real prosperity is … Having the financial abundance to obey God's will whenever He wants you to, and however he wants you to.
- Kong Hee
Collection: Real
Image of Kong Hee
If you can see it, you can have it.
- Kong Hee
Collection: Vision
Image of Kong Hee
Give until tears stream down your eyes.
- Kong Hee
Collection: Eye
Image of Kong Hee
So many people have fat bank accounts! But when God wants them to give they can’t give. When God wants them to do certain things they can’t do it – then they’re not really rich. They are not really! Because they do not have the financial abundance to obey God’s will. .
- Kong Hee
Collection: People
Image of Kong Hee
I want to become more and more like Jesus my Lord, my Saviour. And the way we do that is through discipleship. So I get myself discipled by great men like Doctor Phil Pringle, constantly speaking into my life.
- Kong Hee
Collection: Jesus
Image of Kong Hee
You know, what God uses to impress a pagan world is really the quality of life, the standard of living that we have. Because when all is said and done – now that you have become a Christian, how much better is your life as compared to those outside the four walls of the church? And I love what Dr Phil is trying to bring throughout the whole movement and to all his friends around the world, that our job is to give all our members the ‘best life now’. Yeah! Amen?
- Kong Hee
Collection: Christian
Image of Kong Hee
So as I increase in my knowledge, in my training and education, I increase in my value in my worth to society that I’m trying to penetrate.
- Kong Hee
Collection: Training