Carlo Petrini

Image of Carlo Petrini
Slow Food unites the pleasure of food with responsibility, sustainability and harmony with nature.
- Carlo Petrini
Collection: Nature
Image of Carlo Petrini
Food history is as important as a baroque church. Governments should recognize cultural heritage and protect traditional foods. A cheese is as worthy of preserving as a sixteenth-century building.
- Carlo Petrini
Collection: Food
Image of Carlo Petrini
Taste, like identity, has value only when there are differences.
- Carlo Petrini
Collection: Differences
Image of Carlo Petrini
A gastronomer who is not an environmentalis t is just stupid. Whereas an environmentalis t who is not a gastronomer is sad. It's possible to change the world even while preserving the concept of the right of pleasure.
- Carlo Petrini
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Carlo Petrini
Being Slow means that you control the rhythms of your own life. You decide how fast you have to go in any context. If today I want to go fast, I go fast. If tomorrow I want to go slow, I go slow. What we are fighting for is the right to determine our own tempos.
- Carlo Petrini
Collection: Mean
Image of Carlo Petrini
The quest for slowness, which begins as a simple rebellion against the impoverishment of taste in our lives, makes it possible to rediscover taste.
- Carlo Petrini
Collection: Food
Image of Carlo Petrini
If food was no longer obliged to make intercontinental journeys, but stayed part of a system in which it can be consumed over short distances, we would save a lot of energy and carbon dioxide emissions. And just think of what we would save in ecological terms without long-distance transportation, refrigeration, and packaging--which ends up on the garbage dump anyway--and storage, which steals time, space, and vast portions of nature and beauty.
- Carlo Petrini
Collection: Distance
Image of Carlo Petrini
I believe that he who sows utopia will reap reality.
- Carlo Petrini
Collection: Believe
Image of Carlo Petrini
Any gastronome who is not an environmentalist is stupid, and any environmentalist who is not a gastronome is sad.
- Carlo Petrini
Collection: Stupid